I'm done with Beav. My streak will stop at 50 years.

Haha that is a great story. Robbie Robertson invited Neil to play at the last waltz over the strenuous objections of the rest of The Band, particularly Levon Helm.

After Neil played, Bob Dylan was up. Before he went to the mike, he leaned over to Levon and said, “How in the hell am I supposed to follow that?” Levon could not stop laughing.

Personally, I enjoy Neil Diamond. But the last waltz story is a classic.
That was after Van Morrison, not Neil.
If Neil Diamond is good enough to get invited to play in The Band's farewell concert, he's good enough for me.

(Plus, my mother loves him!)

I really can't stand it at the games, but I'll take Neil's worst song over anything by Bon Jovi.
Bon Jovi is also crap.

I don't really know who "The Band" are (I've heard the name, but couldn't name any of their songs...and I'm class of '95, so it's not like I'm a young kid).
If I learned on thing in life, it's that we all "vibe" to different music. A song either strikes a "chord" with a person or it doesn't. Evidenced by the billions upon billions of songs that can inspire each of us.
This is very true and to each his/her own.

But circling this back to the original conversation, the music in Beaver Stadium should cater to:

a) the players (i.e. if there are certain songs that actually pump up the players, e.g. Mo Bamba from a few years ago)
b) how fired up it gets the crowd (i.e. noise can affect game play, e.g. Zombie Nation or Seven Nation Army)
c) the students (the game experience is primarily theirs to enjoy)
d) everyone else
This is very true and to each his/her own.

But circling this back to the original conversation, the music in Beaver Stadium should cater to:

a) the players (i.e. if there are certain songs that actually pump up the players, e.g. Mo Bamba from a few years ago)
b) how fired up it gets the crowd (i.e. noise can affect game play, e.g. Zombie Nation or Seven Nation Army)
c) the students (the game experience is primarily theirs to enjoy)
d) everyone else
I totally agree. I also think the current music is "stale" and with a gazillion songs out there no need to be. Well, licensing may play a role. Time for a facelift and get creative. This 5-0 Team needs it's very OWN song to call their own---one that becomes a rallying cry---and that the fans can get on board with.

(I remember "Ain't No Stopping Us Now" from those glorious 70's-80's.)
I totally agree. I also think the current music is "stale" and with a gazillion songs out there no need to be. Well, licensing may play a role. Time for a facelift and get creative. This 5-0 Team needs it's very OWN song to call their own---one that becomes a rallying cry---and that the fans can get on board with.

(I remember "Ain't No Stopping Us Now" from those glorious 70's-80's.)
Let the team pick their song then. And it isn't going to be a song you like (based on your stated musical tastes).

When I'm getting geared up for competition, I want a song that make me want to run through a wall. I doubt many on the team today listen to this band but, to me, this is perfect:

both in terms of intensity and lyrics (Battery refers to the energy of the crowd that powers the performers)

Lashing out the action
Returning a reaction
Weak are ripped and torn away
Hypnotizing power
Crushing all that cower
Battery is here to stay
Smashing through the boundaries
Lunacy has found me
Cannot stop the battery
Pounding out aggression
Turns into obsession
Cannot kill the battery
Cannot kill the family
Battery is found in me
Crushing all deceivers
Mashing non-believers
Never ending potency
Hungry violence seeker
Feeding off the weaker
Breeding on insanity
Smashing through the boundaries
Lunacy has found me
Cannot stop the battery
Pounding out aggression
Turns into obsession
Cannot kill the battery
Cannot kill the family
Battery is found in me
Circle of destruction
Hammer comes crushing
Powerhouse of energy
Whipping up a fury
Dominating flurry
We create the battery
Smashing through the boundaries
Lunacy has found me
Cannot stop the battery
Pounding out aggression
Turns into obsession
Cannot kill the battery
Cannot kill the family
Battery is found in me
This is very true and to each his/her own.

But circling this back to the original conversation, the music in Beaver Stadium should cater to:

a) the players (i.e. if there are certain songs that actually pump up the players, e.g. Mo Bamba from a few years ago)
b) how fired up it gets the crowd (i.e. noise can affect game play, e.g. Zombie Nation or Seven Nation Army)
c) the students (the game experience is primarily theirs to enjoy)
d) everyone else

that's ridiculous.....the players need to be focused on the game and first and foremost, the music in Beaver Stadium should be coming from the Penn State Blue Band, or at least far more often than it is now

(as a side, an Auburn fan sitting near me last year asked "Do they let your band play during the game?" reply "Not so much")

and we have that giant stadium and game experience thanks to "everyone else" many 20-year-olds do you think get invites to the President's Suite?
that, and the go to any games?
I do however care how they ruined the "Penn State Rock and Roll" song to a lame version since 2012. Am I the only one who cares about this. This song used to really get the crowd rocking. The new lame version doesnt quite have the same effect.


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that's ridiculous.....the players need to be focused on the game and first and foremost, the music in Beaver Stadium should be coming from the Penn State Blue Band, or at least far more often than it is now

(as a side, an Auburn fan sitting near me last year asked "Do they let your band play during the game?" reply "Not so much")

and we have that giant stadium and game experience thanks to "everyone else" many 20-year-olds do you think get invites to the President's Suite?
If you think using the music in the stadium to gain an advantage (whether than be from pumping the players up or pumping the crowd up) is ridiculous, then I'd suggest that live sporting events in the year 2022 are not for you.

I would hope that "everyone else" realizes that this is COLLEGE football and the games are for the student athletes and the students, not Billy Bob from Potters Mill who has zero personal connection to the university (not that non-alumni aren't welcome, but the games are even less "for them" than they are "for alumni")