I am assuming that those who got Big102Go Team option had tournament access.

Roar More

Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
Yeah or nay?

(I am also assuming I was lied to when I was told I needed full access.)
No you had to get a month of full access. PSU team access did not get me the stream today.
Like others, BTN+ team access worked with only obvious problems being: 1) out to lunch camera work, and 2) intermittent streaming issues on Mats 2 and 4.

Now wondering whether those with Team pass do not remove Penn State team filter from schedule view in phone App. If one leaves the team filter on, the tournament remains hidden.
I got the one month pass and watched wrestling and the hockey game. All was great except the cameramen that we're out to lunch. Arguably the worst angles I've ever seen and many times they weren't paying attention. At least I could watch. Finally at the end of the day the scroll had the mat assignments. All good.