Give Tan Tom credit where credit is due


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2018
Out of nostalgia I rewatched the Bo match again with the cut out video view of Tom in the coaches corner. Maybe for the 100th time. Over the years, most of Tom's antics, questionable brick challenges to help his kids catch a breath, sitting guys at duals to protect their seeds, potential poaching to stack his lineup, the pin chain, and the list goes on,... tend to drive me nuts. However, if you can bring yourself to look past all those shenanegans, a few things are pretty clear. He was an awesome wrestler in his time, he really is an extremely good coach, he has built a powerhouse program, but above all I think deep down he is a pretty decent man.

After the heart break dual, it makes one wonder how he could avoid a cardiac arrest seeing Bo get backing for a bonus win with no time left on the clock to Cassar taking down his undefeated#1, to Nevills keeping Snyder to a decision, I don't know if my 50+ heart could take the stress of PSU snagging yet another amazing victory from the Jaws of defeat, without going into cardiac arrest.

Now we jump to the national championship, and to see his best team ever somewhat squander a pretty compelling lead to have it all come down to Bo vs Miles. When Miles takes Bo down to his back he remains pretty stoic. Then when Bo does the impossible, and turns what appears like Tom's greatest accomplishment as a coach to tragedy before his eyes, his demeanor remains pretty steady. He slumps back in his chair a bit after the fall, but if it were me I think my skin would split to reveal a bloody skull with fire shooting from the eye sockets.

Watch -

If I didn't bleed blue and white and have a passion for our program that knows few bounds. Coupled with a thurst for victory in every match, dual, tourney and championship, I could almost feel sorry for what this 2017/2018 Lion's team put Tom through.

I give him kudos where due - he handled a season full of greatness and deep dissapointments with more class than I could have mustered. This may be the last time you hear of me complimenting him, but this year he deserved it in spades. I Salute.
Out of nostalgia I rewatched the Bo match again with the cut out video view of Tom in the coaches corner. Maybe for the 100th time. Over the years, most of Tom's antics, questionable brick challenges to help his kids catch a breath, sitting guys at duals to protect their seeds, potential poaching to stack his lineup, the pin chain, and the list goes on,... tend to drive me nuts. However, if you can bring yourself to look past all those shenanegans, a few things are pretty clear. He was an awesome wrestler in his time, he really is an extremely good coach, he has built a powerhouse program, but above all I think deep down he is a pretty decent man.

After the heart break dual, it makes one wonder how he could avoid a cardiac arrest seeing Bo get backing for a bonus win with no time left on the clock to Cassar taking down his undefeated#1, to Nevills keeping Snyder to a decision, I don't know if my 50+ heart could take the stress of PSU snagging yet another amazing victory from the Jaws of defeat, without going into cardiac arrest.

Now we jump to the national championship, and to see his best team ever somewhat squander a pretty compelling lead to have it all come down to Bo vs Miles. When Miles takes Bo down to his back he remains pretty stoic. Then when Bo does the impossible, and turns what appears like Tom's greatest accomplishment as a coach to tragedy before his eyes, his demeanor remains pretty steady. He slumps back in his chair a bit after the fall, but if it were me I think my skin would split to reveal a bloody skull with fire shooting from the eye sockets.

Watch -

If I didn't bleed blue and white and have a passion for our program that knows few bounds. Coupled with a thurst for victory in every match, dual, tourney and championship, I could almost feel sorry for what this 2017/2018 Lion's team put Tom through.

I give him kudos where due - he handled a season full of greatness and deep dissapointments with more class than I could have mustered. This may be the last time you hear of me complimenting him, but this year he deserved it in spades. I Salute.
Sorry to say that I still think he is a dick.
As a neutral fan, I hear a lot of Iowa guys bashing Cael and Ryan and PSU guys bashing Ryan and Brands and Other coaches bashing other coaches. IMHO, Ryan is a class act and good for the sport.

He is a competitor and those fires sometimes can burn enough that their behavior isn't perfect, but still a good man. I feel the same about Cael and the Brands. They all deserve my respect and I am not worthy to insult any of them because they happen not to be perfect.
We're kinda obsessed w/ this topic these days. He's prolly a solid dude one on one, but suffers from major foot-in-mouth disease, and he represents the enemy, so no holds barred, all is fair, etc etc.
Out of nostalgia I rewatched the Bo match again with the cut out video view of Tom in the coaches corner. Maybe for the 100th time. Over the years, most of Tom's antics, questionable brick challenges to help his kids catch a breath, sitting guys at duals to protect their seeds, potential poaching to stack his lineup, the pin chain, and the list goes on,... tend to drive me nuts. However, if you can bring yourself to look past all those shenanegans, a few things are pretty clear. He was an awesome wrestler in his time, he really is an extremely good coach, he has built a powerhouse program, but above all I think deep down he is a pretty decent man.

