If you can’t wear a singlet you were never man enough to wrestle anyway

Too often in our increasingly soft wrestling world I hear about how allowing youth wrestlers to wear shorts and a compression shirt instead of the traditional singlet would help grow the sport. That doing this would help these snowflakes in middle school overcome their fear of performing with their genitals in full view of their friends, family, and strangers. Well guess what? Maybe it’s not such a good idea to grow the sport if it means attracting cowards, weaklings, and degenerates who don’t have the guts to participate in our sport’s traditions. When I was a teenager me and my brothers and and Dads/cousins (from the other side of the family) would all go down in the basement and wrestle without clothes and without a care in the world. Wearing a singlet was a luxury compared to those basement scraps, but it taught me everything I know about perseverance and overcoming adversity. Singlets are the way wrestlers face their demons, by presenting themselves to the public and never taking “no” for an answer. It’s not popular in today’s politically correct climate but the fact is if you can’t wear a singlet you were never man enough to wrestle anyway.

F#$%, I come back to bwi after a week break and see this. At least give me some frickin paragraphs.
If you put mud or oil infused with black dye in the pit you’re wrestling in, it will coverup your genitals, so technically you won’t be wrestling naked. (Atleast that’s what I told her!) 😜
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Too often in our increasingly soft wrestling world I hear about how allowing youth wrestlers to wear shorts and a compression shirt instead of the traditional singlet would help grow the sport. That doing this would help these snowflakes in middle school overcome their fear of performing with their genitals in full view of their friends, family, and strangers. Well guess what? Maybe it’s not such a good idea to grow the sport if it means attracting cowards, weaklings, and degenerates who don’t have the guts to participate in our sport’s traditions. When I was a teenager me and my brothers and and Dads/cousins (from the other side of the family) would all go down in the basement and wrestle without clothes and without a care in the world. Wearing a singlet was a luxury compared to those basement scraps, but it taught me everything I know about perseverance and overcoming adversity. Singlets are the way wrestlers face their demons, by presenting themselves to the public and never taking “no” for an answer. It’s not popular in today’s politically correct climate but the fact is if you can’t wear a singlet you were never man enough to wrestle anyway.
I wrestled between '59 and '71. In the early days, we covered ourselves as much as possible, not out of embarrassment, but to avoid mat burns --- the scourge of wrestling before Resolite mats. We had singlets and leggings. In practice your wore sweats to 1) lose weight and 2) not get mat burns on your arms. Mat burns sucked.
And yet, a couple of years ago I chanced upon an Okie State video of the 1963 NCAA championships. Almost everyone wrestled topless! I never saw anyone wrestle topless in my time. I had a friend who made the NCAA finals in '65 and they all wore tops, I think. Maybe Okie State had some fetish thing going on like the person who started this thread.
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…back in the 50’s, - when Penn State won its first NCAA team championship - the PSU wrestling uniform was a 3 piece … a Navy blue woolen knit top shaped like a sleeveless T-shirt, … a matching pair of full leg stretch pants with a stirrup foot and a string tied waist band … and a white cotton man’s bathing suit with an expansion waist band … at the same time some Midwest teams wrestled w/o a top uniform until the NCAA ruled they had to wear an over the shoulders top …. for. a short time a few coaches had their team wear essentially just a string top until they were finally forced to comply with more coverage on top,,,
… so now you know the rest of the story… :)
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I wrestled in a singlet, but we had separate full length pants that you put on first and then put the singlet on. My school also served the wrestlers greasy hamberger on toast after we weighed in and be fore the match???? Not a very good idea by todays nutrition standards!!!!!
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jk. Would like to see photos of these old PSU get-ups