Penn State made the absolute right call. I remember a certain interim head coach at PSU state "the expectations are the expectations." There are certain lines that can't be crossed. Although Isheem will not play football for PSU he is still God breathed life. I among many others wish for Isheem to allow this to be his wake up time. He has time on his side to get his house in order. He the can chalk up these actions to be being young.
It will require effort on his part to unlearn the wrong things in his culture. The world he understands is shaped by his teachings/experiences and is so much different then what I have been taught of the world. Isheem how bad do you want it? Football is not everything. God Bless
It will require effort on his part to unlearn the wrong things in his culture. The world he understands is shaped by his teachings/experiences and is so much different then what I have been taught of the world. Isheem how bad do you want it? Football is not everything. God Bless