Hot-lanta lost that game more than NE won it - the 3rd-&-1 "pass" while up by 16 with...


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
....8:31 to go, clock running and led to a 15-Yard Sack & Fumble giving the ball to NE inside their own redzone has to be one of the most fundamentally STOOOOOPID play calls I've ever seen! Atlanta was averaging over 6 ypc at the time they called that pass on 3rd-&-1 with the game in hand short of turning the ball over or preserving enough time on the clock for NE to score what do they do on a 3rd-&-1? They call a pass play which would have stopped the clock if incomplete and actually ended up with the more disastrous outcome of not only stopping the clock, but also turning the ball over deep in their own territory after going backwards 15 yards on the 3rd-&-1 play??? The worst outcome, if they run the ball there, is that they getted stopped with the clock running, punt on 4th down and NE deep in their own territory, down 16 and only 7 and a half minutes remaining (but the odds of picking up 1 yard on 3rd-&-1 when you're averaging over 6 ypc in the game are way, way, way up there.....not to mention that a coach should be way more concerned with just keeping the clock running at that point in the game as they already had more than enough points to win as long as they didn't do something stupid. So what did they do, and call? Something stupid of course!).

Has to be one of the worst play-calls in that situation in NFL history.....only followed by Atlanta's decision to throw again 5 minutes later on 2nd-&-11 from NE's 23 Yard Line with a clock that was running and had just gone under 4 minutes to play resulting in a 12-Yard sack that took them out of chip-shot FG range that would have given them a two-score lead (11 points) and at worst given the ball back to NE with only 2 and a half minutes to play???? Instead they are forced to attempt another pass on 3rd down where they get called for holding and are now completely out of FG range......and of course on the 3rd-&-35 replay of 3rd down after the penalty they attempt another pass which is incomplete stopping the clock!!!

Has to be some of the stupidest, most unnecessary, brain-dead play-calling ever in the NFL, let alone a Super Bowl, when you have enough points to win the game all except for your inexplicably bad play calls which are the only things that preserved NE's opportunity to win! I mean this was Barney Fife shoot yourself in the foot with your own gun fundamentally bad play-calling and beyond inexplicable from the an NFL-level coach. The notion that NE "won" this game more than Atlanta clearly "lost it" with their own inexplicable stupidity is laughable -- those series of events were so inexplicably bad, it was almost like watching a contrived event and outcome on WWE!
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