Former Mouseketeer fans. Let's all sing.

Here's another Mouseketeer of a different sort...
I enjoyed Mighty Mouse, but the show had no girls. Mickey Mouse had a few lookers, my favorite being Cheryl Holdridge (now deceased) who was a real cutie.


I enjoyed Mighty Mouse, but the show had no girls. Mickey Mouse had a few lookers, my favorite being Cheryl Holdridge (now deceased) who was a real cutie.


I enjoyed Mighty Mouse, but the show had no girls. Mickey Mouse had a few lookers, my favorite being Cheryl Holdridge (now deceased) who was a real cutie.



Some of them posed nude in varied F-books.

Anyone remember blowhard "The Rick"?

"R-i-c-k-e-y, L-o-u-s-e"

Rickey Louse, Ricky Louse
forever raise your asshole high" (higher, higher)



He disappeared from Penn Live after getting hit with that.
I preferred Andy's Gang with Froggy the Gremlin, the most subversive show on TV in the '50s. If you want to understand how the '60s happened, go watch some Froggy on YouTube.
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I enjoyed Mighty Mouse, but the show had no girls. Mickey Mouse had a few lookers, my favorite being Cheryl Holdridge (now deceased) who was a real cutie.



I don't know how to post pics, but the "new" mouseketeer club in the early 80's had Julie Piekarski, and she was BEAUTIFUL.
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I don't know how to post pics, but the "new" mouseketeer club in the early 80's had Julie Piekarski, and she was BEAUTIFUL.
Here's one for you when she was a bit older than a Mouseketeer. (By the way, posting pictures is pretty easy. Just copy the URL from the photo you want { this one was } and then click the little scenery box that shows up next to the smiley on the second line at the top of your reply. Paste the URL in there, click "insert", and the pic will show up in your reply.)
Never had a tv until I was 15, but did see it at grandmas a couple times.
You are much like my wife, Mary. She had no TV in her house until she was older and she turned into the most wonderful person I have ever met. You appear to be a very nice lady as well and so I see a pattern emerging. I say it is time to throw out the "Devil's Box" and save our youth from the scourge of decadence!
You are much like my wife, Mary. She had no TV in her house until she was older and she turned into the most wonderful person I have ever met. You appear to be a very nice lady as well and so I see a pattern emerging. I say it is time to throw out the "Devil's Box" and save our youth from the scourge of decadence!

Devil's Box...LMAO!

The Twonky....(also known as a PP)

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Mickey mouse club at The Skeller. If you are old enough to remember.
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You are much like my wife, Mary. She had no TV in her house until she was older and she turned into the most wonderful person I have ever met. You appear to be a very nice lady as well and so I see a pattern emerging. I say it is time to throw out the "Devil's Box" and save our youth from the scourge of decadence!
Keep the TVs. Throw out smart phones.:)

Didn't watch it. I think the 3 Stooges were on at the same time. Did the mouse come on after school, like 4PM?

My sisters would often watch American Bandstand. Regardless, the channel changed once dad came home from work. He made all TV choices and that was that.
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Keep the TVs. Throw out smart phones.:)

Didn't watch it. I think the 3 Stooges were on at the same time. Did the mouse come on after school, like 4PM?

My sisters would often watch American Bandstand. Regardless, the channel changed once dad came home from work. He made all TV choices and that was that.
I recall it being on in Pittsburgh at 5PM.
Look up Dora and Darlene on google. Dorka was running around nude everywhere and taking it via La Careterra de la Hershey (aka El Camino de la Hershey) and all kinds of stuff.
I recall it being on in Pittsburgh at 5PM.

Yeah. Bandstand and then the MMC? I remember my third-grade teacher came by at our house for some reason and the Mickey Mouse Club was on and it was dark out. Must've been in the middle of winter.
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