After the heart break dual, it makes one wonder how he could avoid a cardiac arrest seeing Bo get backing for a bonus win with no time left on the clock to Cassar taking down his undefeated#1, to Nevills keeping Snyder to a decision, I don't know if my 50+ heart could take the stress of PSU snagging yet another amazing victory from the Jaws of defeat, without going into cardiac arrest.

Now we jump to the national championship, and to see his best team ever somewhat squander a pretty compelling lead to have it all come down to Bo vs Miles. When Miles takes Bo down to his back he remains pretty stoic. Then when Bo does the impossible, and turns what appears like Tom's greatest accomplishment as a coach to tragedy before his eyes, his demeanor remains pretty steady. He slumps back in his chair a bit after the fall, but if it were me I think my skin would split to reveal a bloody skull with fire shooting from the eye sockets.

Watch -

If I didn't bleed blue and white and have a passion for our program that knows few bounds. Coupled with a thurst for victory in every match, dual, tourney and championship, I could almost feel sorry for what this 2017/2018 Lion's team put Tom through.

I give him kudos where due - he handled a season full of greatness and deep dissapointments with more class than I could have mustered. This may be the last time you hear of me complimenting him, but this year he deserved it in spades. I Salute.

Really? Does this include his classless claim after the Bo-Martin match that Bo was effectively lucky to have won the match and had he not gotten a "lucky break" (not categorized as a brilliantly executed "counter move" - which it was), his wrestler, Martin (who lost 6 of the 9 times he faced Bo including giving up major bonus points to Bo in these losses) would have clearly won this match, and was the better wrestler, had he not unluckily been pinned on a luck pin by Bo??? Yea, that's oh so classy behavior from Ryan as a "coach"......NOT!
Up and down their lineup tOSU displays the highest degree of sportsmanship in victory and defeat of any team in Division 1. The coach deserves credit for that behavior. Miles Martin moving directly to the center circle and waiting to shake Bo's hand was an example of that quality.
In my opinion Ryan receives a lot of credit for tOSU's wrestling program which rightfully should go to Russ Hellickson. Hellickson took a program that was never considered among the elites and elevated it at all levels. From the recruits he attracted (which by the way he left a great group for Ryan to start with) to gaining the support of the University and alumns. Just believe that he deserves more credit for the foundation he laid than the lack of acknowledgement that he now receives. (Don't know if I ever heard Ryan mention his name)
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Really? Does this include his classless claim after the Bo-Martin match that Bo was effectively lucky to have won the match and had he not gotten a "lucky break" (not categorized as a brilliantly executed "counter move" - which it was), his wrestler, Martin (who lost 6 of the 9 times he faced Bo including giving up major bonus points to Bo in these losses) would have clearly won this match, and was the better wrestler, had he not unluckily been pinned on a luck pin by Bo??? Yea, that's oh so classy behavior from Ryan as a "coach"......NOT!
These guys are intense and they are in emotional situations with guys they have invested a lot of time and emotion in. They are going to be imperfect at times.

If you have never said anything that is less than flattering to your competition or spouse or co worker - something that did not come out wrong when you say it in an emotional state on the spur of the moment, then be my guest. You can cast the first stone.

Otherwise, a bit of understanding and tolerance is probably a better route to take. We have a great sport and there is no need to pick apart someone for being less than perfect. We can admire others and still want to beat them with all our heart.

As a neutral fan, I hate hearing people tear down Ryan or Brands or Cael or even JRob for that matter. As a guy once said, -"can't we all just get along?"
Really? Does this include his classless claim after the Bo-Martin match that Bo was effectively lucky to have won the match and had he not gotten a "lucky break" (not categorized as a brilliantly executed "counter move" - which it was), his wrestler, Martin (who lost 6 of the 9 times he faced Bo including giving up major bonus points to Bo in these losses) would have clearly won this match, and was the better wrestler, had he not unluckily been pinned on a luck pin by Bo??? Yea, that's oh so classy behavior from Ryan as a "coach"......NOT!

I missed, that one. Ok I'm back on the side where he drives me nuts. That didn't take long.
It's extremely rare, I think, in major athletics, to find a top-notch competitor (and coach) who is also a top-notch person. Cael's demeanor, philosophy, and approach to life in general is something I actually want to emulate well outside the realm of sports. Live every day with gratitude, face every challenge as an opportunity, accept defeat as a lesson you use to move forward. The words are simple, but living it is hard, and I can honestly say I look up to the guy. Sure, he's fiercely competitive, and I don't mind the occasional lapse (shoving a chair at WTT) to remind me he's human. Makes him all the more impressive when you consider his consistency otherwise.

Ryan, Brands, and a number of other coaches would probably make great coaches as an athlete, or a buddy as a fan. They'd probably have something to teach me too--but Cael is special, IMO, because he sees the world a little differently than most, and it shows.
I like Urban Meyer much better than I like Tom Ryan even though UM has had much better success against us than Ryan. UM is as competitive as they come, but there’s just something about how he interacts with our players and coaches that I like.
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There are some of Ryan's actions that I don't particularly care for, but I agree that he handled the disappointment of a very tough loss at NCAA's well.

One anecdote. My son-in-law played soccer at a Christian college (Div 3) and one time Ryan went there to give a devotional talk. My son-in-law was quite impressed with him. I know his wrestlers love him. I think he's a good guy, that sometimes does things that some of us don't particularly like.
That video never gets old! It always makes me a little sad to see MyMar start to walk over to his coaches afterwards and then stop short and leave the mat. Maybe they were under orders to clear the mat quickly, but tOSU didn't have a wrestler up at 197 so TaTo and crew would've had to leave the mat too. I'm sure it happened later, but I would've liked to see MyMar's coaches offer him a supportive embrace on the mat at that momentous moment before a home crowd.

P.S. Someone needs to remind Bo's dad that the time for even slight nasal excavation is not when your son is wrestling on national tv during the biggest match of the year. ;):rolleyes:
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I like Urban Meyer much better than I like Tom Ryan even though UM has had much better success against us than Ryan. UM is as competitive as they come, but there’s just something about how he interacts with our players and coaches that I like.
He personally delivers their post-game pizza?

I like Urban Meyer much better than I like Tom Ryan even though UM has had much better success against us than Ryan. UM is as competitive as they come, but there’s just something about how he interacts with our players and coaches that I like.

Agree with you CT, after we beat #1 tO$U in 2016, UM made no excuses in the Press Conference - he said that our Defensive Line and Front 7 manhandled their OL like no other team had manhandled tO$U's OL during his tenure (very, very high praise considering who tO$U had played during UM's first several years as Coach). UM also came right out and said that Beaver Stadium is the hardest place to play in the nation - bar none - given the atmosphere there.....said he tried to warn his team prior to the game because he felt they were underestimating how difficult this game would be and were inexplicably over-confident about the game. The Press kept asking him to say that he thought tO$U deserved to win the game and UM simply would have nonen of it even saying at one point that everybody saw the game and tO$U got their butts handed to them in the second half.....and that PSU just simply kicked their tails and won the game.....said "it's as simple as that". Urban seems willing to cut corners in terms of who he is willing to let play (and recruit), but in terms of being a "man" about losing and telling his team the same thing (i.e., handle loss in a manly fashion), it is not hard to see why he is a great coach -- he gave PSU all the credit in the world in 2016 unlike that panzy ESPN tO$U-shill Herbstreit.
He is a competitor and those fires sometimes can burn enough that their behavior isn't perfect, but still a good man. I feel the same about Cael and the Brands. They all deserve my respect and I am not worthy to insult any of them because they happen not to be perfect.
You need to work on your self esteem and your criticism skills.
He is acting like a buckeye, Ryan that is. He makes excuses when things don't go his way e.g. "lucky pin" not unlike "fluke blocked kick for a TD" claims in 2016 football. I live among them and a very high percentage make excuses all the time for buckeye failures. The never lose, it was luck, flukes, etc.

This doesn't say anything about Ryan as a man, a person but as a HC of a college team. He could be a wonderful person off the mat setting yet he is annoying with antics and hoodwinks galore during a match or prior to it or after it. I'm generally not overly critical of opponents but he is a special case at times as many others have noted.
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Really? Does this include his classless claim after the Bo-Martin match that Bo was effectively lucky to have won the match and had he not gotten a "lucky break" (not categorized as a brilliantly executed "counter move" - which it was), his wrestler, Martin (who lost 6 of the 9 times he faced Bo including giving up major bonus points to Bo in these losses) would have clearly won this match, and was the better wrestler, had he not unluckily been pinned on a luck pin by Bo??? Yea, that's oh so classy behavior from Ryan as a "coach"......NOT!
Bo has beaten Myles 7 out of 9 matches.
In my opinion Ryan receives a lot of credit for tOSU's wrestling program which rightfully should go to Russ Hellickson. Hellickson took a program that was never considered among the elites and elevated it at all levels. From the recruits he attracted (which by the way he left a great group for Ryan to start with) to gaining the support of the University and alumns. Just believe that he deserves more credit for the foundation he laid than the lack of acknowledgement that he now receives. (Don't know if I ever heard Ryan mention his name)
Russ coached OSU for 18 years and had solid years, but his success is nowhere near the success of Ryan.
Yet every time they wrestle some people discuss why MyMar will beat Bo again. The freshman finals I feel like Bo lost as opposed to MyMar winning.
The difference in that match was two things. One was on the 6 point move Bo did not post his arm.
Yet every time they wrestle some people discuss why MyMar will beat Bo again. The freshman finals I feel like Bo lost as opposed to MyMar winning.
Nickal can’t attack legs
MyMar is more “athletic”
MyMar has grown into 184 and has jumped levels in the OSU room
Nickal can’t handle powerful guys

It is pretty funny - like a lot of us discussing why DT will beat Dake next time.

