Going on five days with without phone, TV or Wifi - Thanks AT&T


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Gold Member
Aug 21, 2001
What a cluster AT&T is. They've really got the best cable TV, but My God, what a effed up company.

It started two weeks ago when my wife was having problems with her Fax line (don't ask me, its a lawyer/dr. thing). When it was repaired the technician talked her into getting fiber at a higher speed at the same cost. So we scheduled an appointment to upgrade the week of the 27th.

  • Friday, the entire system goes out
  • Appt to repair friday night between 4 -8pm (including a text at 3 to assure I was going to be here)
  • Nobody shows up, at 8 I being to navigate through the myriad of phone prompts. At 9pm, I am told there were two "tickets", one for repair and one for fiber they cancelled eachother out and nobody was assigned.
  • OK, schedule an appointment for Saturday between 2 - 4. Again, nobody shows up. After spending another hour navigating the phone system, I am told that somebody's time sheet says they showed up and nobody was home. This is BS, its because it was raining and the problem appears to be outside and they didn't want to work in the rain. I watched the game on my 9" iPad (thanks verizon).
  • Next appointment? Tuesday. Sunday nobody is working and Monday is booked.
  • I call today. Guess what? No appointment on the books. I have to reschedule.
  • I get a second person that tells me that someone is already here and working on it outside because the problem is not inside the house. I ask how can they know that because nobody has been inside my house!!! With no answer, I go outside and tell them that there are no AT&T trucks within 100 yards either way of my house. This gut transfers me to another manager.
  • I go postal and finally get someone who claims to be a manager. After explaining to her that I pay a premium price for premium service and what a shit company she works for she says somebody will be here today between 8am and 8pm. Two problems, I have an appointment from 1:30 to 2:30 someplace else and its already after 8am. Will they show up? And if they do, what are the odds they show up at 1:30-ish?
My options are direct which is owned by AT&T. I can go dish but have too many trees.

Rectum...I mean Spectrum but their ratings are far below AT&T. Then there is Wowway, but they don't have a lot of the services I've grown used to. No other TV providers available to me.

Sorry, had to rant. Might be a good time to just get highspeed and screw cable TV.
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I can't believe people still pay the high rates for cable.. Been cable free for about a year now, Roku, Netflix, and my PS4 was the way to go.

Also dropped wireless recently also.
I can't believe people still pay the high rates for cable.. Been cable free for about a year now, Roku, Netflix, and my PS4 was the way to go.

Also dropped wireless recently also.

I think I am going to upgrade to 100mb fiber and get Hulu for $50/month (unlimited DVR and zip commercials). I am also going to get two more apple TVs (one for each room, already have one). I am going to upgrade my old LG plasma (that is now going on 10 years old. It is a 42 incher and weighs 90 lbs.).
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What a cluster AT&T is. They've really got the best cable TV, but My God, what a effect up company.

It started two weeks ago when my wife was having problems with her Fax line (don't ask me, its a lawyer/dr. thing). When it was repaired the technician talked her into getting fiber at a higher speed at the same cost. So we scheduled an appointment to upgrade the week of the 27th.

  • Friday, the entire system goes out
  • Appt to repair friday night between 4 -8pm (including a text at 3 to assure I was going to be here)
  • Nobody shows up, at 8 I being to navigate through the myriad of phone prompts. At 9pm, I am told there were two "tickets", one for repair and one for fiber they cancelled eachother out and nobody was assigned.
  • OK, schedule an appointment for Saturday between 2 - 4. Again, nobody shows up. After spending another hour navigating the phone system, I am told that somebody's time sheet says they showed up and nobody was home. This is BS, its because it was raining and the problem appears to be outside and they didn't want to work in the rain. I watched the game on my 9" iPad (thanks verizon).
  • Next appointment? Tuesday. Sunday nobody is working and Monday is booked.
  • I call today. Guess what? No appointment on the books. I have to reschedule.
  • I get a second person that tells me that someone is already here and working on it outside because the problem is not inside the house. I ask how can they know that because nobody has been inside my house!!! With no answer, I go outside and tell them that there are no AT&T trucks within 100 yards either way of my house. This gut transfers me to another manager.
  • I go postal and finally get someone who claims to be a manager. After explaining to her that I pay a premium price for premium service and what a shit company she works for she says somebody will be here today between 8am and 8pm. Two problems, I have an appointment from 1:30 to 2:30 someplace else and its already after 8am. Will they show up? And if they do, what are the odds they show up at 1:30-ish?
My options are direct which is owned by AT&T. I can go dish but have too many trees.

Rectum...I mean Spectrum but their ratings are far below AT&T. Then there is Wowway, but they don't have a lot of the services I've grown used to. No other TV providers available to me.

Sorry, had to rant. Might be a good time to just get highspeed and screw cable TV.

Wow thats a mess. Will never go with AT&T.
I think I am going to upgrade to 100mb fiber and get Hulu for $50/month (unlimited DVR and zip commercials). I am also going to get two more apple TVs (one for each room, already have one). I am going to upgrade my old LG plasma (that is now going on 10 years old. It is a 42 incher and weighs 90 lbs.).

I think I am going to upgrade to 100mb fiber and get Hulu for $50/month (unlimited DVR and zip commercials). I am also going to get two more apple TVs (one for each room, already have one). I am going to upgrade my old LG plasma (that is now going on 10 years old. It is a 42 incher and weighs 90 lbs.).

I agree with you completely about ATT- they suck. And it breaks my heart that DirecTV is now part of ATT. DTV used to be a great company with great service Now, not so much. That being said, I believe DirecTV NOW is offering a free 4K Apple TV with 4 months prepaid service. Although it's part of the ATT family, it is online streaming service. Plus you can cancel at the end of 4 months and go with another option and still keep the Apple TV.
sounds like a nightmare

I dropped cable over year ago. I connect everything from my iPad and iPhone hotspot with unlimited data. I pay $40 for direct tv now app with Roku and another 10 for Netflix.
Cable just sucks
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I think I will have you beat, but with Verizon. I had scheduled closing my account and reopen it in my wife's name (to save nearly $80-$90 a month) this past Saturday 11-18. They f'd it up somehow and now need to send a tech out and the earliest they can send someone is Monday after Thanksgiving 11-27. So I'm sitting here at home with no internet, TV or phone for 9 days.

Thankfully my wife who works from home is out of town for the duration of this snafu, or she would have my head on a platter for the rest of this year and probably all of next year.
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