Flo bashing?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2018
Hey guys, what's with the Flo bashing here, on HR and elsewhere?

Some history about myself. Born and raised in WPIAL, three sport athelite, started wrestling in 5th grade with my brothers, and for the most part pretty much sucked the older I got. I even went to a PSU summer wrestling camp decades ago. I Played baseball in college, so I know a small amount about competing at the next level, but lost my passion there for watching the pros when they went on strike. The NFL is doing it's very best to lose me as well.

College wrestling remains a rare unspoiled place where I can sit back and watch the artestry of a Jason Nolf performane in awe. It's truly awesome. I love folkstyle in particular. I stayed on the sidelines in BWI for about 5 years before jumping in a few years back. Despite the passion for the sport, it remains pretty much a hobby, and I try to keep it in that perspective.

Now back to Flo. I begrudgenly poney up the $150/yr and wonder if/when they jack it up to $200 if I'll bail.

I am a loyal listener to Floradio eagerly awaiting every Tuesday and Thursday. I think it is awesome Flo has invested in that team of guys as each brings his own perspective, and it is fun to see there is much they don't agree on either, with at least one argument of some sort each show.

The Flo guys were all probably much more accomplished wrestlers than the rest of us, their level of knowledge blows doors on the entire BWI collective combined. Despite how passionate and comitted we are as fans, as Bo would say re: Flo 'its what they do'. We are all here for fun, but this is how they earn a living.

These guys 24x7x365 eat, drink, and sleep wrestling and they are very very good at what they do. My biggest complaint is that they don't commit 30 minutes if every show to PSU, and that they keep too many secrets and hold back on rumors, which in the end reveals their journalistic integrity.

So yes, Flo is a business and has to keep an eye on revenue and all businesses survive on revenue growth which can put us all off when it affects us directly. I hope they grow revenue through more subscriptions rather than price increases.

Back to the Flo team. When you get 4 or more guys taking and writing about anything you will get a spectrum of content that elates, educates, entertaines, provokes and pisses off. At the end of the day we are all richer for it.

Any concerns aside they provide far and away the best wrestling product out there. As more and more PSU GOATs graduate, Flo is going to be our conduit into freestyle even some MMA and the best way to remain connected to the kids/men we have invested so much. Where would we be without Flo? Probably relegated to this board alone - yikes!

I was going to start out proclaiming ''I am no Flo homer" but the more I think about it, I just might be.

Now, while I wait for Sunday's match, I think I will jump out onto Flo and watch a half dozen of my favorite Jason Nolf symphonies.
I love Flo! It is the best thing to ever happen for a wrestling fan.
I really like their podcast. I think Christian Pyles does a good job with it and I enjoy his introduction, “Ooooooh what’s going on everybody.” It rare for radio personalities to have a signature like that and it’s refreshing.
Maintenance man Willie Saylor is cool, but I think his wasting his talent. He has an amazing ability to yell his option during a debate and he’s insistant on yelling over everyone else. I would love to see him as Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ sidekick and when he does a press conference he can yell at the CNN reporters. Years later it will come out that SHS sexually harassed Saylor, but nothing comes of it.
So I think Saylor should aspire for more.
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Flo is awesome. Especially since they got the B1G plus matches. They definetly work hard, keep improving their product and they have s lot of content. For any big wrestling fan, it’s a must have.

A few years ago they got a lot of heat for some of their streaming issues but since the Okie/PSU match I haven’t had issues.

Their personalities are what triggers people. It may come of as “bashing” but I don’t see it that way.

Pyles, Willie, Nomad and Spey do most of not all of the rankings (which always triggers people) I’ve had my battles with Spey/Pyles about some rankings but nothing personal.

Even the Nomad Cenzo piece. I laughed when i saw it. Knew it would trigger people. It’s something to talk about, breaks chops back and forth, etc.

There’s been 2 revelutionary things IMO

1. Flo
2. Wrestlestats

P.S—to any of the Flo guys reading this. I’m assuming you all have wrestlestats at your fingertips. Would love to see Andegre and Obrats get some love from every media outlet that talks wrestling because if they weren’t using wrestlestats, they wouldn’t have as easy access to all the results.

