Honestly, both Gable and Spencer were labeled generational before they ever stepped on a collegiate mat.
People throw around things like 'the greatest' in every sport, far too often, and 'generational' in wrestling is not so different.
At the end of their NCAA tenures their accomplishments pulled them back into quite a large pool of "elite" talent, but sorry bro neither delivered on the generational moniker. Beyond the eye test, neither delivered on the very best in a "couple of decades" results.
Spencer was pinned twice for christ's sake, and had what 6 loses?
Ed, Zain, Bo, Jason, Carter, & Aaron all leave Spencer in the dust by a good distance statistically in several categories and we have some guys on the team today that may do the same once all is said and done.
Today's Gable is the best heavy I have seen in some time, but he lost twice to the same guy in the same year. A guy who wasn't even a starter in other years, let's alone a multi time champ. Jason lost twice to a guy who would have been a 4xer, if that guy hadn't run into two multi time PSU champs. Most of our other 3xer greats all have similar' within a whisker from being a 4xer stories.
Likewise, including freestyle results in the justification, alters the argument, or at least muddies the waters further IMO.
To me Gable is in that category of the ones who had a chance to be one of the greatest ever but unfortunately squandered it a bit due to some poor choices, while also losing a big match(s) he probably shouldn't have, or shouldn't have if he was to earn the title you want to assign. How great would have Aaron Pico been had he not chosen to .. could Chance Marsteller have been a 4xer if he had stayed at PSU, kept his nose clean, and Bo gone somewhere else? Probably not, but as a senior in highschool he was branded generational too.
If you want generational, my list has guys like: