First decommit at OSU

If Rivals is up to date it shows that we did not offer. Kid has a good offer list. Do we need any more LBs in this class? Dixon looks closer to the size of a safety or LB/S hybrid. Only true LB so far is Smith.
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It seems like a lot of our recruit's mothers like CJF and his family atmosphere. I can't imagine the mothers of the OSU recruits are thrilled right now.
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First OSU 2019 class decommit tonight. Over/under on how many more jump?

All this bad PR was a bit annoying for our friends over at OSU.. but now it's starting to get a whole lot more real. First decommit of 2019 class announced tonight. How many more do you think they lose? I'll take a net total of 6.

I'll take the under. Since 1 has already decommited I'll go 2.
I dont' think they care. Just get me to the pros baby.
I’m not sure how those things are necessarily related.
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People are connecting dots that are not necessarily connected. Decommits happen. They happen even more at the highest levels of college football. Ohio State will replace this guy with an even better linebacker.
People are connecting dots that are not necessarily connected. Decommits happen. They happen even more at the highest levels of college football. Ohio State will replace this guy with an even better linebacker.

And maybe they won’t. None of us know how much these issues will effect their current commits or their future recruiting.

But to assume that they will be able to replace the decommit with a better one in their current climate is out of touch. They may and they may not.
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So Urban is in good graces with Buckeye fans, but not so much if his recruiting falls off?
Meyer underperforms with the talent that team has on hand. Only Alabama has more and that may be debatable. But you don't see Ohio St in the playoff every year like Bama does with that talent. In fact, we've played them about straight up with classes that were in the 40s, 30s, and 20s in their rankings. Ohio St doesn't need much of a drop off in recruiting to fall hard. Meyer isn't getting the results he should now with every single one of their classes being elite.

Now, the one thing that will actually make the Buckeyes give a damn about abuse is if it hurts their football.

We are seeing the first of probably many rejections by recruits with actual values of an Ohio St program and school that seems to have none. How far will it go? Well, when the kids of high values and high talent start rejecting Ohio St, they are left with high talent and people with no values and that will eventually turn into how Meyer killed the Gator program. The question is how long the Buckeyes will be anchored to a coach who is slowly killing them because he has no remaining credibility.
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Religion Doesn't Make People More Moral, Study Finds

Religion Makes Children More Selfish, Say Scientists

Consider, for example, a March 2009 academic article in Sociology Compass that extensively researched the subjects raised by Plante. The article, by Phil Zuckerman of Pitzer College, is entitled "Atheism, Secularity, and Well-Being: How the Findings of Social Science Counter Negative Stereotypes and Assumptions" and, unlike Plante's article, it cites detailed studies of the areas in question.

Zuckerman analyzed a wide array of data comparing religious nations to less religious nations and also, interestingly, religious states within the United States (i.e. "Bible-belt" states) to less religious states. While I encourage readers to examine the article directly through the link above, here are just a few of the highlights:

Criminal Behavior:
Citing four different studies, Zuckerman states: "Murder rates are actually lower in more secular nations and higher in more religious nations where belief in God is widespread." He also states: "Of the top 50 safest cities in the world, nearly all are in relatively non-religious countries."

Within the United States, we see the same pattern. Citing census data, he writes: "And within America, the states with the highest murder rates tend to be the highly religious, such as Louisiana and Alabama, but the states with the lowest murder rates tend to be the among the least religious in the country, such as Vermont and Oregon."And these findings are not limited to murder rates, as rates of all violent crime tend to be higher in "religious" states. Zuckerman also points out that atheists are very much under-represented in the American prison population (only 0.2%).

Marriage and Family:
Zuckerman cites a 1999 Barna study that finds that atheists and agnostics actually have lower divorce rates than religious Americans.

He also cites another study, in Canada, that found conservative Christian women experienced higher rates of domestic violencethan non-affiliated women.

Unprotected Sex:
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As for Plante's claim that studies have "consistently " found that religious people are less likely to engage in unprotected sex, that claim is directly refuted by a 2009 study that found the reverse - teens who make religion-inspired "virginity pledges" are not only just as likely as their non-pledging peers to engage in premarital sex, but more likely to engage in unprotected sex.

Other Findings of Interest:
Happiness: The most secular nations in the world report the highest levels of happiness among their population.

Altruism: Secular nations such as those in Scandinavia donate the most money and supportive aid, per capita, to poorer nations. Zuckerman also reports that two studies show that, during the Holocaust, "the more secular people were, the more likely they were to rescue and help persecuted Jews."

Outlooks and Values: Zuckerman, citing numerous studies, shows that atheists and agnostics, when compared to religious people, are actually less likely to be nationalistic, racist, anti-Semitic, dogmatic, ethnocentric, and authoritarian. Secularism also correlates to higher education levels. Atheists and other secular people are also much more likely to support women's rights and gender equality, as well as gay and lesbian rights. Religious individuals are more likely to support government use of torture.

Of course, studies can be cherry-picked to present religiosity in a better light than above, and the point of this article is not to prove the moral superiority of secularism. Nevertheless, whatever Plante wishes to cite, it is impossible to claim that studies "consistently" support his claims of positive social outcomes correlating to religion. To the contrary, the weight of most data seems to indicate that religiosity is a poor indicator of social health or personal virtue.

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And to mention it again, the reason this topic bothers me so much is we were married in a Pittsburgh Catholic church. The priest yelled at us for 2 minutes during the ceremony because he found out we were living together (distant city, two broke recent college grads). But that f’er was molesting multiple kids at the time. The hypocrisy of the Catholic church is off the charts.
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And to mention it again, the reason this topic bothers me so much is we were married in a Pittsburgh Catholic church. The priest yelled at us for 2 minutes during the ceremony because he found out we were living together (distant city, two broke recent college grads). But that f’er was molesting multiple kids at the time. The hypocrisy of the Catholic church is off the charts.
don't think for one minute that it's restricted to the Catholic church- a clerical collar has always been a good cover for miscreants of all stripes
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The thread is about O$U losing their first commitment not whether or not kids that go to Christian Schools have higher values.

Thought that was pretty clear but I guess that one flew over your head.

Over his head, right into the trash....
And to mention it again, the reason this topic bothers me so much is we were married in a Pittsburgh Catholic church. The priest yelled at us for 2 minutes during the ceremony because he found out we were living together (distant city, two broke recent college grads). But that f’er was molesting multiple kids at the time. The hypocrisy of the Catholic church is off the charts.
My freaking hero!
And to mention it again, the reason this topic bothers me so much is we were married in a Pittsburgh Catholic church. The priest yelled at us for 2 minutes during the ceremony because he found out we were living together (distant city, two broke recent college grads). But that f’er was molesting multiple kids at the time. The hypocrisy of the Catholic church is off the charts.
Correction, the hypocrisy of that priest was off the charts. Surely you can see the difference.
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