Great season, no complaints. We made usc play the best they have

Damn straight!
USC is a great team right now. Penn State is a great team playing at a level none of us expected so soon.
Very excited to watch this team grow.

BTW, for those of you I met in Indy.... you were a blast brothers!
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I agree. We could play the what if game all night and the USC fans could do the same thing if they lost. This team provided a lot of us with more enjoyment than many would have predicted especially after the Michigan game. I remember after the Michigan game thinking how far away PSU was and I was depressed thinking about it. Did this team ever prove me wrong.
Ever played to win.

Proud of this team and very hopeful about next year. These players will win games because of the lessons from this loss.

Good kids, good character, great reps for psu.
Agree, and yet I feel badly for the kids because a lot, or all, of them may never play in another Rose Bowl. It was a game that should have been won. The kids, the coaches, and most everyone here, knows that. Still, life goes on, but they will carry that loss with them the rest of their lives.
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I appreciate the apparent ability of so many posters here to shake off that loss and simply look forward to next year. I am having trouble doing that. I think it is because, as a Cal fan, I have so much experience losing to USC in football, and so much dislike of all things Trojan. USC-Notre Dame is the ULTIMATE "root for an earthquake" game.
PSU and their fans were 100% classy...seriously guys, you have the best fans that we have ever encountered at a game. I didn't hear any trash talking between the fan bases at any point. Everyone knew they were watching a classic tonight.

You guys are going to be incredible next year...You Are Penn State.
Marisa 45 said it best:

"I've been around a lot of young athletic teams in the last 15+ years and one thing I've learned is that a good loss is better than a close win, especially if your eyes are really on the BIG PRIZE (remember folks this was a consolation game).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a believer in moral victories, that's not what this post is about. This is about a young team, learning a priceless lesson........anyone can be beaten, at ay time under any circumstance. Even when you think you are bullet proof, turns out, you're not. More importantly, you're not as good as anyone says you are and you're never as bad as anyone thinks you are......YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE."

I am confident these coaches will coach these kids up on the meaning of this loss, and how it fits into the greater scheme. At that it is the biggest stage any of the COACHES have been on in their careers.

Disappointed? Sure. But there is a lot of stuff here that will be of value to this team.

Take, for example, the OSU coaching staff's job. They have to convince their players to just FORGET about what happened to them. Theirs was the classic "burn the film" game. Much more difficult.

Our boys had the victory cigar in their teeth. Not hard to get psyched about getting that feeling back.
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Agree, and yet I feel badly for the kids because a lot, or all, of them may never play in another Rose Bowl. It was a game that should have been won. The kids, the coaches, and most everyone here, knows that. Still, life goes on, but they will carry that loss with them the rest of their lives.
Or they will carry it with them until they win the NC next year...great way to forget a loss.:)
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You're going to see a lot of hate from fans of other fanbases in the B1G and Pitt right now. What they saw last night scares the heck out of them.

They'll tell you how the coaches blew the game, how it was a terrible loss, etc. In reality, PSU put everybody on notice last night. They might not have won, but they showed the country they are the best team in the B1G hands down.

Outside of Alabama, who looks like are world beaters this year, PSU could play punch for punch against anyone in the country right now. So can USC. We watched two preseason top 5 teams next season play last night.
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