I'm not a CPA but as a lawyer I've helped groups file for 501(c)(3) status, so I'm familiar with both Form 1023 (the application) and Form 990 (the yearly return).
There's really nothing unusual about the NLWC's 990 except that in 2014 you can infer that they received a pretty big donation, my guess would be a single $5m donation. If you take away that one donation, the NLWC and HWC 990s would look about how you'd expect them to look. In fact, since the NLWC didn't receive a $5m donation in 2015, you can compare their 2015 990s in an apples and apples sense by going to pages 9 and 10 of each.
REVENUES (in this context, donations)
HWC: $255,661
NLWC: $303,234 (includes $16,184 in NLWC membership dues; HWC line is blank; I don't think HWC has an annual membership dues structure)
EXPENSES (page 10, including all expenses)
HWC: $449,685
NLWC: $630,283
This is about what I'd expect. You can probably go back and estimate which club was more active around that time but I'll bet it was the NLWC, and that would account for the difference.
That disposed of, you're left with misinformed, financially illiterate whining over NLWC having received a $5m donation in 2014, and everyone else having not.