Here's where this board gets completely pathetic when you have several posters, who have probably never played the game - but deem themselves "experts", say absurd shit like "if Brooks had actually tackled Mertz..... blah, blah, blah", when Mertz "ACTUALLY" DID tackle Mertz as the video unquestionably demonstrates (Mertz goes out-of-bounds immediately after the collision with Brooks). Mertz clearly made the decision to run the sideline and after Brooks trapped him there by closing on his left side, Mertz, and nobody but Mertz, decided upon a direct collision in an attempt to drive Brooks backwards for the final 2 yards. He clearly failed and Brooks did "tackle" him as defined by the rules - to say that it is bad technique to use the sideline as a defender and trap the runner to the sideline by containing his "on-field" side as you close (in this case Mertz's left side) giving the runner only 2 options - run the sideline or step out to avoid contact... is utter bullshit - really laughably absurd bullshit... and something that anyone who has played the game at any level would never say. You're coached to use the sideline as your friend in that situation and hitting them on their left side is precisely what you're taught to do in that situation.