Pretty funny, the varying invented terms. I have often been heard saying "what? We called that a "(blank)"Where I was from (and the generation - 1970s), we called them all "pancake moves". We distinguished by arm-tie.....for instance an "over-hook/under-hook pancake" or a "double under-hook pancake", etc... We used the Chin-Whip and Cross-Face variety too generally with an under-hook, but still called the pinning-combo a "pancake". We called the whole series of moves where you end up with at least one arm underhooked, the head isolated by either the arm-pit or the other arm locked around the head and finally, you end up "chest-to-chest" after completion of the throw/turn a "pancake combo". Similar to the way "cradle" is generally used for several different kinds of moves all of which are "cradles".
Agree with you that Cement Mixer and Cement Job have come to mean specific moves (e.g., over/under-hook w/ chin-whip providing initial momentum to make turn), but I don't think this parlance existed in 1970s and I always thought "pancake" was the generic term applied to the whole series of pinning combinations involving an over/under-hook and "turn impetus" with the other arm be it a chin-whip, cross-face, over-hook claw on arm-pit/shoulder, 2nd underhook, etc... BTW, I do agree that Cowcatcher was used exclusively to describe the "double under-hook pancake" as it was applied straight-on, just as cowcatcher on a train works.
I'm in your generation, and only the cross face Pancake was called a pancake. Unlike the others which as you suggest largely end up chest to chest, the cross face Pancake led directly to a headlock.
Now...let's discuss the finer points of the Merkle, Schalles Good stuff for a Monday holiday morning when my lazy son is just getting out of bed to go skiing....when I would have left hours ago.
Oh...and I forgot, since the thread is slightly hijacked.......I'm not ever going to underestimate DT's ability to adjust even as a Freshman. I'd be hard pressed to place money on a bet like this, but since this is for a Red Tiddlywink, I'm giving an edge to DT. To be fair, Nolf hasn't faced a DT either....I don't know what that would look like.