Just one example of the types of "High- Character" folks that CR and his ilk service:
Excerpts from the Federal Sherman Anti-Trust suit.
This is from one that they escaped from (kinda' like those criminal convictions that Dambly forgot about).......but plenty more where he and his cronies were found guilty.
More on all that to come as we move forward.
I know most folks here are not interested in a thorough discussion of BOT Scoundrel malfeasance, so I'll just include a couple of snippets from this one incident.
Some excerpts from the Federal Courts:
1 - "Specifically, XXXXXX alleges that Dambly and DeLuca shared information relating to XXXXXX bid and that J.J. DeLuca Co. then used that information in submitting its own bid"
[J.J. DeLuca - long-time cohorts of Dambly - were later convicted of fraud (for submitting false invoices) and have since gone belly-up]
2 - "Dambly and J.J. DeLuca Co. had worked together on similar projects in the past.......J.J. DeLuca Co.submitted to Dambly a projection of the construction costs.......Dambly told DeLuca that his estimate should be "$2,850,000.00 plus contingency.....the higher estimate by DeLuca would result in the Dambly Entities being able to secure an increased amount of federal funds for the Project and a higher developer's fee for Dambly."
The other contractor looking to bid on this project was in the process of acquiring the necessary bond through a local government agency (CRA) that had been established for that purpose. However, before that bond could be obtained, Dambly, and his Co-Conspirators (including Chester County "Boss" Dom Pileggi) got to work:
3 - "The purpose of this conspiracy was twofold. First, the conspiracy would secure additional public funding for the Project, despite its alleged unpopularity with other public officials. In particular, XXXXXX states that the CRA was unwilling to provide the Dambly Entities with federal funding for the project directly. Thus, Defendants hoped to have the CRA dissolved and the desired funds transferred to another entity that would treat their requests more favorably."
4 - "Second, the conspiracy intended to prevent XXXXXX from relying on the CRA trust to obtain a bond. XXXXXX would thereby be removed from consideration as a general contractor on the Project and DeLuca would be guaranteed that position. XXXXXX alleges that the means by which Defendants and the co-conspirators achieved these purposes was to dissolve the CRA and transfer the funds from the CRA to Chester and then to a newly created entity called the Chester Economic Development Authority ("CEDA"), which was headed by Dianne Merlino and included additional co-conspirators as board members."
[Tell me this DOESN'T read from the same book of strategy we have seen here on the PSU BOT for years!]
The Anti-Trust suit did not result in a conviction - largely because the inside dealing (including having Dom Pileggi (Politico Boss in Chester County, and current PA State Senator) rig the transfer of funds to Dambly, did not meet the definition of "Anti-Trust" wrt the federal statute.
Rather, the situation reflected:
5 - ".........allegations of cronyism, favoritism and poor business practices within the construction industry and related political activity in Chester. However, XXXXXX has not presented the court with a genuine antitrust claim."
Bottom line.....these Scoundrels didn't just put on their "Evil Bastard" clothes the day they took over the PSU BOT. These Scoundrels - this vacuous, immoral, disgusting band of Pirates - live their lives this way. In most cases, they were long-time veterans before they were ever invited to join this Cabal of Scumbags in their mission to prostitute the University to serve their own corrupt appetites.
These are the people that the CRs of the world bow down to.
In and of itself, the fact that the CRs (pitiful little vermin that they are) lick the shit off of the boots of these Scoundrels is a non-issue.
However, when our elected leaders - the Cormans of the world.....when our "Penn State Leadership" - the Barrons of the world.....when THOSE folks are also serving these Scoundrels - THEN we have a problem.
It's going to take a hell of an effort from the people - and a handful of folks with some integrity - if these evil Scoundrels are to be ousted.
It is up to us.