I'm done with Beav. My streak will stop at 50 years.

Other than the music, the stadium hasn't changed, you have changed. Some of the things you want with respect to accessibility are about impossible to do without huge, huge costs involved. Have you thought about changing your ticket location to an easier spot to access? Wouldn't that be the most simple solution.

As for the music, can understand how you don't like the selection and too loud. But reality is that is what anybody in college right now and about through their mid 30's wants to hear.
Get better speakers and don't play it every freakin break in play and then most folks would be good with it. I have witnessed many occasions where the intrepid music drowns out the Blue Band and public service announcements. They could play Jim Jones and the People's Temple recordings for all I care so long as it sounds better and does not detract from other happenings at the game that add to the atmosphere.
Get better speakers and don't play it every freakin break in play and then most folks would be good with it. I have witnessed many occasions where the intrepid music drowns out the Blue Band and public service announcements. They could play Jim Jones and the People's Temple recordings for all I care so long as it sounds better and does not detract from other happenings at the game that add to the atmosphere.
Get better speakers and don't play it every freakin break in play and then most folks would be good with it. I have witnessed many occasions where the intrepid music drowns out the Blue Band and public service announcements. They could play Jim Jones and the People's Temple recordings for all I care so long as it sounds better and does not detract from other happenings at the game that add to the atmosphere.
I am not saying that I like all the piped in music, just commenting. If I were in charge, I would reduce the music in between plays and during commercials some and let the blue band play more. That is what is great about college football is the band. So maybe cut the piped in music by 50% and let the blue band play that 50%.

as for the crappy speakers up in the south end zone. yes, they should be turned down and maybe some other speakers placed at the suites and the press box to allow for more sounds in the East and West versus trying to blast the south end zone so the whole stadium hears it.
The stadium is horrendous for those with any mobility issues. The ramps going up to the row 40 level are bad enough, but it's even worse going down. There are no railings at all and someone can easily lose their balance and tumble down the ramp. Also there are no railings in the middle of the outside aisle steps, nothing to hold onto going up or down. Add the incessant rap or hip-hop or whatever it is blaring from the south end zone and this has to be the worse experience in college football. No wonder why the south end zone seats are only half full. Have been to at least one game every year since 1972 but this is it.
Beaver Stadium is over 100 years old. Gotta remember it was disassembled and moved to the current location in 1960. This was way before the terms, customer experience, viewing experience, accessibility figured into college stadiums. Ou stadium is old, cramped and outdated.
Hate to say it, but a new stadium needs to be built, probably between lots 31 and 33. Capacity only needs to be about 85,000.
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No one would have had to go into the stadium to have you paged. The stadium could be called by the EMTs or the hospital.

Anyway, it's odd to me that you (and others) thinks the stadium experience:

a) revolves around them
b) should be just as convenient as watching the game at home.

I usually only go to one game per year because it is a pretty huge effort for me to do so (travel time, lodging logistics, less desire as I age to sit in a 33 degree rainstorm). But that doesn't mean I think "State College is broken" it just means I know one game per year is the correct number of games FOR ME to attend. So I adapt my behavior to the conditions, not expect the conditions to adapt to me.
I don’t think it revolves around me, I just think the cell system is horrible on game day.
This is most “Ok Boomer” thread in the history of threads.

Of course the music isn’t going to geared for people in their 70’s who need railings and wheelchairs to watch the game. I’m Gen X and hardly young anymore and I like rap music. The music is what the students, players, and recruits want to hear. Your time has passed.
I would enjoy yodeling and October fest music personally.
Anyway, it's odd to me that you (and others) thinks the stadium experience:

a) revolves around them
b) should be just as convenient as watching the game at home.
Why is sharing one’s experience and opinions on how to improve an experience odd? I doubt this person is alone. Have they done surveys of attendees / non-attendees?

hard to please 110k people but feedback is a gift. PSU should want it.
It does seem though that whenever the idea of major renovations are brought up for Beaver the two loudest reactions that come out be it either from folks posting here, or on Facebook or talking as 'person on the street' to writers doing stores about it are:

1- Its going to cost too much and the AD is a fool and an diot for taking on these costs / putting the $$ in
2- It is going to 'ruin' Beavers stadium for various reasons and the AD is an idiot and a fool for doing it.

The it costs too much and we don't like change squeaky wheels are always the loudest whenever the topic of major renovations to Beaver Stadium comes up. And it is going to take major renovations to deal with access issues, bathroom issues, concessions issues and all that for a stadium that has been put together piecemeal over the past 80+ years.
The stadium is horrendous for those with any mobility issues. The ramps going up to the row 40 level are bad enough, but it's even worse going down. There are no railings at all and someone can easily lose their balance and tumble down the ramp. Also there are no railings in the middle of the outside aisle steps, nothing to hold onto going up or down. Add the incessant rap or hip-hop or whatever it is blaring from the south end zone and this has to be the worse experience in college football. No wonder why the south end zone seats are only half full. Have been to at least one game every year since 1972 but this is it.
I reached that conclusion back in 2013. The game is what i wanted to see. The band is what I wanted to hear. I do not need anyone to try to get me excited, my interest in the game does that.
The constant useless noise is what really drove me away. The way I handled that is to wear the same radio headphones I use when I cut grass. They completely cover and enclose my ears. Steve and Jack told me what I wanted to know infinitely better than any announcer in the stadium or on TV, and I still listen to them while at home, ten steps from the bathroom and fifteen steps from the refrigerator in a very supportive reclining chair in either air conditioning or a warm room.

