How much is each player getting in NIL income?


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Sep 29, 2008
Mt Dora FL
If they can not publish this, how could anyone be held responsiaxble. We need to know ; total donations, administrative costs by line item and payments made to each player. Are there laws that govern soliciting money in PA. This seems like a money pit. If I had all the money in tahe world, I would not give a nickel. I may have attended my last game. The b
If they can not publish this, how could anyone be held responsiaxble. We need to know ; total donations, administrative costs by line item and payments made to each player. Are there laws that govern soliciting money in PA. This seems like a money pit. If I had all the money in tahe world, I would not give a nickel. I may have attended my last game. The b
Put the bottle
Down bud
Ya right… report? No way. It’s like passing the plate at church. Come on man. We’re talking about athletic departments that spend as much as they bring in…. Wink, wink.
If they can not publish this, how could anyone be held responsiaxble. We need to know ; total donations, administrative costs by line item and payments made to each player. Are there laws that govern soliciting money in PA. This seems like a money pit. If I had all the money in tahe world, I would not give a nickel. I may have attended my last game. The b
It’s not taxpayer money.
If they can not publish this, how could anyone be held responsiaxble. We need to know ; total donations, administrative costs by line item and payments made to each player. Are there laws that govern soliciting money in PA. This seems like a money pit. If I had all the money in tahe world, I would not give a nickel. I may have attended my last game. The b
You won't give toward compensating players for their work in entertaining you because of lack of accountability and transparency, but you'll give toward compensating people for perpetuating cults furthering ancient superstitions with no accountability, transparency AND favorable treatment within the legal and financial worlds?
Seems reasonable.
You won't give toward compensating players for their work in entertaining you because of lack of accountability and transparency, but you'll give toward compensating people for perpetuating cults furthering ancient superstitions with no accountability, transparency AND favorable treatment within the legal and financial worlds?
Seems reasonable.
Why do you feel compelled to attack somebody's religious beliefs?
If they can not publish this, how could anyone be held responsiaxble. We need to know ; total donations, administrative costs by line item and payments made to each player. Are there laws that govern soliciting money in PA. This seems like a money pit. If I had all the money in tahe world, I would not give a nickel. I may have attended my last game. The b
Unlike public Universities, virtually all NIL Collectives are privately controlled and have no obligation to publicly report information such as their annual fundraising or how funds are spent. Additionally, most NIL collectives are very protective of their funding.

Is that a promise that you have attended your last game? Since you do nothing but complain and will not give a nickel, what will we do without you?
Why do you feel compelled to attack somebody's religious beliefs?
Religious beliefs weren't attacked. I pointed out hypocrisy - that is all. She's been openly promoting the concept of financial giving to religious cults, and now she's promoting not giving to other causes based on certain reasoning that also applies to religious cults. She's also factually incorrect about the legalities involved.
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NIL is OK in principle. Some of the other B.S. is just that. Athletes are paid -- a free education with tuition, room & board, health insurance, books, etc. Depending upon the school and area cost of living, this is a pretty nice piece of change. I took out loans, worked long hot summer hours for minimum wage (around $1.80/hr.) and worked part-time in local bars (yes, again at minimum wage).
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Unlike public Universities, virtually all NIL Collectives are privately controlled and have no obligation to publicly report information such as their annual fundraising or how funds are spent. Additionally, most NIL collectives are very protective of their funding.

Is that a promise that you have attended your last game? Since you do nothing but complain and will not give a nickel, what will we do without you?
LMAORFL Try to imagine A pro baseball team ask you for money so they can hire better players.
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