Did I see/hear this correctly, or earlier?
Yes. It has been phased out with this weekend being the last. Driven by the latest accident with loss of life on a return trip home from a canning weekend several years ago in/around Philadelphia. I don't think it's the right move, but there are multiple sides to this story. I hate to see this go away as my kids just had wonderful experiences canning weekends, plus it enables the everyday person to contribute and see the good our kids are doing for others.
I believe the canning process was a positive activity for the students involved. Injury/deaths are tragic in any endeavor. Maybe better training and/or common sense on part of students involved is all that was needed.
The accident happened on the turnpike as students were returning back to campus from a weekend of canning in the philly area. This type of accident could and does happen to kids returning to schools after holiday breaks, start/end of school year, etc.
The accident happened on the turnpike as students were returning back to campus from a weekend of canning in the philly area. This type of accident could and does happen to kids returning to schools after holiday breaks, start/end of school year, etc.