I suggest that whatever your opinon might be, there will be a counter argument that is not without some merit from a certain perspective. MY THOUGHT is that things have gone or are quickly getting out of control with the salaries being paid athletes and also CEO's. I had a patient a few years ago who was one of the top neurosurgeons in the country. He had to join a large hospital group practice and was then an in-house doctor. His annual salary was below one million per annum. And as a physician he is not allowed to join a union and use the power of a union to get better reimbursement for his services. So my point is that for some the accumulation of a huge amount of wealth and being paid massive reimbursement packages is fine and dandy, for others the door is closed. Maybe we should have a total free market for doctors, then if your son needs a top neurosurgeon, you can fork over a few million for his/her services!! I guess you could argue that he should have been a baseball player instead! Let's face it, there are a lot of mediocre athletes that are making huge bucks. When I think of what Ted Williams, Mickey Mantle, Johnny Unitas, Willie Mays, and other great athletes made - it is a joke. For Christ's sake, Carl Furillo had to work off-season as a steel worker to pay his bills. To repeat, the worst insult is that these are often mediocre athletes, not a Jackie Robinson or a Roberto Clemente. Of course there is always the argument that there careers could end quickly. True, but most would still be multi-millionaires. It's gone too far.