At first and until recently, my dominant motivation was righting the wrongs to Joe whom I still believe was one of the finest men of his generation. That is still very important to me however, over the last several months my thoughts on the matter have changed a little bit.
Now, it's more about not letting these corrupt a$$holes simply "get away" with scapegoating people which I believe they've been getting away with most of their lives. They are never challenged and they do as they please. At this point for me now, it's more about fundamental right versus wrong.
My love for Penn State is still deep and I feel as if she has been "taken hostage" by these corrupt scumbags and is screaming for us to help her. Melodramatic perhaps but that's how I see it.
For those of you who are near to walking away, I find that if I just take a couple days break from it all, I can recharge and refocus. When I take a break, my thoughts always return to Joe and how he didn't deserve what these pigs did and are still doing to him. It's not right plain and simple. It's not f-ing right.
I'll say it again, none of this is f-ing right. We have to keep trying.