Fox World Series coverage


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2001
The pregame is killing me. Put Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame already or do anything else to get him off the Fox set. Broadcasting isn't his thing. And get rid of Alex Rodriguez too. His man crush on Andrew Miller made me want to puke.

Frank Thomas is good. I don't know who the remaining guys are but they're passable.
The pregame is killing me. Put Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame already or do anything else to get him off the Fox set. Broadcasting isn't his thing. And get rid of Alex Rodriguez too. His man crush on Andrew Miller made me want to puke.

Frank Thomas is good. I don't know who the remaining guys are but they're passable.

Can't say I disagree, but I love Joe Buck calling the game. Just something about his voice screams playoff baseball to me.
I remember reading an article recently about how Joe Buck almost lost his voice permanently due to complications from a hair plug procedure. I think it was an infection that affected his larnx. Was a weird story.
The pregame is killing me. Put Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame already or do anything else to get him off the Fox set. Broadcasting isn't his thing. And get rid of Alex Rodriguez too. His man crush on Andrew Miller made me want to puke.

Frank Thomas is good. I don't know who the remaining guys are but they're passable.

I think you're letting their personalities cloud your judgment on what they're saying. The segment Rose, AFraud, and Thomas did in the studio last week about hitting was pure gold from an analysis standpoint. AFraud faced Miller and was his teammate so he's gonna have a bigger opinion on him than the other two.

Also think Smoltz has been OUTSTANDING now that he's the sole analyst in the booth. The stuff he said about how a closer takes a different approach to a game in a blowout versus a save situation was something I had never considered. And now that he doesn't have Harold talking over him all the time, Smoltz can get great points out like that one.
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I think you're letting their personalities cloud your judgment on what they're saying. The segment Rose, AFraud, and Thomas did in the studio last week about hitting was pure gold from an analysis standpoint. AFraud faced Miller and was his teammate so he's gonna have a bigger opinion on him than the other two.

Also think Smoltz has been OUTSTANDING now that he's the sole analyst in the booth. The stuff he said about how a closer takes a different approach to a game in a blowout versus a save situation was something I had never considered. And now that he doesn't have Harold talking over him all the time, Smoltz can get great points out like that one.

The studio group IMHO has been outstanding. A-Rod is a d-bag and Rose is mildly retarded, but they know baseball. Thomas is excellent, Verducci (PSU grad) probably knows more about the game than most baseball lifers, and I agree Smoltz is really prepared and makes fantastic points in-game. Buck is meh to me for baseball but still good overall.

Also this is a great series so far.
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That's probably why he's been calling major league baseball for 20 years.
Are you a Cards fan, and somehow transferring your love for Jack Buck (who was undeniably a HOF caliber announcer) to his son? To each his own, I suppose.

Maybe you like Joe Buck based on his own merits, but I just don't see it. He seems boring to me, and my biggest objection to him is how willing a participant he is in Fox Sports' commercial pimping and shilling during MLB playoff games. (Joe Buck: "Hey! Look who's sitting in the World Series crowd! That's Andrew Actor and Susie Starlet from the new Fox series "Med School Hotties!")
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Are you a Cards fan, and somehow transferring your love for Jack Buck (who was undeniably a HOF caliber announcer) to his son? To each his own, I suppose.

Maybe you like Joe Buck based on his own merits, but I just don't see it. He seems boring to me, and my biggest objection to him is how willing a participant he is in Fox Sports' commercial pimping and shilling during MLB playoff games. (Joe Buck: "Hey! Look who's sitting in the World Series crowd! That's Andrew Actor and Susie Starlet from the new Fox series "Med School Hotties!")

I like Joe Buck because for as long as I can remember he's called BIG baseball games in the playoffs and during the regular season. So when I hear his voice I think, tune into this one... it means something.

When I think about him calling an NFL game... you're right it's boring. But how do you call a baseball game and make it exciting? Who out there does it better?

There's something about the lulls in a baseball game from pitch to pitch that go hand and hand with his tone. I always think of his "We'll see you later tonight!" during the sox yanks series in 04 when Boston won at 1 AM forcing game 6.
I like Joe Buck because for as long as I can remember he's called BIG baseball games in the playoffs and during the regular season. So when I hear his voice I think, tune into this one... it means something.

When I think about him calling an NFL game... you're right it's boring. But how do you call a baseball game and make it exciting? Who out there does it better?

There's something about the lulls in a baseball game from pitch to pitch that go hand and hand with his tone. I always think of his "We'll see you later tonight!" during the sox yanks series in 04 when Boston won at 1 AM forcing game 6.

Who out there does it better? There are like 20 guys I can think of that are better at baseball than he is.
His tone? He thinks every well hit fly ball is a homerun. He's good but he isn't great and he's far from the best.
Works in the playoffs. Every pitch is intense and could mean the ball game.

Anyways I'll agree to disagree, to each his own.

Of course. It's all subjective. And I don't think it "works in the playoffs" at all, to me it's beneath an announcer of his caliber or at least beneath the stage he's on. It's like Gus Johnson doing soccer, he's totally out of his element.

Dan Schulman, Jon Miller, Gary Cohn (I believe he's the best in the business), the Mets and Indians radio guys, Thom Breneman....all better than Buck IMHO, as are several more.
Of course. It's all subjective. And I don't think it "works in the playoffs" at all, to me it's beneath an announcer of his caliber or at least beneath the stage he's on. It's like Gus Johnson doing soccer, he's totally out of his element.

Dan Schulman, Jon Miller, Gary Cohn (I believe he's the best in the business), the Mets and Indians radio guys, Thom Breneman....all better than Buck IMHO, as are several more.

Harry Kalas
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