I sure do not miss the 2.5 hour drive to and from State College. I do miss the sense of excitement in the town. I sat in the first row of the upper deck in the South End Zone and I loved the view and hated the canned, forced noise..
This is most “Ok Boomer” thread in the history of threads.

Of course the music isn’t going to geared for people in their 70’s who need railings and wheelchairs to watch the game. I’m Gen X and hardly young anymore and I like rap music. The music is what the students, players, and recruits want to hear. Your time has passed.
It seems the vast majority of complaints are with the volume level not the type of music.
Haven't been to a game in about 15 years. I'll say this it's for the young and the students. It's refreshing to see young fans enjoying seeing what i experienced in the 60's, to the OO's.

Look at it this way, i'm sure you've seen great games in your days. I sat in front of a lovely couple who attended PSU games since the 1920's and in the late 80's they said it was time to give it up.
This is most “Ok Boomer” thread in the history of threads.

Of course the music isn’t going to geared for people in their 70’s who need railings and wheelchairs to watch the game. I’m Gen X and hardly young anymore and I like rap music. The music is what the students, players, and recruits want to hear. Your time has passed.
Wow what a very thoughtful and well thought out response - you should go into politics - you would fit right in.
As far as the ramps to the upper level, if mobility is an issue there is an escalator at the south end of the stadium.
Haven't been to a game in about 15 years. I'll say this it's for the young and the students. It's refreshing to see young fans enjoying seeing what i experienced in the 60's, to the OO's.

Look at it this way, i'm sure you've seen great games in your days. I sat in front of a lovely couple who attended PSU games since the 1920's and in the late 80's they said it was time to give it up.
Not sure if you were at the OSU game in 2005, yes we had some piped in music, but the stadium was closer to old school days than where it's at right now.
I had seats in the south upper deck 10-15 yrs ago and remember the volume being way too loud. Like harmful to the hearing of the people up there loud. It was one reason I changed sections. This past Saturday I went up there to see what it was like now and thought it was a lot more reasonable. I seem to remember they did some work on the speakers in the last few years?

Put me down as not a fan of the PA guy. I’d prefer someone just giving the facts and not trying to be a cheerleader.
This is most “Ok Boomer” thread in the history of threads.

Of course the music isn’t going to geared for people in their 70’s who need railings and wheelchairs to watch the game. I’m Gen X and hardly young anymore and I like rap music. The music is what the students, players, and recruits want to hear. Your time has passed.
Well, it appears that they finally dropped “ Sweet Caroline”… and not a moment too soon. However, you sir, are a dick. But, everyone already knew that.
Well, it appears that they finally dropped “ Sweet Caroline”… and not a moment too soon. However, you sir, are a dick. But, everyone already knew that.
They did? I'd be a huge fan of that song going away, but I could have sworn I heard it on TV during the Ohio game.
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They did? I'd be a huge fan of that song going away, but I could have sworn I heard it on TV during the Ohio game.
I went out just before halftime for a beer and then back in for the rest of the game….maybe I was lucky and missed it?
Well, it appears that they finally dropped “ Sweet Caroline”… and not a moment too soon. However, you sir, are a dick. But, everyone already knew that.
Surprise but you are wrong again. I was at the Ohio game and they played Sweet Caroline.
It seems the vast majority of complaints are with the volume level not the type of music.
We gave up our season tix at another P5 university a couple of years ago after having them for about 10 years. Your comment regarding the volume level of the piped in music is spot on, not just at the Beav. Not only is the volume cranked up to 11, but they insist on blaring the music throughout TV timeouts, not just when returning from commercial break. And there are a lot of TV timeouts in CFB.

I have recently been to NHL and NBA playoff games where music is piped in, but they have figured out the sound system and it generally works out fine. I would say that the professional venues have been able to strike a balance that allows the piped in music to enhance the game experience. At the CFB venues I have been to, it is tough to carry on a conversation with the person next to you during entire TV stoppages in play because of the volume of the music. This excessive use of piped in music doesn't enhance the CFB experience--it is an annoyance.
Actually I too have been attending Beaver Stadium for over 50 years - in fact, 55 years, and I have one thing to say.: if you no longer enjoy the experience and want to stop going, great! Do what most people do when they get tired of something whether it's a restaurant, vacation site, hobby or a stadium. But as someone said before, I don't really care what you personally like or don't like and I'm not alone. In fact look around. There are another 107,000 like me that are enjoying the game as well. As for the music, whether I'd pick the same songs or not is really beside the point. If it gets the students into a frenzy, I'm fine with it including the volume. If you are more comfortable sitting at home I'm fine with that too. We'll all get there sooner or later.
One last point. Someone asked why they don't do a survey. Actually they have, at least twice in the last few years and some changes have occurred as a result.
This is most “Ok Boomer” thread in the history of threads.

Of course the music isn’t going to geared for people in their 70’s who need railings and wheelchairs to watch the game. I’m Gen X and hardly young anymore and I like rap music. The music is what the students, players, and recruits want to hear. Your time has passed.
Hey NJ…My time will have passed when I’m dead. Until then…feel free to GFY.

And by the way…as I said earlier. It’s not the music…It’s the shitty, distorted sound system. You must not have the money in your pocket to afford decent quality audio in your life, so I guess it doesn’t bother you.