Ever think that same definition could apply to you?Of course not.
By definition, the oblivious (or conflicted...or maybe both) can NEVER recognize their own "obliviousity" (or confliction)
Ever think that same definition could apply to you?Of course not.
By definition, the oblivious (or conflicted...or maybe both) can NEVER recognize their own "obliviousity" (or confliction)
The Fina Boys' playbook in action.........but don't tell the Oblivious Platoon - they won't "get it" anyway.Morrow, who has been granted immunity in exchange for his cooperation with prosecutors, admitted from the witness stand that his story has changed and evolved over time.
Wow. This guy should talk to McQueary. He's an expert on changing your story.
That sucksNot looking good right now. She'll get a shot at cross examination.
Who knows what the hell went on.
I agree with much of this, and thanks for a reasonable reply.
I don't like how Noonan et al grandstanded. As law enforcement officers, you should seek the truth. Those guys wanted headlines and self-aggrandizement. It was sickening.
While what has been done to PSU (and conversely, not done to TSM) is an outrage, I don't see how our disgust over the treatment of PSU should translate into support for KK. It is just a non sequitur.
The criticism of her performance in office has been pretty bi-partisan, although certainly more so from the R's as you would expect. Wolf said she should resign. I still do not understand why people are defending her.
To the other poster, I don't think she has been railroaded. I think she brought things on herself by her many missteps in office. I'm not sure how that makes me oblivious.
Given the situation she walked in to....it is amazing KK was able to accomplish as much "good" as she did.For me, it's the rank hypocrisy. The PA OAG has leaked like a sieve for decades. The MO has always been to leak stuff to the press to get the drumbeat going. For example, there's no question that someone in Fina's office was leaking GJ info to Sarah Ganim and yet there have been no consequences. Fina also orchestrated the Blingsting leak, and, again, there were no consequences. And that same Frank Fina was the guy who got the MontCo DA to go after Kane. Heck, there were even leaks from the GJ that was investigating Kane's leaks. With PA's own Machiavelli out for blood Kane was stupid to sink to Fina's level, but let's not pretend for a moment that she's any worse than the guys who have been running that office for decades.
Honestly, at this point Kane should just send Fina's hard drive to Wikileaks and be done with it.
Morrow, who has been granted immunity in exchange for his cooperation with prosecutors, admitted from the witness stand that his story has changed and evolved over time.
Wow. This guy should talk to McQueary. He's an expert on changing your story.
For me, it's the rank hypocrisy. The PA OAG has leaked like a sieve for decades. The MO has always been to leak stuff to the press to get the drumbeat going. For example, there's no question that someone in Fina's office was leaking GJ info to Sarah Ganim and yet there have been no consequences. Fina also orchestrated the Blingsting leak, and, again, there were no consequences. And that same Frank Fina was the guy who got the MontCo DA to go after Kane. Heck, there were even leaks from the GJ that was investigating Kane's leaks. With PA's own Machiavelli out for blood Kane was stupid to sink to Fina's level, but let's not pretend for a moment that she's any worse than the guys who have been running that office for decades.
Honestly, at this point Kane should just send Fina's hard drive to Wikileaks and be done with it.
I have to agree.
After reading what went on yesterday, it's an effing soap opera. Jeezus H. Christmas, who ARE these people? They're playing games in parking garages and at the Bellvue and meanwhile you've got Tim, Gary & Graham under indictment for effing YEARS. They've had their passports revoked, they've had the AG's office try to dig up dirt by banging on relatives doors, their lives are in limbo, they've been destroyed in the press without ever having yet set foot in a courtroom and experience due process like these people.
Mike's life has been destroyed. Joe's reputation smeared, along with the Lettermen's legacy harmed. A university brand tarnished. The local community affected. Other coaches are under the media spotlight with rumor and innuendo. It invited the NCAA in to do damage and spawned yet more lawsuits and court costs. It gave rise to Louis Freeh and his double dipping behind PSU's back. It's completely ignored the Second Mile and CYS. It's encouraged the victim advocate industrial complex to support a false narrative and not dig into the real issues. It's soured many average folks (like me) from ever wanting to ever volunteer with youth again. It's pissed off an Alumni base and made them hold onto their wallets, further strangling the university.
And for what? How much have their petty games cost us average citizens, Penn State and our commonwealth? Half a billion?
A singular lie in Fina's presentment has had so many more repercussions across the landscape than just a botched political assassination.
I have to ask - are we better off 4 years later as a result of Frank Fina and Tom Corbett's actions in November 2011?
Lawyer and politicians got us into this mess, they're making money off this mess, and they're supposed to get us out of this mess?
