Iowa reacts to Brooks and recruiting

I’ve had a kidney stone and it’s quite painful but to me nothing compares to the pain of a scratched cornea. It happened to me twice. The first time I went to the er and they put a drop in my eye and the pain was gone immediately. Went home and slept a few hours and I was fine. The second time it happened I went to the er, got the drop went home and did some chores. When the drop wire off the pain came back. I went to the er and they told me they couldn’t give me another drop for some reason. I’m telling you I was begging for them to please give me another one to no avail. After I went home the pain was unbearable. I had my wife drive me to another hospital so I could get a drop. Lol.
I must ask: most of us will go through life without ever scratching their cornea once, so how did you pull if off TWICE!?
I was young when that happened. The joke going around school after it happened was...what kinda beer has no head?

LOL! I was living in CA at the time that it happened. I remember watching the evening news with horror. In the mid 80's and before the age of youtube, you didn't exactly see THAT everyday.
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I must ask: most of us will go through life without ever scratching their cornea once, so how did you pull if off TWICE!?
I don’t know. I wear contacts and rubbing my eye may have caused it. I said scratched but not sure...maybe an abrasion is the better term. Both times it happened, I was having eye discomfort before hand and would rub my eye. And both times I eventually got the unbearable pain. Whatever eye drops they give to numbe the eye is a miracle drug. Lol. The pain goes away immediately.
Fake news. Generally not argumentative, but this is just factually incorrect propaganda.
Don't get sucked in -- that poster is an imposter of a fake.
Since you said you don't normally come here, any account that is spyker, psu_rings (or some facsimile thereof), and a few others, troll/s use to say ridiculous things. They will typically be newly created accounts. A new person to the forum couldn't know that, but it won't take long to recognize the shtick.

Guess they think its funny. Mostly its like hearing a not so funny joke for the 9999th time. Gets old really fast so I see those names and don't pay attention.
LOL! I was living in CA at the time that it happened. I remember watching the evening news with horror. In the mid 80's and before the age of youtube, you didn't exactly see THAT everyday.
Yeah, what you didn't see was worse. Some PA TV news broadcasts aired the entire event. Bad enough that they didn't at least turn the cameras away when Dwyer opened the envelope. But some -- especially around Philly -- didn't cut it short on the 6 pm news.
Yeah, what you didn't see was worse. Some PA TV news broadcasts aired the entire event. Bad enough that they didn't at least turn the cameras away when Dwyer opened the envelope. But some -- especially around Philly -- didn't cut it short on the 6 pm news.
Someone call the doctor.
Pish. Is it easy to make those ? How do u know when to put certain comments. Would love to learn
I remember when Sanderson initially went to PSU and announced that he'll have a easier time recruiting talent out east versus Iowa. Iowans, of course, never forgot that, forgave him, and still insist that we have better talent in our state, versus the entire east coast!
The Hawks have some serious east coast talent in their room.
I remember when Sanderson initially went to PSU and announced that he'll have a easier time recruiting talent out east versus Iowa. Iowans, of course, never forgot that, forgave him, and still insist that we have better talent in our state, versus the entire east coast!
I don't buy this, Ban. You say Iowans like it's everyone. 3 percenters aside, I doubt many still feel that way as far as talent. The forgiving piece is another matter.
Absolutely the worst pain I have ever had.

Just to be clear, the only reason I mentioned this: if anyone sees a guy writhing around on the floor in the stands tonight, DO NOT even think about letting them take me to the hospital. The stone will pass, but this dual is only going to happen once.

Darn, that's some bad timing. Man I've been there... bring some good pain meds w/ you.
Brands will be on the hot seat very soon....The Iowa guys i talked to want rid of him !!!! A lot of guys end up hating the sport after 2 years wrestling for him these days..Not all but a lot of very highly ranked guys coming out of High School....

