Fortunately I have about 4 "fake" emails I use. That was one of them.You only think you deleted it. They still have your email address... The most worthless, yet intrusive, app out there.
Fortunately I have about 4 "fake" emails I use. That was one of them.You only think you deleted it. They still have your email address... The most worthless, yet intrusive, app out there.
Because social media companies have the ability to know how their product is actively being misused, and by whom, and could do something about it. It doesn’t go out the door of a store and leave their control.I find it interesting that most people don't want to hold the gun makers responsible when people use guns to kill other people and we don't hold alcohol manufacturers accountable when people drink too much and do any number of bad things, but we want to hold the social media companies responsible when people post bad things on social media. Maybe someone can explain the difference to me.
I find it interesting that most people don't want to hold the gun makers responsible when people use guns to kill other people and we don't hold alcohol manufacturers accountable when people drink too much and do any number of bad things, but we want to hold the social media companies responsible when people post bad things on social media. Maybe someone can explain the difference to me.
You didn't already know this? It is shocking to me how people react to social media, it really is. There is so much obvious bad in it, it outweighs the good.less than 24 hours after 60 minutes report last night. Not sure if anyone watched it but a whistleblower (gigidy) disclosed some very damaging inside info on FB and how the site prioritizes money over truth/safety. I found her testimony fascinating.
I wouldn't be surprised if Anonymous or some group similar took them down. Seems to be what they live for.What this former employee stated was that all the data indicates that "hateful" content keeps people on the platform longer which means more use of ads, sponsored content, etc... = more money. People react more consistently to emotions of anger and hate than any other emotion.
FB also know that IG increases thoughts of suicide and other self destructives behavior especially among teenage girls.
They know this yet still keep the platform open.
I think they have crashed because an outside entity crashed them maliciously as a result of these reports.
I read the domain is for sale as well. Also employees can't even enter their buildings to see how bad things are because their swipe cards don't work.Reports say member info of 1.5 billion Facebook, IG, and What’sapp accounts went on the dark web for sale.
I stand corrected. That's what happens when I over generalize about the platforms I am mostly unfamiliar with. 🙏Instagram is great IMO, depending on use. I follow my favorite sports teams and they often show a TD play or goal that otherwise I could not see until hours later. I also follow some local businesses. I don’t see lots of BS ads, etc.
I don’t use Twitter and as others, FB has become a cesspool of ads, BOTs, etc.
I stand corrected. That's what happens when I over generalize about the platforms I am mostly unfamiliar with. 🙏
I am sure there are good parts of these platforms, but the bad seems to outweigh the good. I can see where getting highlights of your favorite sports teams or info on local business you frequent being helpful/useful.
yeah, your comparison is just bad and an obvious attempt at trolling, no reason to respond. basically people are not saying that Facebook should be responsible for what people post. but they are responsible for algorithims that directly target people with false information and/or derisive information. They also censor whomever they want. So just apples and oranges to what you are
yeah, your comparison is just bad and an obvious attempt at trolling, no reason to respond. basically people are not saying that Facebook should be responsible for what people post. but they are responsible for algorithims that directly target people with false information and/or derisive information. They also censor whomever they want. So just apples and oranges to what you arNot
Right, the gun and alcohol makers have no idea how their product is being used.Because social media companies have the ability to know how their product is actively being misused, and by whom, and could do something about it. It doesn’t go out the door of a store and leave their control.
And because the gun and alcohol makers don’t watch you get drunk and shoot somebody and then intentionally plant more ideas in your head about doing it again, to increase their profits.
To me there are two separate and distinct issues with Facebook and the other social sites: 1) the spreading of (mis)information and 2) the censoring of posts and users. I thought the "whistle-blower", and I put that in quotes because legally I don't think the entities haven't broken any laws, addressed issue number 1. The problem is the 'problem solvers' think it should extend to include active censoring of divergent opinions. Unfortunately for Facebook and the like they have made an enemy of both camps.
Personally I don't think censoring should be occurring. People are fully capable of filtering out garbage. The social sites can address this by not actively promoting content unless requested. When you censor, you lend an air of credibility to the censored material, and imply competing arguments have weaknesses and are not as strong. How weak is your argument or how soft are you when you feel compelled to ban different viewpoints in a supposedly open forum?
By the way, anyone believe Facebook's explanation for the outage? This looks a little too selective of an explanation to me.
Facebook explains app outage after services are restored
Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp are back. The apps, owned by Facebook, stopped working Monday for millions of users across the U.S., according to outage site Down Detector. Both the mobile and web browser editions of the apps were not working as of 11:42
they are actively pushing extreme content on purpose, that is line that is crossed that is the issue in my mind along with what you said. One thing to let people find things on their own. another to actively 'spy' on the things they are posting and looking at and continue to push content to them to the extreme.
