FLO just announce an Open Invitational Tournament for 195 pounders. It will involve an 8 man bracket open for anyone to apply that can make weight. Winner gets 20,000, 2nd place 10,000, 3rd 5,000, 4th 4,000. and the rest 1,000. YES....I know that adds up to 43,000....but I will let FLO announce whatever correction is needed. I think this is a GREAT idea. They don't have to call around trying to make matches....just pick the best 8 of the applicants. Wrestlers can make some $$$ and we get to watch some great wrestling. I certainly imagine this will be repeated with various weight mini-tourneys. Bring it on. PS: Your turn NLWC
PS: It is scheduled for October 31. It doesn't say what style.....but I would be shocked if it wasn't freestyle.
PS: It is scheduled for October 31. It doesn't say what style.....but I would be shocked if it wasn't freestyle.
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