Can someone point me to where Carnegie-Mellon and the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity were prosecuted by Pennsylvania in this person's death (this and all of CMU's Frats are "on-campus"):
Putting aside my belief that it's far more likely that the young man was given alcohol by the fraternity, there's no legal difference either way. In Pennsylvania, you're guilty of furnishing alcohol to a minor if you allow a minor to possess or consume alcohol on your property. There's no BYOB exception.
If you're talking about a situation where he was using PSU labs and facilities to conduct this work, then some sort of approval/clearance process should have been in place, at the very least to assure ownership and responsibility for his work product. If you're talking about your dad going off to someone else's facility on off days, then that's way different from a senior university administrator living in an on-campus fraternity house full-time.
It's already been pointed out to you that the fraternity house was not part of PSU's Campus via THE DEED, but don't let facts get in the way of your continued bull$hit.... Oh yea, good thing you're not a troll and your only spewing all these bull$hit, made-up facts about "legal obligations" that PSU didn't in fact have out of your never-ending love for PSU.....LMFAO!
Show me the policy that states PSU has to approve outside employment. I don't believe there is one.
Show me the policy that states PSU has to approve outside employment. I don't believe there is one.
If you think that I'm putting facts in the way, then just wait until you see all the facts that Tom Kline throws in there. And, Tom Kline won't give a rat's ass about your deed.
If you think it's such a good idea for PSU to have its administrators living in frat houses, then how come no one has ever heard of this before?
Listen, you dolt:
I've tried patience and nicenessObviously, that "don't work" with you.
"......Never mind that you flip from discussing a criminal case and civil settlement back and forth re V5 as if they are the same thing. ...."
HUH? WTF? I never made one damn statement about any "criminal case" wrt "Beta", nor about criminal culpability wrt "Sandusky"......I'm talking about two financial settlements from PSU - one a known entity in the V5 Payoff, the other a potential payout (and my expectations on the likelihood of that payout) for Piazza (sp) ......and the tie-ins to the Lubert:Kline relationship
"....I'll post anything I want anywhere I want in any thread I want....."
Good, hope you do. Spew like a monkey throwing his crap out the cage - I don't care. I sure as hell wont know whether you do or do're deep-sixed as far as I am concerned.
".....Including calling your bullshit when I see it. Have a nice day....."
Coming from an expert like you, you should be able to recognize bullshit much more effectively.
There are some (far too many) humans out there - and you are definitely one of them - to whom you could make the statement:
"2+2 = 4"
And they would respond back with:
"Bullshit.!!!! ....That's BULLSHIT!!!!! Red and Yellow make Orange!!!!"
Where does on go with THAT logic? LMAO
That is the level of "stoopid" you are at right now.
Adamantly stoopid is not a good look.
Now, Before you make the accusation:
No, I don't THINK I am infinitely smarter than you.
It is a simple QED fact.
But its not much of a hurdle.
Yes, Tardlion/Turdlion joins his idiot pals on ignore.
So, you agree it's a bad idea. Glad you see things my way.Where did I ever say I thought such a thing was "a good idea"?
So, you agree it's a bad idea. Glad you see things my way.
Um, okay, you don't want to agree with anything. Let's do it like a mad lib (you fill in the blank):More lovely troll droppings, what a pathetic, moronic douche you are. Be hard to agree it's a "bad or good" or pass any judgement whatsoever regarding an idea and notion that I have made clear is made up bullshit and nothing more than a figment of your pea-brain, douche-bag. You've yet to show me this "proof" that PSU "reviews and approves" employees residences as a condition of employment, LMFAO!
Um, okay, you don't want to agree with anything. Let's do it like a mad lib (you fill in the blank):
It is a _______________ idea for PSU to have senior administrators living in a fraternity house that is (totally surrounded by but not strictly speaking) on campus, where there will be rule-breaking, hazing, underage drinking, negligence, injury and death, all of which are captured on video. Since the University knew about this living arrangement, the plaintiff's lawyer will successfully argue that the University ____________ed it.
When the plaintiff's lawyer gets to argue his case, he will ___________ this up the University's __________.