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!!!
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Yeah, what you didn't see was worse. Some PA TV news broadcasts aired the entire event. Bad enough that they didn't at least turn the cameras away when Dwyer opened the envelope. But some -- especially around Philly -- didn't cut it short on the 6 pm news.

I remember that, caused quite the stir. The video is on the internet. Didn't see it live but I watched many years later after reading that the Filter song was about him. After viewing it, wished I didn't, very graphic. Ironically, he was actually framed, just as he said.

"That's why I say hey man, nice shot"
The latest Flo PFP rankings I saw for current (2018) high school wrestlers had Brooks at #13, just behind Beard (#11) and Nevills (#12). Steveson #1.
PfP rankings are so squirrelly. I don’t know how you would think Sasso, for example, has a better upside than Brooks.
I don't buy this, Ban. You say Iowans like it's everyone. 3 percenters aside, I doubt many still feel that way as far as talent. The forgiving piece is another matter.
For starters, I'm not smart enough to be able to just fabricate this. Today they may not feel that way but they SURE DID when Sanderson first made that statement. Again, a simple search will show you that I didn't just imagine it.
I remember that, caused quite the stir. The video is on the internet. Didn't see it live but I watched many years later after reading that the Filter song was about him. After viewing it, wished I didn't, very graphic. Ironically, he was actually framed, just as he said.

"That's why I say hey man, nice shot"
yeah, I've never gotten that image out of my head when I viewed the uncut version online. Disturbed the heck out of me.
Pish. Is it easy to make those ? How do u know when to put certain comments. Would love to learn

It took me about 15 minutes and I’m not the most computer literate. So yeah it’s easy

Use this link. Pick which template you want and then just start typing in your captions.

I’ve seen a couple by other people and thought it was funny.

They way HR was acting with the Brooks verbal and the consipiracy theories made me laugh and I decided to do my first one. So I’m happy you and others enjoyed it.

BBwreter is a poster that is always at Iowa practice and loves going on HR and correcting their posters because “he knows.” It ticks off their guys and I can see why so I poked some fun there.

Vodka is Vodka. We all know he is king of compliance.

Chief is the well loved poster over there as well as here for the most part.

Amestostate was our good ole insider who left us due to the “Keystone Incident”. Lol. Go to inside joke thread if you need more info.

I’m mad at myself as I realized I made a mistake with Cassiopi. He is in Hs and I said he was a transfer.

Just having some fun. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

Hopefully BBwretler and Vodka know it’s all in fun and don’t take too much offense!

Here’s the link if anyone wanted to try it
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It took me about 15 minutes and I’m not the most computer literate. So yeah it’s easy

Use this link. Pick which template you want and then just start typing in your captions.

I’ve seen a couple by other people and thought it was funny.

They way HR was acting with the Brooks verbal and the consipiracy theories made me laugh and I decided to do my first one. So I’m happy you and others enjoyed it.

BBwreter is a poster that is always at Iowa practice and loves going on HR and correcting their posters because “he knows.” It ticks off their guys and I can see why so I poked some fun there.

Vodka is Vodka. We all know he is king of compliance.

Chief is the well loved poster over there as well as here for the most part.

Amestostate was our good ole insider who left us due to the “Keystone Incident”. Lol. Go to inside joke thread if you need more info.

I’m mad at myself as I realized I made a mistake with Cassiopi. He is in Hs and I said he was a transfer.

Just having some fun. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

Hopefully BBwretler and Vodka know it’s all in fun and don’t take too much offense!

Here’s the link if anyone wanted to try it
Well... i must not be as smart as you. I tried it but can’t get it to publish. Grrr
I have had two kidney stones. Both times an all day visit in the hospital. The last one was right before the 2014 NCAA semifinals. The night before I remember we ate Chinese take out and I had the last can of soda at our house. I remember I was teasing my kids about it too. Well karma struck me real hard the following morning. Wife rushed me to hospital. It took hours before I was finally in a hospital room, seen the doctor, and then got pain medication. It was so bad I remember just screaming where the **** is the doctor. Had the wife go out multiple times to try and speed up the process. And the worst part was this hospital would not give me morphine!! I forget what they gave me but it was not nearly as effective as the morphine I received for my first kidney stone years earlier at a different hospital. Pain is indescribable. All I know is I drink much more water now, and most importantly every single night I drink at minimum 16 ounces of water right before bed.