Nickal got greedy in 2016 and pushed a bad position, and MyMar made him pay. Other than that, MyMar has won once, but at least it was a solid win
As an tOSU grad and wrestling fanatic...
I dont always agree with Tom's statements, and often cringe (like when he was complaining that Kyle Snyder wasnt a Hodge finalist this year).
But, my god, he has been so freaky good for the program.
Who ever posted above about Russ Hellickson - really does not have a grasp on reality. Russ could not get the program to the level that it should be. Only after Tom came, did the sleeping giant wake.
There is zero reasons why Penn St and tOSU should not be the top 2 programs in the nation year after year. Those two states have the most D1 prospects. Hellickson could not keep the best Ohio guys at home. Tom now gets most to stay.
We're kinda obsessed w/ this topic these days. He's prolly a solid dude one on one, but suffers from major foot-in-mouth disease, and he represents the enemy, so no holds barred, all is fair, etc etc.

Pretty much agree. Ryan is a decent guy and clearly a very good coach and recruiter, but good Lord, his comments frequently make him an easy target for abuse.
Nickal got greedy in 2016 and pushed a bad position, and MyMar made him pay. Other than that, MyMar has won once, but at least it was a solid win

Martin is a very gifted wrestler, and credit to anyone good enough to beat Nickal. But that other time Martin won (2017 B1Gs, I believe), I thought Nickal wrestled a very strange match.
As an tOSU grad and wrestling fanatic...
I dont always agree with Tom's statements, and often cringe (like when he was complaining that Kyle Snyder wasnt a Hodge finalist this year).
But, my god, he has been so freaky good for the program.
Who ever posted above about Russ Hellickson - really does not have a grasp on reality. Russ could not get the program to the level that it should be. Only after Tom came, did the sleeping giant wake.
There is zero reasons why Penn St and tOSU should not be the top 2 programs in the nation year after year. Those two states have the most D1 prospects. Hellickson could not keep the best Ohio guys at home. Tom now gets most to stay.
Maybe you should reread my post before asserting what I said. Russ was responsible for laying the foundation of what is now the highly successful OSU program. I made no comparison of the coaches or of their successes and fear that your grasp of reality is somewhat warp.
Maybe you should reread my post before asserting what I said. Russ was responsible for laying the foundation of what is now the highly successful OSU program. I made no comparison of the coaches or of their successes and fear that your grasp of reality is somewhat warp.

I didn't comment before but after your first post re Hellickson I checked and his last year as tOSU coach he had 3 NCAA qualifiers. 1 finished 8th and the other 2 went 0-2. Now maybe he had a good recruiting class redshirting that year but that doesn't sound like much of a foundation to me.
I didn't comment before but after your first post re Hellickson I checked and his last year as tOSU coach he had 3 NCAA qualifiers. 1 finished 8th and the other 2 went 0-2. Now maybe he had a good recruiting class redshirting that year but that doesn't sound like much of a foundation to me.
I don't understand the reluctance to give Hellickson the credit he deserves but perhaps you guys may want to go back and read the article in the May 19th 2006 issue of the Amateur Wrestling News and learn about the effect he had on tOSU program. Although I understand it probably is easier just to criticize anything that conflicts with your opinion.
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Makes Ryan's comments that Martin was the better wrestler and would have won all the more ridiculous (again, especially when you consider that the majority of those wins by Bo was of the bonus point variety including multiple pins of Martin).
Just to clarify, Bo has 2 pins and 1 major, 4 decisions, and 2 decision losses against MyMar in college.
Pretty much agree. Ryan is a decent guy and clearly a very good coach and recruiter, but good Lord, his comments frequently make him an easy target for abuse.

You guys are all aware, I hope, that when Ryan was at Hofstra, he lost his 5 year old son due to a heart malfunction that had gone undiagnosed. He was playing in the house, and one second he was fine, the next he was gone. I can't even begin to imagine the grief that Ryan and his family must have gone through.
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You guys are all aware, I hope, that when Ryan was at Hofstra, he lost his 5 year old son due to a heart malfunction that had gone undiagnosed. He was playing in the house, and one second he was fine, the next he was gone. I can't even begin to imagine the grief that Ryan and his family must have gone through.

I'm sure many are aware of the terrible tragedy that struck the Ryan family in 2004. I'm curious how you see that related to BruceK's comment?
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