If you bother to watch the play, the Illini defender jumps towards the sideline and is the player who initiates contact. That makes it more of a judgement call with the refs. The defender is attempting to wreck the timing of the pass patern. The tight end is attempting to run a six yard inward curl. Every game has dozens of such judgement calls that refs go either way on.
Here is a video of the play:
You are completely full of shit that the Illini defender initiates the contact OR that the scUM receiver attempts to run past him on sideline side. After running directly into his chest, the scUM eligible receiver attempts to wall and drive Illini defender to inside and in fact the defender finally escapes to the scUM receiver's very clear INTENTIONAL block to the scUM players left-hand side (i.e., toward the sideline) while the scUM receiver rolls off the Illini defender to the Illini players right. It would be the diametric opposite if the defender had initiated the contact and attempted to trap scUM player against sideline.
You scUM fans are so pathetic - this is BEYOND BLATANT and OBVIOUS Offensive Pass Interference and to claim otherwise is laughable.
This excerpted directly from the NCAA Rulebook - Rule 7-3-8-b - Offensive Pass Interference:
b. Offensive pass interference is contact by a Team A player beyond the neutral zone that interferes with a Team B player during a legal forward pass play in which the forward pass crosses the neutral zone. It is the responsibility of the offensive player to avoid the opponents.
Bolding of last sentence added by me. Complete nonsense that the scUM receiver is remotely permitted to do what he did as confirmed by 100% of the "A.R."s (Approved Rulings in the Rulebook associated with Rule 7-3-8-b - Offensive Pass Interference. A.R. 7-3-8 IV -VI):IV. At the snap, A88 is on the end of the line of scrimmage 10 yards from the tackle position and A44 is in the backfield, four yards to his inside. Just before the Team A passer releases the ball, A88 contacts B1 five yards beyond the neutral zone. The pass is thrown to A44, who has moved in front and to the outside of the spot where A88 had contacted B1. RULING: Team A foul, offensive pass interference. Penalty—15 yards from the previous spot. V. Before the ball is thrown, wide receiver A88 moves four yards downfield directly toward and in front of the defender, B1. At this spot, B1 pushes A88, who then uses his hands to contact B1. RULING: Team A foul, offensive pass interference, if the legal forward pass is beyond the neutral zone. Penalty—15 yards from the previous spot. VI. Before the ball is thrown, wide receiver A88 slants to the inside where linebacker B1 attempts to block him. A88 uses his hands to shove B1 away. RULING: Team A foul, offensive pass interference, if the legal forward pass crosses the neutral zone. If B1’s initial contact was below the waist and beyond the neutral zone, Team B also has fouled and the live-ball fouls offset.