Isheem is Young


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
Penn State made the absolute right call. I remember a certain interim head coach at PSU state "the expectations are the expectations." There are certain lines that can't be crossed. Although Isheem will not play football for PSU he is still God breathed life. I among many others wish for Isheem to allow this to be his wake up time. He has time on his side to get his house in order. He the can chalk up these actions to be being young.
It will require effort on his part to unlearn the wrong things in his culture. The world he understands is shaped by his teachings/experiences and is so much different then what I have been taught of the world. Isheem how bad do you want it? Football is not everything. God Bless
i have a problem that he plays anywhere. if we cannot allow him on the team, why should ANY team take him?

There are many Last Chance U's out there. If the kid doesn't end up in jail, he'll play college football somewhere. Maybe pitt.
He has time on his side to get his house in order. He the can chalk up these actions to be being young.

He cannot cop out by saying he is young. Thats bogus. Its much more about society, culture, family, and more. Millions of young kids out there from all walks of life don't make such incredibly stupid choices, especially when they have exceptional skills and talents to have an excellent life ahead of them.

What a shame he screwed up so badly. His youth will give time to recover. Sure hope he does.
i have a problem that he plays anywhere. if we cannot allow him on the team, why should ANY team take him?

It is funny how when a player does something stupid/ criminal like this their scholarship must be revoked (per public opinion)...... but yet the same public are then ok if that player commits to some other school a few days later.
It is funny how when a player does something stupid/ criminal like this their scholarship must be revoked (per public opinion)...... but yet the same public are then ok if that player commits to some other school a few days later.
And that's fine. He is not PSU material! Let him go to a rogue school.
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Penn State made the absolute right call. I remember a certain interim head coach at PSU state "the expectations are the expectations." There are certain lines that can't be crossed. Although Isheem will not play football for PSU he is still God breathed life. I among many others wish for Isheem to allow this to be his wake up time. He has time on his side to get his house in order. He the can chalk up these actions to be being young.
It will require effort on his part to unlearn the wrong things in his culture. The world he understands is shaped by his teachings/experiences and is so much different then what I have been taught of the world. Isheem how bad do you want it? Football is not everything. God Bless
Hey, we’re all human. We all make mistakes. And of course, we all rob stores at gunpoint as 18 year olds.
He allegedly committed a robbery with a gun. In Pennsylvania, that is a sentence of up to 10 years.

Don’t get me wrong- I think PSU should pull the scholarship. Its not a PSU issue for me but a general hypocrisy/ lack of consistency issue.

Player X does something stupid/ illegal and the outrage means his scholarship to school Y needs to be pulled........but then it’s fine for him to commit to Auburn, Mississippi or pitt in a few weeks.
Don’t get me wrong- I think PSU should pull the scholarship. Its not a PSU issue for me but a general hypocrisy/ lack of consistency issue.

Player X does something stupid/ illegal and the outrage means his scholarship to school Y needs to be pulled........but then it’s fine for him to commit to Auburn, Mississippi or pitt in a few weeks.
He's going to be playing for Graterford State.
Terrell Pryor's quote from a few years ago is perfect
"Not everybody is the perfect person in the world,"Everyone does -- kills people, murders people, steals from you, steals from me. I just feel that people need to give him a chance."
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I predict he will make a plea and get jailed minimally. This would be the time for introspection and personal growth while remaining fit and football ready. So around the age of 23 he will again have his shot. He still has a chance. It will be up to this young man. It will be very easy to bust knowing and understanding he will be around the culture in prison that he is very familiar with.
If this happened in Baltimore the charges would already be dismissed and he would be free an hour after the fact.
Baylor used to be the landing spot for a lot of these kids but with Rhule there now I don’t think it will happen.
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Hey, we’re all human. We all make mistakes. And of course, we all rob stores at gunpoint as 18 year olds.
And if you are a swimmer at Stanford, rape girls because of you know the partying culture.
Penn State made the absolute right call. I remember a certain interim head coach at PSU state "the expectations are the expectations." There are certain lines that can't be crossed. Although Isheem will not play football for PSU he is still God breathed life. I among many others wish for Isheem to allow this to be his wake up time. He has time on his side to get his house in order. He the can chalk up these actions to be being young.
It will require effort on his part to unlearn the wrong things in his culture. The world he understands is shaped by his teachings/experiences and is so much different then what I have been taught of the world. Isheem how bad do you want it? Football is not everything. God Bless

Screw him. He's a dumbass. I can show you thousands of "young athletes" who are bright enough not to commit armed robbery.
There are many Last Chance U's out there. If the kid doesn't end up in jail, he'll play college football somewhere. Maybe pitt.
you rob a WAWA w a gun and that doesn't guarantee jail time ???
That cannot be true. A couple demerits maybe ? Clean the cafeteria ?
MMMM. I'd be shocked if he stayed outta jail. He definitely deserves incarceration.
you rob a WAWA w a gun and that doesn't guarantee jail time ???
That cannot be true. A couple demerits maybe ? Clean the cafeteria ?
MMMM. I'd be shocked if he stayed outta jail. He definitely deserves incarceration.
I think the firearm makes it a mandatory five year minimum. Having the case moved to juvenile court would be his saving grace.
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Regarding the "he's young" excuse. I was young once too, I never considered doing anything like this. He needs to be held accountable, if not who knows what kind of person he will grow to be.

To quote a pretty famous person, "I don't want to be ruthless, but I don't want to be toothless". That is how to treat these kids at this age.
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I think the firearm makes it a mandatory five year minimum. Having the case moved to juvenile court would be his saving grace.
In PA any crime committed by a youth over the age of 15 using a deadly weapon will be charged as an adult. It may be moved back to juvenile court if a judge decertifies the case. I can’t see a judge doing that considering it involved a gun and 13k and was 5 days before his 18 birthday.
Guess the PSU name still sells.