Complete different set of circumstances. He was not a member of the fraternity. The drinking was not part of a hazing ritual. The alcohol was not provided by the fraternity. The article did even state if they were drinking at the fraternity. He didn't fall down the stairs and the authorities were not called 12 hours after that. There was not a trained medical professional living in the house that no one bothered to get.Can someone point me to where Carnegie-Mellon and the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity were prosecuted by Pennsylvania in this person's death (this and all of CMU's Frats are "on-campus"):
More absurdity from troll-boy.... You seem to have forgotten the step where PSU, as a condition of employment, tells employees where they are, and aren't, permitted to live! LMFAO at what a complete @sshat troll you are spouting you're completely nonsensical, made-up, bull$hit troll-facts......and that you are permitted to continue right along your flame-PSU with made-up nonsense merry ways.... Good stuff!
Complete different set of circumstances. He was not a member of the fraternity. The drinking was not part of a hazing ritual. The alcohol was not provided by the fraternity. The article did even state if they were drinking at the fraternity. He didn't fall down the stairs and the authorities were not called 12 hours after that. There was not a trained medical professional living in the house that no one bothered to get.
You'll have to read through all of the conflict of interest and outside employment policies and/or contact Roy Baker about that. But guess what? It doesn't matter anyway. All that matters is that this particular living arrangement most definitely will be used against PSU by the plaintiffs in the lawsuit.
"Contributory negligence" is (1) not the law in Pennsylvania; and is (2) a bar to civil relief that has zero to do with criminal liability.Contributory negligence on the kid's part. How's your pal SkunkBear? Where has that loser been hiding?
In any event, the kid shouldn't have been drinking if he couldn't handle it.
"Contributory negligence" is (1) not the law in Pennsylvania; and is (2) a bar to civil relief that has zero to do with criminal liability.
Residency requirements are frequently imposed in municipal and education employment contexts. Obviously, you know nothing about that, though.No, I don't have to read through those're the one making the absurd, bull$hit claim Jack@ss - the burden of proving your absurd claims that run contrary to every employer on the planet's "terms & conditions of employment" is on you douche-bag, not me! But you aren't a flaming troll dickhead.....LMFAO!
Residency requirements are frequently imposed in municipal and education employment contexts. Obviously, you know nothing about that, though.
But, this is just a straw man that you're trying to set up.
The real issue is whether the University has control over who is a resident adviser to a fraternity, and whether the university will restrict that person's ability to serve as a resident adviser if there is a risk of liability being imposed on the university as a result of an employee's status as a resident adviser. Of course it will.
Same situation as "V5" in the Sandusky case (the guy who's case lead to an Acquittal in the Sandusky trial, but who got one of the largest paychecks from Lubert/PSU - approx. $10,000,000).
bjf1991 said:HUH? WTF? I never made one damn statement about any "criminal case" wrt "Beta", nor about criminal culpability wrt "Sandusky".
You'll have to read through all of the conflict of interest and outside employment policies and/or contact Roy Baker about that. But guess what? It doesn't matter anyway. All that matters is that this particular living arrangement most definitely will be used against PSU by the plaintiffs in the lawsuit.
What does "video" have anything to do with PSU's culpability for the event as the Plaintiff is claiming???
That was in response to your hyperbolic rant about "every employer on the planet's terms and conditions of employment". Try to keep up with your own posts.PSU is a "Municipal Employer" now according to you??? We were talking about PSU employment, so now according to you PSU is a "Municipal Employer" (i.e., a teacher at a public elementary or secondary school)??? If PSU is not a "Municipal Employer", what does your ever-obtuse gem have to do with the price of tea in China - we aren't talking about "Municipal Employment" at a "Municipal School" (i.e., elementary and secondary Public Schools), you f'ing ramrod moron!
Without a doubt, PSU can provide as a condition of employment that its employees are not permitted to reside in fraternity houses. The reason it would do so is to avoid confusion about PSU's role in oversight of the fraternity, which is exactly what you are going to see here when Tom Kline gets done with this thing. Because this particular living arrangement is so dumb, I'm assuming that some dumbass dean signed off on it; if not, than Bream should be fired for stupidity.
Oh dear. Lol.
Can someone point me to where Carnegie-Mellon and the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity were prosecuted by Pennsylvania in this person's death (this and all of CMU's Frats are "on-campus"):
Show me the policy that states PSU has to approve outside employment. I don't believe there is one.