All in all. Wrestling is a helluva lot better with Flo than without them
Willie is the spiritual backbone of the great FRL crew. He is like Curly of the Stooges, in that respect. If the show’s culture ever evolves where Willie no longer fits in, we’ll know that the show has lost its soul and its authenticity. Willie is my favorite.
I can't think of a single outlet before Flo where you could find live streaming of a college match or archived matches. Therefore, Flowrestling is awesomesauce. End of analysis!! P.S; I don't necessarily concur with all of their conclusions, but their analysis is usually solid.
Pyles is fun and clever and slick, but he’s gotta watch out to not be smarmy and condescending. That is his danger zone, and he can drive the show into a ditch if he lets go of self control. It’s a tough job to be spontaneous and natural but also in control.
I think it’s hard to merely control one’s actions, and easier to direct one’s attitudes so that the desired actions arise from the attitude. So, for Pyles, the attitude to aim toward is a tad more “sincere humility”.

I am just sharing my thoughts regarding Flo. :)
Love flo but some reason was getting error messages when trying to watch matches on my tv last night so had to watch on my phone.

Not sure who these people pyles and willie are , guess they are announce the matches but I always mute sporting events. I never felt the need to have someone describe what I am watching
Full disclosure: I don't have Flo, AND I only wrestled for a couple of years (only one of which I was serious about) in JrHS and HS (then my music addiction took over). So I'm not the most educated and up to date (and I don't have a lot of time to keep up with everything). I greatly appreciate all of the insightful and factual background information I get here.

That said, I think what you're observing is that in anonymous forums there are very few consequences for speaking your mind -- as it should be. However, as should be obvious, most of don't care for a lot of things in some peoples' minds. If we were standing around having a discussion in person many of the things you see here would never leave the speakers lips. There are always some who are going to complain about everything -- no matter how good or useful it is.

I have preferred the FOS board more for the last several years because there have been fewer trolls there -- and the ones who do show up don't get the responses they crave so they move on. But there are sooo many more people on this board who know much more than I do, and help keep me up to date.
When you take something that has been free forever (PA Individual Championships) and then charge for it, there will be bashing. And I can't say it is unwarranted.

Willie CP etc... don't enter into it.
I don't have a problem with their model for college wrestling. But they should stay the hell out of scholastic sports. Or at least make the finals broadcast free.

Flo and the PIAA should do the right thing and cut a deal with PCN to broadcast the finals on TV as usual. But I have little faith that anything will get done. I hope this deal flops on Flo and PIAA horribly and they lose their shirts on it.
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Any time there is an effective monolopy, like these "micro" markets tend to engender, there will and should be plenty of room for consumer criticism. But I don't mind the faces of the company doing what they are paid to do. Which, surprising to some, probably includes interacting with fans on the message boards to increase engagement.

That all said--I already praised Flo plenty on that poll I posted a month ago though. Especially now that they are hating on corn tortillas (see Spey and Bader's twitter), I'm simply not in the mood to engage with such unchecked inanity. ;)
I don't have a problem with their model for college wrestling. But they should stay the hell out of scholastic sports. Or at least make the finals broadcast free.

Flo and the PIAA should do the right thing and cut a deal with PCN to broadcast the finals on TV as usual. But I have little faith that anything will get done. I hope this deal flops on Flo and PIAA horribly and they lose their shirts on it.
what is free? You paying a cable company? Besides, are they not enhancing the viewing by showing all matches/rounds? If they do anything, they should do something that allows students to get a discount. Yep, same students who probably run around with hundred dollar phones and data rates.
you also have to consider the cost of putting this on... perhaps it was getting too much for the old method.
Flo has been good for me personally, but like most things in life, there will be those that love, those that like, those that dislike, and those that hate. My sense over a long time period, is a higher number of "likers".
Any time there is an effective monolopy, like these "micro" markets tend to engender, there will and should be plenty of room for consumer criticism. But I don't mind the faces of the company doing what they are paid to do. Which, surprising to some, probably includes interacting with fans on the message boards to increase engagement.

That all said--I already praised Flo plenty on that poll I posted a month ago though. Especially now that they are hating on corn tortillas (see Spey and Bader's twitter), I'm simply not in the mood to engage with such unchecked inanity. ;)
Soft corn tortillas are terrible - like rubbery corn-flavored disks. Hard corn shells and corn around tamales are perfectly fine.
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Flo's service has improved greatly in the last several years. The price is really ridicously cheap given the live events provided, the archived events and their other features. For the wrestling fan it is a steal.
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Soft corn tortillas are terrible - like rubbery corn-flavored disks. Hard corn shells and corn around tamales are perfectly fine.
Sounds to me like you've never had fresh ones. I agree--store bought corn tortillas are terrible. Freshly pressed from masa dough made that day? Heaven.
what is free? You paying a cable company? Besides, are they not enhancing the viewing by showing all matches/rounds? If they do anything, they should do something that allows students to get a discount. Yep, same students who probably run around with hundred dollar phones and data rates.
you also have to consider the cost of putting this on... perhaps it was getting too much for the old method.
I guess free is a bad choice of words, since I pay for cable. I agree they are enhancing the viewing by broadcasting all the rounds. But the finals should be on PCN as every other PIAA sport is.
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Sounds to me like you've never had fresh ones. I agree--store bought corn tortillas are terrible. Freshly pressed from masa dough made that day? Heaven.
I live in Austin - I could drown in Tortillas. I can literally go to one of 20 places and watch old ladies make them in front of me. Still blech.

