And that PS managed the crisis well in terms of salvaging it’s reputation.
And that PS managed the crisis well in terms of salvaging it’s reputation.
And that PS managed the crisis well in terms of salvaging it’s reputation.
Steve Friess, the author of the article (who, FWIW, I think is often a quality writer) is a very liberal leaning individual writing - in this case - for a left leaning publication.
(Giving the article a critical read, I think one can see why that is an important consideration).
And writing his article as if he had done nearly 0 research on even the most rudimentary facts vav the Penn State comparative (granted, the article was about MSU...... but if you are going to go out of your way to bring in the comparative, at least do it intelligently)
He is also, I believe, now domiciled in Michigan.
On this story, Friess’s contentions are Nucking Futs.
As I mentioned elsewhere:
“Steve Friess, the author of this piece, is (IMO) “Nucking Futs”.
While MSU (and a couple of their trustees in particular) have made some head-scratching FUBARs:
On whole, MSU has handled their situation (for which they are much more culpable as an institution) 1,000,000,000% better than the PSU “leadership”.
Even as just an “interested observer”, that was clear to me from the start. And one could outline numerous ways in which MSU’s actions were not only more effective - but certainly more righteous and ethical.
All IMO of course (but I could go through the laundry list, if anyone was interested)”
This one? think a lot of his work was for Time (could be wrong about that though... I’m really not a mass-media magazine reader) .... and a fair amount in the NYT, and back with a paper in Nevada, during his Vegas day’s.
FWIW, the Atlantic was also supposed to put a piece together on the PSU Frat situation (incl Piazza) but I’m not sure if it was ever put in (i was in communications with the fella who was supposed to write it)
They cemented our reputation alright
And that PS managed the crisis well in terms of salvaging it’s reputation.
They are failing to take responsibility for the criminal conduct of one of their trusted employees (who they in fact protected)
Like Hoffa's reputation was cemented.They cemented our reputation alright
) Completely misunderstanding (in a 180 degree sense) the purpose of the organization Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship.
Not sure but I think they interpreted PS4RS as part of our compliance with Freeh's recommendations.I can't believe that article made it out that PS4RS is a GOOD thing. Oh well. They're still useless.
Not sure but I think they interpreted PS4RS as part of our compliance with Freeh's recommendations.