fc ot Overheard at my Gym, 'I had an easier time quitting cocaine then I did quit eating

Nothing on the planet more addictive to humans than processed carbohydrates (sugar). Argument can probably be made too that, for most people, the processed carbs are worse for your health than coke.
Frank Feranna says Hi
Nothing on the planet more addictive to humans than processed carbohydrates (sugar). Argument can probably be made too that, for most people, the processed carbs are worse for your health than coke.

Agree, I lost 16 pounds in month of January just by tossing everything with sugar, corn syrup or refined flour in it, which was most of my refrigerator contents. White bread is a killer, absolutely has to go. I never did drugs, but I used to smoke and ended this 30 years ago. Giving up sugar was harder! It is in so many "foods" that its hard to eliminate fully.
Nothing on the planet more addictive to humans than processed carbohydrates (sugar). Argument can probably be made too that, for most people, the processed carbs are worse for your health than coke.
There was a scientific study published maybe 5 years ago - the result of the study stated that the combination of Sugar and Fat say in a donut lights up the pleasure response centers of the brain more than heroin does. What was overheard at the OP's gym is probably a factual statement.
Pop tarts!!"

So let me get this straight, I should replace bread and sugars with cocaine?

Ok, I’ve always trusted this board, I’ll give it a shot. Hopefully the drugs don’t affect my judgement, I’ll put away my home protection crossbow just to be safe.

Someone bring over a cheesesteak and some boilo please, thanks.
I like oatmeal and grapefruit both. Neither is on the schedule. Meat, eggs, occasionally cheese...these are the staples now. It's a bitch of a way to eat. I can't get past more than three or four days on it. I get shaky and feel terrible. Supposedly there's a threshold where meat, eggs, and nuts starts to feel good but I can't get there. Used to be easy to be thin then I got old.
I’m in the study that psu and several other colleges are doing. They give me an avocado that I have to eat every day. It’s been 6 months and I only have a few days left. It’s to see if it’s really full of “good fats” or not. I can tell you I’ve put on some pounds that probably isn’t good fat. Had a few rough weeks when the avocados were pretty gnar. Had to go and pick up more, I think I went through about 60 in 2 weeks because they were mostly spoiled.
Grapefruit juice is like drinking sugar water actually.
Unless you take statins for heart disease prevention. Then it’s a ticking time bomb. I know someone who’d say he misses grapefruit juice.:(
I eat pop tarts about 4 times a week. I’ve got plenty of other shit to deal with in life to start eating oatmeal and drinking grapefruit juice and other nasty tasting stuff.

I’ll leave the Kale to you guys

Chickenman on most mornings:
I’ve been eating Keto for the past 4 months and have lost 35lbs. I can tel you first hand that carbs and sugar are the devil
I've been on a low carb diet for 3 months and have lost 21 pounds so far. The interesting thing about the diet is that I'm never hungry. The problem with this diet is that you have to accept that you aren't going to enjoy eating nearly as much. No pizza, pasta, bread, donuts, ice cream, beer, etc. The payoff is that you have more energy and feel a lot more healthy. Everyone has to answer the question for themselves: Do you enjoy eating carbs enough to likely shorten your lifespan and live a low energy sluggish existence? For me the answer is a close call! I really miss pizza, ice cream, spaghetti, etc.
Pop Tarts? Yech. I've had 2 or 3 in my life, so I must be missing the lure.

There's a big difference depending on where you get your pop tarts. Clearly the pop tarts you tried had been cut too many times. Need to go closer to the source. Plus, sometimes what somebody tells you is pop tarts... Isn't pop tarts at all.

So I'm told. :cool:
I've been on a low carb diet for 3 months and have lost 21 pounds so far. The interesting thing about the diet is that I'm never hungry. The problem with this diet is that you have to accept that you aren't going to enjoy eating nearly as much. No pizza, pasta, bread, donuts, ice cream, beer, etc. The payoff is that you have more energy and feel a lot more healthy. Everyone has to answer the question for themselves: Do you enjoy eating carbs enough to likely shorten your lifespan and live a low energy sluggish existence? For me the answer is a close call! I really miss pizza, ice cream, spaghetti, etc.

completely agree with this. Fat is naturally satiating. I had zero intention to also do intermittent fasting, but I've naturally started implementing it because i'm just never hungry. Funny thing is, I've had zero "hunger pains" and I don't get "hangry" while i'm fasting (16 hours of fasting, 8 hours of eating every day). It's interesting that you don't realize how bad carbs and sugar is for your body until you cut them out. All of this actually makes it super easy for me to stay keto. I eat eggs, pork belly, spinach salads, ribeyes, salmon.... I mean yeah I miss pasta and pizza, but I love what I eat now, and I feel FAR superior than when I was eating more than 10-15g of carbs a day.
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