No. First, it was CBS that held the rights and they were for $55mm p.a. CBS bid $300mm which the SEC turned down, so $250mm-$300mm isn't going to cut it. Expectations are that the rights will go to ESPN for between $330mm-350mm.
Just because an entity makes a high bid for an asset doesn't mean.
My facts were off a wee bit, but doesn't change the story. And I am assuming they make their money off of advertising. When the bidding goes from 55 million to 300+, I guess there is money to be made somewhere, somehow. Which goes back to my original post, if these bowls were losing money, they would go away quickly. Instead we have expanded to a bloated 40 bowl games, and it doesn't matter for the most part whether anyone shows up or not. The article linked in my original post stated that the bowls have paid out 1 billion + to conferences over the last 3 years. And that is after all these bowl committees and others dip their hands in the coffers for millions. Someone is making lots of money here, and it's not the players (except maybe a few OSU guys).