It would have been more accurate if she'd written:Now, Morrow has immunity in the case. And he says that after several tries, he’s finally being truthful.
that was from Anna Orso's latest article. the irony is . . . ironic . . .
It would have been more accurate if she'd written:
Now, Morrow has immunity in the case. And he says that after several tries, he’s finally saying what the prosecution wants him to say.
Now, Morrow has immunity in the case. And he says that after several tries, he’s finally being truthful.
that was from Anna Orso's latest article. the irony is . . . ironic . . .
Al Capone thought that he had the same as well at one time. We all know how that worked out.Morrow sings," I can see clearly now...." I have immunity. How many times are the Corbett Cadets going to get away with this shit?
I have to agree.
After reading what went on yesterday, it's an effing soap opera. Jeezus H. Christmas, who ARE these people? They're playing cloak & dagger spy games in Philadelphia parking garages and at the Bellevue and meanwhile you've got Tim, Gary & Graham under indictment for effing YEARS. They've had their passports revoked, they've had the AG's office try to dig up dirt by banging on relatives doors, their lives are in limbo, they've been destroyed in the press without ever having yet set foot in a courtroom and experience due process like these people.
Mike's life has been destroyed. Joe's reputation smeared, along with the Lettermen's legacy harmed. A university brand tarnished. The local State College community affected. Other coaches are under the media spotlight with rumor and innuendo. It invited the NCAA in to do damage and spawned yet more lawsuits and court costs. It gave rise to Louis Freeh and his double dipping behind PSU's back. It's completely ignored the Second Mile and CYS. It's encouraged the victim advocate industrial complex to support a false narrative and not dig into the real issues. It's soured many average folks (like me) from ever wanting to ever volunteer with youth again. It's pissed off an Alumni base and made them hold onto their wallets, further strangling the university.
And for what? How much have their petty games cost us average citizens, Penn State and our commonwealth? Half a billion?
A singular lie in Fina's presentment has had so many more repercussions across the landscape than just a botched political assassination.
I have to ask - are we better off 4 years later as a result of Frank Fina and Tom Corbett's actions in November 2011?
Lawyers and politicians got us into this mess, they're making money off this mess, and they're supposed to get us out of this mess?
None of this will ever change until the voters get fed up enough to change it by sweeping out the current political establishment- all of it.
I'd predict that happens on the 12th of Never.
I'll play.
< zips up flame suit >
I can only compare it to the corruptly manufactured case against the PSU 3. I see the same stuff swirling around in the background that Fina and gang did to Tim, Graham, Gary and by extent, Joe - and even further - the damage done to the larger Penn State community.
A strange "trial" indeed.I've always enjoyed Larry Platt's writings:
And Day 5 from Keisling:
I'm not sure I'd testify in a Pennsylvania court either- I'd try to get it into a US court as quickly as possible.A strange "trial" indeed.
W - I'm sure you have as much insight/understanding wrt this case as anyone......interested in hearing your thoughts.
From the peanut gallery, it appears that KK simply dug in with the "F these guys, they ain't got dick" defense.
Quite frankly, that's probably the way I would feel if I were her.........but I'm not sure if that is the best way to handle a criminal defense![]()
Not sure of all the legalities and hoops that would need to be "jumped through"......but you certainly bring up a valid concern.I'm not sure I'd testify in a Pennsylvania court either- I'd try to get it into a US court as quickly as possible.
She poked the bear that is the PA GOP machine. The next person that attempts to take them on better be prepared from day 1. She should have publicly invited the Feds in on her first day in office.
Blow the whole sh!thouse that is PA government up.
It's a messed up case where one of the charges against the accused is perjury and the prosecution tries to prove that charge by using someone who committed perjury themselves. Even worse, that witness was given a pass for lying as long as they testified as directed by the prosecution. Surely that person would lie again would they?? What would be in it for them except weaseling out of being throw in jail for their own perjury??![]()
It's a messed up case where one of the charges against the accused is perjury and the prosecution tries to prove that charge by using someone who committed perjury themselves.
it scares me that a democratically elected official, especially the state's top law enforcer (who has been doing so much good work in cleaning up the drug trade and CSA offenders), could be put on trial and removed from office over something like this.
Even the most devout Kane haters should condemn this subversion of the will of the people.
The level of corruption is honestly frightening. Down to the Judge not allowing the defense to introduce the targeted prosecution or Sandusky angle. Like a show trial from the Soviet Union in the 1950s.
which baffles be why some people are so virulently anti-Kane
really, the criticism boils down to: "she wasn't as good at corruption as the people already there"