Hurricane Helene

So they are saying Cat 4. We shall see.

Yeah. media has a tendency to over-dramatize things but one never knows. We had a tornedo warning the other dropped coverage because they didn't want to get in the way of America's Got Talent and the other was going neighborhood by neighborhood telling people to get into their basements.

But I think the real problem with this one is a) its path hasn't been seen in some time so people may not be prepared and b) the size of it, not its strength, will cause a lot of flooding.
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Similar to Agnes in 1972…. Just a slight turn west instead of stalling over Pa.
have you seen the cone beyond it being over Kentucky? I can't imagine it is going to go west forever. the weather goes west to east. so while this is sometimes a short-term thing, it won't last long. My bet is that it goes west for a day then turns back east over the lakes.
have you seen the cone beyond it being over Kentucky? I can't imagine it is going to go west forever. the weather goes west to east. so while this is sometimes a short-term thing, it won't last long. My bet is that it goes west for a day then turns back east over the lakes.
Nope, but the cane that came in over New Orleans never came this way either. Rained itself out and some may have north go Canada.
Yeah. media has a tendency to over-dramatize things but one never knows. We had a tornedo warning the other dropped coverage because they didn't want to get in the way of America's Got Talent and the other was going neighborhood by neighborhood telling people to get into their basements.

But I think the real problem with this one is a) its path hasn't been seen in some time so people may not be prepared and b) the size of it, not its strength, will cause a lot of flooding.
They definitely sensationalize everything. As you're watching, especially on the weather channel, pay attention to the use of the words "could", "may", "is expected to", "potentially", etc. Rarely will you ever hear them make a definitive statement because in all cases it would be less sensational.
On a positive note, that should end the drought in parts of the country.
The damage from droughts is in the books. The ridiculous rains are now imposing another type of damage to our homes, soils etc. yes some places will get water tables up and lakes refilled but this cycle cannot go on. My good friends in Cedar Key, Stienhactchie and Jena, FL lost their homes last year, have no insurance and the few that are rebuilding out of pocket are seeing their construction sites obliterated. Tragic ....
They definitely sensationalize everything. As you're watching, especially on the weather channel, pay attention to the use of the words "could", "may", "is expected to", "potentially", etc. Rarely will you ever hear them make a definitive statement because in all cases it would be less sensational.

It's become standard for the media to predict doom with these storms...and then there occurs a pretty ordinary hurricane scenario...some damage and dislocation...possibly even extensive but far short of dire prognostications and nowhere near catastrophic. Which is a good thing.

That said, every now and then, the doomsayers get it right. Plus for anyone having to evacuate their home or otherwise suffering harm, it's catastrophic enough.

In any case, I'm happy not to be anywhere in or near the bullseye of this storm. The projected footprint is huge with torrential rain forecast for not only the vicinity of landfall in Florida but also large parts of Georgia and the Carolinas afterward. Praying for everyone in the path of this thing tonight and over the next few days...
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The damage from droughts is in the books. The ridiculous rains are now imposing another type of damage to our homes, soils etc. yes some places will get water tables up and lakes refilled but this cycle cannot go on. My good friends in Cedar Key, Stienhactchie and Jena, FL lost their homes last year, have no insurance and the few that are rebuilding out of pocket are seeing their construction sites obliterated. Tragic ....
They owned houses in Florida with no insurance? And some are rebuilding? That's not tragic... it's stupid.