Two Lambert Smith drops and a missed pick six by JPJ...same team so far.
Its the schemes. You can't play soft zone against purdueEvery part of this defense, including the overhyped secondary, is lousy.
Yupp--he's been great todayI know that was incomplete but that was another perfectly thrown ball by Clifford.
Yep, but Lee is not going to get there.....Run the ball WIDE PLEASE, the outside is wide open.
yep, would rather see him try and run rather than force a bad throw when he didn't set up .....Clifford getting happy feet
Yet they keep putting him inIt's only been four drives but the difference between Singleton, Allen, and even Devyn Ford compared to when lee is in the game is stark.
Has anybody noticed how many defenders are within 5 yards of LOS? Why are we running on 1st and 2nd downs? Michigan state all over againClifford getting happy feet
Did someone say that?Who said Lee was faster this year, He looked slow on that last run. He should have gained at least 15yds
Clifford could have ran for 15 yards on that one play. But instead holds onto the ball to long and made bad throw.Clifford getting happy feet
Dear Lord you're obtuse. These calls are subjective, which is why they are reviewed and can be overturned -- irrespective of what your extremely biased opinion may be. As you lend nothing objective to this board, welcome to smashed the helmet you can see it live then we saw it on multiple replays. Take off the blue shades
Someone said that?Who said Lee was faster this year, He looked slow on that last run. He should have gained at least 15yds