If the Aztecs had a climate conducive to growing wheat, they would have never wasted their time with corn tortillas.
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I live in Austin - I could drown in Tortillas. I can literally go to one of 20 places and watch old ladies make them in front of me. Still blech.

If the Aztecs had a climate conducive to growing wheat, they would have never wasted their time with corn tortillas.
A popular opinion today, but I don’t agree.
Living in Austin or Tortillas?
I’d assume CT knows where he lives, but maybe I shouldn’t. Austin is definitely a great food town. Something for everyone. I do most like tamales and enchiladas, as well as burritos with flour. And crunchy corn is not sacrilege to me. but I don’t care for flour tacos.
When you take something that has been free forever (PA Individual Championships) and then charge for it, there will be bashing. And I can't say it is unwarranted.

Willie CP etc... don't enter into it.
Free? In a limited sample. The finals for those with cable.

A different perspective is since I already pay for Flo for other content the PIAAs are for me, free.
I personally think Flo is great. We never had the ability to follow our favorite sport the way we can now, in part because of Flo. Matter really put it into perspective as far as the financial justification. $.50 a day? Hell, the way I piss away money sometimes, that's a fair price for year round wrestling coverage. I just dropped almost 500 bucks a couple of weekends ago in SC for the Michigan match. Kinda think that was a good deal too, but my liver disagrees.
Yeah, they're gonna put out stuff that people don't agree with. They have to produce content, and most of it is pretty good. I don't get all worked up over an opinion like Nomad's for example. Doesn't mean he's right, doesn't mean he's wrong. His opinion.

I do think it's odd that Willie is jumping from board to board defending Flo. Just let it go, it's put out there for discussion. I don't know Willie, but I think I like Willie though. Maybe because I always rooted for Elmer Fudd against Bugs.
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I've never had a problem. As noted here, a lot of the issues are usually end user related. This occurs when you have freeware and everyone is trying to use it.. eventually some items don't work when new releases of software/hardware come out. I did have a few glitches here and there, but for the most part I can put up with it considering there isn't a better alternative.
I've never had a problem. As noted here, a lot of the issues are usually end user related. This occurs when you have freeware and everyone is trying to use it.. eventually some items don't work when new releases of software/hardware come out. I did have a few glitches here and there, but for the most part I can put up with it considering there isn't a better alternative.
Do you have a problem repeating yourself
Love Flo!

Gladly pay the $150,

However, they are a business that exits because the wrestling fans exited first.

So I have no problem with Nomad's article and no problem with any bashing or praise they get here or anywhere else.

I asume Flo loves the attention or atleast they should.

All is well!

Flo is doing great! The sport has more coverage then ever before.

Just wish it was easier to find old videos on their website
Flo has been great for the sport of wrestling. Love their radio show and they offer tremendous content. You can watch matches all around the country at all levels and outside of the country as well. Keep us put date on news and results. Overall, they do a great job! The money is well worth it!
With all of the good FLO PR on this thread, perhaps Willie can send a stud 125 our way ;)

And I loved Austin food when I've visited, but give me a Jimmy's or Richards Hot Dog from Easton any day :)
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I don't Flo bash because y'all have bitched enough for me not to join. Lol. That said. I thought it was bush league when Willie called out Spencer for not wrestling. It's particularly dumb to call out a National Champion. I don't like any athlete being called out normally. All we have to do is look last year to DeSanto and this year to Teasdale. Iowa board bitches about everything. It's like they're the only pure team in the world and everyone stalls or cheats.
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I’m a big fan of flo. Willie screwed up being a huge d-bag about user-generated content on YouTube but oh well.
I don't Flo bash because y'all have bitched enough for me not to join. Lol. That said. I thought it was bush league when Willie called out Spencer for not wrestling. It's particularly dumb to call out a National Champion. I don't like any athlete being called out normally. All we have to do is look last year to DeSanto and this year to Teasdale. Iowa board bitches about everything. It's like they're the only pure team in the world and everyone stalls or cheats.
Iowa board doesn't bitch. Anonymous posters on the Iowa board, such as yourself, bitch.
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