It's the game of the day,....the week, ...the month ,....the year


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Jan 28, 2004
the decade...........the century......................It's Ohia state versus Michegan....................What a load of crap these announcers have for this game. Way too much hype.
Meh, I'll be outside hanging lights and doing my best Clark Griswold impression during the game of the whatever

The B1G only exists to provide a backdrop for this greatest of all spectacles. We should be thankful for any scraps that they may brush off their table.
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I can't image where the hype-o-meter would be if the game was between any other two teams with records of 9-2 and 8-3. The only question to be settled is whether or not OSU will qualify for the playoff. The same question holds true for a handful of other games being played today.
Guys, just stop. um-Tosu is very important for us all. There is nothing more important.
It's weird. Who should we be rooting against? I guess O$U and then for them to demolish Wisconsin?