FC/OT: Video of Oklahoma RB Mixon punching woman last year released....

While Mixon's actions are horrible I find reactions to this tape amusing. The media will stoke outrage over this video, along with the usual feminist suspects and utter the same hollow platitudes concerning violence against women, but then everyone will get hyped about the next female UFC match and celebrate 2 women doing much worse to each other than Mixon did here.
Not me. UFC should be banned, men and women. No better than boxing. How many will suffer brain injuries?
Jesus get off it: That post comparing a sick attack by an alpha male athlete on a harmless girl with no capability to defend herself, does not have a god damn thing to do with UFC fighting.

Get back on topic.
I would like to see a video of right outside of the restaurant before the girl and her friend walked in. Watching the video makes me think there might have been some kind of conversation that took place outside.

Not sure how Mixon can claim she was harassing him and his friends and that he wished he would've walked away like they did. Looks pretty clear that he went straight to her as soon as he came inside the place and was by himself. It appears he sought them out for some reason. He clearly made some sort of comment to the 5 nothing 100 and nothing pound guy that set her off. If her previous interview is to be believed he directed a homosexual slur at him. Lot of folks on social media saying he was about to walk away when she pushed him, I don't see that either. Looks like he was trying to start a fight with the little guy after the little guy said something to him.

That doesn't give her any right to push or slap him, nor do her actions give him the right to react with the force in which he did. If I had to guess I'd say he was trying to spit game at her, she wasn't having it and his feelings got hurt so he insulted the guy she was with.

This is also the same idiot that ripped up a parking ticket and threw it in the attendants face and then acted like he was going to run the attendant over with his car in November.
So far I've see nothing from the Big 12 commissioner offering additional penalties. Or for that matter, anything from Delany regarding Minnesota. While waiting I offer this golden classic...
So far I've see nothing from the Big 12 commissioner offering additional penalties. Or for that matter, anything from Delany regarding Minnesota. While waiting I offer this golden classic...

Nothing to see here...

With that said, please remember the culture problem at PSU. Rodney has issued apologies across the board for both Minnesota and Oklahoma. All is well.