"James is not on any hot seat," Barbour made it perfectly clear

The fans have to start crying for his firing, at least 40% of the fans. That hasn't happened yet, maybe next year or 2018. Then it takes 1-2 more years for the AD and President of the school to be convinced. If that is the case, then the firing is too late by 2 years and the recruiting is screwed for 2-3 years as it declined.

This has been the case for many of the terminations in college football. LSU is not the norm.
Interesting stat on Franklin as a head coach: He's 0-18 against teams that have finished the season ranked. I heard it on this podcast:

Didn't click this but if it's the same pod I listened to earlier today, it also pointed out that Franklin has never beaten a power 5 team that ended the season with 8 or more wins.

Frankly I don't care. He's not supposed to beat those teams at Vandy. At Vandy, he was supposed to be the team that got beat by everyone and was on the road weekly for homecoming games. He turned it into a team that beat everyone except the top tier SEC teams, and that's a hell of an accomplishment.

Now at PSU, he's dealt with sanctions worse than anyone short of SMU has dealt with. USC dealt with less than us and is sitting 1-3 right now. Fortunately Franklin's agent was smart enough to recognize this would get worse before it got better and put in a buyout large enough to ensure he had enough time to get a fair shake.

And despite the haters on here, fortunately Sandy has the patience and vision to support Chambers and Franklin despite tough times.
My guess is that he's .500 or so against teams with only 46 eligible players. Do they keep that stat? How about a stat for top flight head coaches who play with only 7 offensive linemen on scholarship (two of them converted from the DL)? How about against teams that lost their top four linebackers for the season?

Those are the kinds of stats I'd really be interested in seeing.
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Yep, it sucks for the team and for Franklin that our three starting linebackers are out, but life isn't always fair, and fans and the talking heads don't always know and understand all of the issues.

Awesome picture BTW.

Franklin has had to endure issues that no other program has had to overcome.
Which makes it IMPOSSIBLE to accurately assess what his real coaching skill is. He has many "positive intangibles" in his overall personality and this gives him a very high value for the program , so I think he needs to be given enough time to show what he really can do for the program. Major issue, as I see it, is the continuing Media Negativity Feast on Penn State which adds additional recruiting/image issues that Franklin has to address.

That being said, to this date, Franklin's coaching has been unfortunately well below average, but, as I said before, our program has had to endure unprecedented issues manufactured by the NCAA and our own BOT.

Even with the currently less than stellar performance, I believe that Franklin COULD be the CEO type Coach that we need. Problem is...are his assistant coaches good enough to allow him to manage the program and leave the game management to the other coaches?

As an example of having the right STAFF in place, if you check, Joe's early year successes were directly tied to George Welsh being on the coaching staff. Check the success we had against teams rated ABOVE us when Welsh was on staff and then see what happened after he went to Virginia. Franklin needs this kind of spark plug coaching to provide superior scheming & game-day coaching. Then he needs to be smart enough to leave the staff alone and just listen. Do we have that now??? I don't know yet.

Irony Point.....Larry Johnson appears to be the missing link in tOSU's defense. Always had the athletes, but we could occasionally count on the defense making mistakes in how they performed. No longer! Sad that he still is not with us. I believe our defense would be much stronger if he was! THANKS BOT!
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Didn't click this but if it's the same pod I listened to earlier today, it also pointed out that Franklin has never beaten a power 5 team that ended the season with 8 or more wins.

Frankly I don't care. He's not supposed to beat those teams at Vandy. At Vandy, he was supposed to be the team that got beat by everyone and was on the road weekly for homecoming games. He turned it into a team that beat everyone except the top tier SEC teams, and that's a hell of an accomplishment.

Now at PSU, he's dealt with sanctions worse than anyone short of SMU has dealt with. USC dealt with less than us and is sitting 1-3 right now. Fortunately Franklin's agent was smart enough to recognize this would get worse before it got better and put in a buyout large enough to ensure he had enough time to get a fair shake.

And despite the haters on here, fortunately Sandy has the patience and vision to support Chambers and Franklin despite tough times.

I don't feel you are a "hater", if you are critical. There is a lot to like about Franklin, and there are also some question marks at this point. I am still rooting for him and hope he turns it around but the book is still out IMO.
I don't feel you are a "hater", if you are critical. There is a lot to like about Franklin, and there are also some question marks at this point. I am still rooting for him and hope he turns it around but the book is still out IMO.

I don't either, there's certainly a difference between critical analysis and the folks who will find a reason to hate how Franklin stands on the sidelines. Regardless, I was actually referring to the Sandy Barbour haters in that last sentence.
Thanks fleet...your post is essentially the reason I posted the Saban's W-L.
Yeah, it wouldn't make any sense for the most successful coach in college football to leave the most successful program in college football to take another big ten gig.

He would be a bargain at twice what he is making at Bama, but I don't see him taking a step down from his current job.
Yeah, it wouldn't make any sense for the most successful coach in college football to leave the most successful program in college football to take another big ten gig.

He would be a bargain at twice what he is making at Bama, but I don't see him taking a step down from his current job.

He can cheat all he wants in the SEC. It's limited in the B10 and non existent at Penn State.
When BOT Chm Ira Lubert decides it is time for Franklin to go, he'll go.