**Disclaimer. The following is not specifically in reply to the discussion at hand, but just my thoughts on the broader topic at hand.** Humility, nuance, balance, and rational discussion of a topic where both sides are honest with the strengths and weaknesses of their respective positions does seem to be in short supply in much of what passes for dialogue/disagreement these days. The general anonymity of internet discussions sure seems to have brought out the worst in people, or as I strongly suspect, has shone a light on their true character as they hide behind their screen names, spew their garbage and slander people. As the saying goes, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks". One tiresome example of what jtothemfp mentioned is the use of "owned" and "destroyed" to describe the perceived victory of "their" side in an argument. This is really just a way for someone to beat their chest without having to actually address the finer points of the topic at hand. It is all rather tiresome for anyone who would actually enjoy a thorough and fair discussion.
To end on a more positive note, I want to thank the overwhelming number of posters on this Board who are thoughtful and polite in their comments. And for those other posters, as my Mom always told me, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." 😎