I vehemently disagree with that. People are making bad choices because of access to bad information/headlines and not being thorough enough to filter out the junk, of which the internet is chock full of (especially on Facebook).I completely disagree with that. I find people more often than not make poor decisions based on a lack of information than too much.
I vehemently disagree with that. People are making bad choices because of access to bad information/headlines and not being thorough enough to filter out the junk, of which the internet is chock full of (especially on Facebook).
Its the internet in 2021. There is never a lack of information on anything anymore.
I dont think a lot of people are capable of filtering out the fake nonsense. Reminds me of the old Carlin joke... Think of how dumb the average person is, then remember 50 percent of people are dumber that that.You have a much more cynical view of people than I do. People are fully capable of filtering out things they consider nonsense. Different people have different views and values on certain things. Suppressing and censoring information isn't the answer. That is also not the same as preferentially spamming certain information, and should not be viewed as the same thing. Unfortunately, you have people who conflate the two issues and view them as the same thing.
I can definitely see some people trying to go after these social media giants similar to the way the government went after the tobacco companies. That said, I am always concerned about how this could lead to additional attempts to restrict free speech.
These companies clearly engage in business practices that are harmful to many children, especially girls. Ideally, parents should not allow their kids to use these platforms, at least until they can pay their own phone bills.
The biggest societal problem we have now is a deficit of virtue. I don’t think our society as we have known it can continue without some critical amount of it, an amount which we currently don’t have.
Sadly you are correct.I dont think a lot of people are capable of filtering out the fake nonsense. Reminds me of the old Carlin joke... Think of how dumb the average person is, then remember 50 percent of people are dumber that that.
I dont think a lot of people are capable of filtering out the fake nonsense. Reminds me of the old Carlin joke... Think of how dumb the average person is, then remember 50 percent of people are dumber that that.
"People are fully capable of filtering out garbage"To me there are two separate and distinct issues with Facebook and the other social sites: 1) the spreading of (mis)information and 2) the censoring of posts and users. I thought the "whistle-blower", and I put that in quotes because legally I don't think the entities haven't broken any laws, addressed issue number 1. The problem is the 'problem solvers' think it should extend to include active censoring of divergent opinions. Unfortunately for Facebook and the like they have made an enemy of both camps.
Personally I don't think censoring should be occurring. People are fully capable of filtering out garbage. The social sites can address this by not actively promoting content unless requested. When you censor, you lend an air of credibility to the censored material, and imply competing arguments have weaknesses and are not as strong. How weak is your argument or how soft are you when you feel compelled to ban different viewpoints in a supposedly open forum?
By the way, anyone believe Facebook's explanation for the outage? This looks a little too selective of an explanation to me.
Facebook explains app outage after services are restored
Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp are back. The apps, owned by Facebook, stopped working Monday for millions of users across the U.S., according to outage site Down Detector. Both the mobile and web browser editions of the apps were not working as of 11:42
"People are fully capable of filtering out garbage"
I agree with almost everything your stating except the quote above. If that where true this all would be a lesser problem.
I beg to differ. It is the quality of the information not the quantity of information. Agree to disagree.I completely disagree with that. I find people more often than not make poor decisions based on a lack of information than too much.
You are simply wrong and give the average person way too much credit.It's a nice joke, but I don't find it terribly accurate. If it was even remotely possible to measure intelligence I think you would find the vast majority of people would fall under a bell curve, with little discernable difference between them. There would be a few on the extremes who might have an eidetic memory or intellectual disability, but the vast, vast majority of people can accomplish almost any task. There might be a slight difference in reps or effective training program, but everyone can learn just about any task. Too many people simply cannot accept that the person who has a different opinion from themselves is just as intelligent as they are.
Newsflash: it's not just kids. You are completely out of touch with reality.While I would agree kids are still developing and don't have the benefit of experience to put things in perspective, the rest of people are fully capable of making their own choices. That was a poor distinction made on my part. Unfortunately I highly doubt you will see fixes aimed at just kids, or even at all. Expect much more draconian measures proposed that often have no connection to solving the issue regarding kids. Never let a crisis go to waste.
Newsflash: it's not just kids. You are completely out of touch with reality.
Agree. The test board is only an extension of what's happening in society overall. Impossible to have a real conversation. The minute you disagree, it becomes a blood bath!Hate = clicks and interactions. It's good for business. Why do you think the Test board still exists? That site offers nothing in terms of PSU or even decent social interaction. It's a GD hate board, nothing more than that.
NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!She talked about "hate speech". That's a completely subjective term. Who gets to decide what is offensive? And misinformation... how many examples do we have now of people being censored for stuff that ends up being true? Who would you trust to police this?
Agree. The test board is only an extension of what's happening in society overall. Impossible to have a real conversation. The minute you disagree, it becomes a blood bath!
Whoops, wrong thread -- but it's never a bad day to take a shot at the media! 😇I know it’s basically Hunger Games here but you know better. And on game day!