A. The replay official shall review all targeting fouls, Rules 9-1-3 and 9-1-4. For a player to be disqualified and the Targeting foul to be enforced, all elements of a Targeting foul must be confirmed by the Instant Replay Official. There is no option for stands as a part of a Targeting review. If any element of Targeting cannot be confirmed, then the Replay Official shall overturn the targeting foul.
Targeting elements include:
1. Rule 9-1-3:
- (a) A player takes aim at an opponent for the purposes of attacking with forcible contact with the crown of the helmet.
- (b) An indicator of targeting is present.
2. Rule 9-1-4:
- (a) A defenseless opponent (Rule 2-27-14).
- (b) A player takes aim at a defenseless opponent for the purposes of attacking with forcible contact to the head or neck area.
- (c) An indicator of targeting is present.
B. The replay official may create a targeting foul from the booth when the targeting action is clear and obvious and the foul is not called by the officials on the field. Such a review may not be initiated by a coach’s challenge.
So it's quite clear that the only "element" that can be called in regards to Brooks tackle is Rule 9-1-3 as Wisconsin runner is not entitled to the additional "elements" of 9-1-4, a "Defenseless Opponent" as defined by Rule 2-27-14.
Brooks does not initiate or target contact with the crown of his helmet as defined by Rule 9-1-3. He is Targetting contact with the center of Wisconsin runner's chest until the WISCONSIN RUNNER decides to drop his level & head and drive into Brooks - even still, Brooks' first contact is into Wisconsin runner's side and shoulder with his own shoulder and the front of his helmet (i.e., facemask). It isn't until after first contact that Brooks' head rides up and over Wisconsin runner's shoulder and their heads contact each other (basically the front of Brooks' helmet to the right-front of Mertz's helmet) - this is incidental contact of a tackle collision by rule as the first contact proves that Brooks is not Targetting anything with the crown of his helmet.
In addition, the final paragraph of rule clearly states, "
Such a review may not be initiated by a coach’s challenge.".