For some stones, morphine isn't enough.
Bad stones are MotherBears.
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Good, God! Is it as miserable as everyone says that it is? I live in fear of that, as well as a root canal, both of which I've never had.
As an unfortunate sufferer, every bit as bad as they say. My father, who was a medical doctor, used to say that it was easy to diagnose the guy with kidney stones -- he's the one chewing on the carpet.
I’ve had a kidney stone and it’s quite painful but to me nothing compares to the pain of a scratched cornea. It happened to me twice. The first time I went to the er and they put a drop in my eye and the pain was gone immediately. Went home and slept a few hours and I was fine. The second time it happened I went to the er, got the drop went home and did some chores. When the drop wore off the pain came back. I went to the er and they told me they couldn’t give me another drop for some reason. I’m telling you I was begging for them to please give me another one to no avail. After I went home the pain was unbearable. I had my wife drive me to another hospital so I could get a drop. Lol.
You guys ever spend three weeks in a burn center?
Absolutely the worst pain I have ever had.

Just to be clear, the only reason I mentioned this: if anyone sees a guy writhing around on the floor in the stands tonight, DO NOT even think about letting them take me to the hospital. The stone will pass, but this dual is only going to happen once.
i'll second that pain level..rolling on floor of house and hospital waiting room!
I had to show my wife the Hitler spoof. She is in agreement with all of us....great humor. Keep posting them.

On kidney stones:(:(:(...... I had the pleasure of having them three times.
The first came after dinner one night. My wife had left to take my daughter to her horse riding lesson. Shortly after they left it started....felt like back pain. it got more intense and my mother-in-law took me to the barn. My wife decided to head to ER but we stopped at our friend's place as he was an emergency room doctor. When she came back to the car she was fighting a smirk. The doctor told her it was one of two things. It was either kidney stones or he is pregnant and we can rule one of them out!

The stop was well worth it as he called ahead and they were ready for me when we got to the ER. They pumped me with morphine to no avail. Second drug of choice was toradol, after the shot they said it would take 20 minutes to kick in....18 minutes later I had 0 pain. I eventually passed it.

Second episode when the pain hit I knew what was happening and when we got the hospital toradol was the first word out of my mouth;). I swearThey kept me overnight and i was hooked up to a morphine pump. When it was empty two night nurses came to change it. I swear this is what I heard them discuss that neither had done this before. They got it hooked up but i was unsure I would see tomorrow! They determined that it was small enough to pass and sent me home with my buddy the strainer. A couple of days later I found what closely resemble a peppercorn in size and color. Kept that as a trophy till I misplace it.

Last year I had my third go at it. After a trip to the ER it was determined to be too large to pass I was sent to the Urologist. Scheduled for lithotripsy and given a list of medications to stop. The day of the procedure I was prepped and ready to head operating room when the nurse, looking over the list of meds I take, asked me when I last take my Naproxin. I told her that morning and I was promptly sent home. They have since updated their list! Had to have the lithotripsy procedure done 3 times.

Presently paying much closer attention to diet and substantially increased my water intake while seeing my Urologist and my new kidney specialist on a regular basis.

And hope I don't try the root canal just to compare them!
When I was young, I used to notice that old people were always talking about their ailments. Now I have ailments of my own to talk about, including old injuries that had “healed themselves” that are now suddenly deciding to unheal themselves. :) In short, I am supportive of the ailments talk.
I had root canal once and don’t remember it as being that bad. I never want to have kidney stones, ever!!!

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