LOL ... poor Hotturd. No one said rappers don't have a higher rate of death by homicide ... I simply asked for proof of what that rate was. I figured, if someone was going to make the accusation, they'd have the facts, right? Otherwise, it IS ignorance and prejudgment. That is simply fact.
Nothing you provided disproved this. I know this will be entirely lost on you, due in large part, to your documented anger management issue.
But you did, at least, provide a source which tends to show a very high murder rate (assuming it's true - I have no idea what populations they pulled this from). So, why do you think that is? I'd assume it's due to their backgrounds - a lot of rappers come from bad situations, and this is their chosen way to make it out ... and sometimes they don't make it. Sometimes they even become more of a target, because of their success.
It's also worth noting that this is a comparative cause of death chart, and hip-hop is a fairly new musical genre. Fewer rappers have even had a "chance" to die from heart-related causes, or cancer, or other causes associated with aging, as compared to some other genres. Rakim, for example, is one of the earlier pioneers and "stars," and he's 57. So we haven't even gone through the first cycle of rap stars to reach "retirement age," whereas we have walking corpses still performing rock 'n roll (the ones that haven't kicked the bucket). The average rapper's age ... and I mean, of all rappers, past and current (including age of those who died ... if they would have continued to live), is probably in the 30's or 40's, given the rise in popularity of the genre. Maybe lower. So one would expect that bucket weighting to naturally flatten out as the first batch of rappers enter "old age" and start succumbing to the various maladies that eventually take us all.
Then again, I just looked at a list of "rap stars" that are listed as having been murdered ... and most of those people weren't anything close to stars. Regardless, I personally like when people make it out of bad situations ... do you? Do you think rap gets them into murderous situations that they otherwise wouldn't be in? Or do you think rap, more often than not, provides them with an avenue out?