Lehigh: Go

PSU wrestling will be on tomorrow during the Steelers game. Was curious what you guys do when your favorite NFL team and PSU wrestling is on at the same time. For me,PSU wrestling comes first and I record the football game. What do you guys do?

Who/what are the Steelers?

Here is some quality hate from The Lehigh newspaper, I copied and pasted since it's behind a paywall...

Thought No. 1: Penn State’s dominance is bad for collegiate wrestling.

Really bad, actually.

OK, OK, OK, before we go any further, let me be clear: I am not anti-Penn State. Cael Sanderson might be the best college coach in any sport in our lifetime. The Nittany Lions conduct themselves with class, and what they do on the mat can take the breath away. It’s easy to see why so many top prospects want to go to State College.

But it would be better if many of them didn’t.

When one team is so dominant, it takes all the juice out of a sport.

Notice no one is talking about who will win the NCAA Division I championship this year – why bother? We all know who it will be. Instead, we’re talking about whether Penn State can set the all-time scoring record (answer: you bet).

This is, of course, great for Penn State fans, and we don’t begrudge them a bit for reveling in their team’s absolute ownership of the sport.

But, it’s absolutely no fun when we all know what’s going to happen in advance.

On Sunday, Lehigh is going to Penn State. The Mountain Hawks are one of the most distinguished programs in the country tradition-wise and are a top-20 team.

However, barring a meteor hitting the Nittany Lions training room between now and then, Lehigh has absolutely no chance to win. Instead, the talk is whether Lehigh will get shut out.

That’s not to pick on the Mountain Hawks – almost any team would be in the same spot. Even against ranked teams Penn State can name the score.

In football, say, in such a matchup, an upset is entirely plausible. In basketball, even more so.

In wrestling? Not. A. Chance.

Wrestling folks hate any comparison to basketball, but let’s look at last year’s championships. In men’s basketball, a crazy, wide-open tournament sent teams like San Diego State and Florida Atlantic to the Final Four. It attracted all kinds of interest and raised hope among every team in the country that they could compete for a championship.

That’s what sports are all about.

Then look at wrestling. No doubt whatsoever, no hope for an upset, just another Penn State march to a trophy. No sizzle, no juice. Boring.

What Penn State does is awfully impressive. But it would be better for the sport if there were four or five teams – or more – in the mix. It would be better if, at nationals, five or six teams’ fans entered the arena with realistic championship hopes.

That’s not happening anytime soon. The Penn State Death Star rules the land.


This perspective is typically held only by those on the losing side of the dynastic equation. Everyone loves their own dynasties and don't consider them bad for the sport. I suspect the Lehigh author doesn't think ultra dominant individual wrestlers are bad for the sport even though the outcome of each of their matches is a foregone conclusion (or not).

And I don't think this argument holds up well in this unique sport in particular where individual wrestler achievement is just as much the focus of attention as team success, if not more. There are interesting storylines to keep fans' attention on both an individual and team level even with dominant teams and individual wrestlers taking the mat.

Part of the intrigue is whether a great team/wrestler will not only fulfill their expected trajectory but also defeat the twin demons of injury and illness to actually make it to the promised land.
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The guy does make a good point. While I totally love Penn State’s wrestlers and coaches and I’m thrilled that we should dominate, it does take the mystery out of the team title.

In 2014 when Minnesota already had their t-shirts printed for their 2014 championship or when Bo pinned Myles back in 2018 the chase for the team title was tooth and nail until the very end. It made each match that sthe contending teams had of utmost importance and significance. It was tense but so exciting as things played out!

I can see why other teams fans may be thinking what’s the point- the team title is already a given. I’m happy to enjoy every second of this season and the ones to come for at least the next few years. It’s been a great run with no end in sight.

We are indeed privileged and I’m very grateful! Let the bonus point wins never end!
I agree with you, love a tight team race. I think this year, I am going to thouroughly enjoy seeing if PSU can wrap up the team title during Friday morning's quarterfinals.
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Here is some quality hate from The Lehigh newspaper, I copied and pasted since it's behind a paywall...

Thought No. 1: Penn State’s dominance is bad for collegiate wrestling.

Really bad, actually.

OK, OK, OK, before we go any further, let me be clear: I am not anti-Penn State. Cael Sanderson might be the best college coach in any sport in our lifetime. The Nittany Lions conduct themselves with class, and what they do on the mat can take the breath away. It’s easy to see why so many top prospects want to go to State College.

But it would be better if many of them didn’t.

When one team is so dominant, it takes all the juice out of a sport.

Notice no one is talking about who will win the NCAA Division I championship this year – why bother? We all know who it will be. Instead, we’re talking about whether Penn State can set the all-time scoring record (answer: you bet).

This is, of course, great for Penn State fans, and we don’t begrudge them a bit for reveling in their team’s absolute ownership of the sport.

But, it’s absolutely no fun when we all know what’s going to happen in advance.

On Sunday, Lehigh is going to Penn State. The Mountain Hawks are one of the most distinguished programs in the country tradition-wise and are a top-20 team.

However, barring a meteor hitting the Nittany Lions training room between now and then, Lehigh has absolutely no chance to win. Instead, the talk is whether Lehigh will get shut out.

That’s not to pick on the Mountain Hawks – almost any team would be in the same spot. Even against ranked teams Penn State can name the score.

In football, say, in such a matchup, an upset is entirely plausible. In basketball, even more so.

In wrestling? Not. A. Chance.

Wrestling folks hate any comparison to basketball, but let’s look at last year’s championships. In men’s basketball, a crazy, wide-open tournament sent teams like San Diego State and Florida Atlantic to the Final Four. It attracted all kinds of interest and raised hope among every team in the country that they could compete for a championship.

That’s what sports are all about.

Then look at wrestling. No doubt whatsoever, no hope for an upset, just another Penn State march to a trophy. No sizzle, no juice. Boring.

What Penn State does is awfully impressive. But it would be better for the sport if there were four or five teams – or more – in the mix. It would be better if, at nationals, five or six teams’ fans entered the arena with realistic championship hopes.

That’s not happening anytime soon. The Penn State Death Star rules the land.

I do think it would be better for the sport if there was more parity.

But it is on the field to catch the leader. The leader should not let up so others can get close.

If you want a better finish then get better.
What is truly amazing about Penn State and it's dominance compared to the Oklahoma State and Iowa great stretches is the NCAA rules with limited scholarships. Obviously the school affiliated wrestling clubs have created a different tool of recruiting in today's world .

A story I once read. Before the NCAA applied limits of scholarships in sports was about Bear Bryant. He said he would offer a kid a scholarship even if he didn't think a kid was that good. He just didn't want the kid to go to Auburn or Ole Miss. I believe Alabama had years of over 200 kids on scholarship.
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Philly fans boo anything that moves.
angry half baked GIF
I didn't think that it was a bad article and I didn't see any hatred displayed towards PSU, although I do think that the Death Star analogy was kind of weird. What the writer misses though is the fact that college football and basketball already have millions of fans that intend to watch the championship game even if they don't know anything about the teams or the players involved. That's simply not true with wrestling, where there's only a small group of devoted fans who really know anything about the teams or the individual athletes and who intend to watch every year. I think story lines like Penn State potentially breaking the all-time scoring record or individual wrestlers that have an opportunity to win their fourth individual titles actually attract casual or non-wrestling fans. People who tune in to see if "those PSU guys" can win a fourth title. I'm convinced that because wrestling is still a bit of a niche sport that PSU's dynasty is in fact good for the sport and does attract fans.
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The guy does make a good point. While I totally love Penn State’s wrestlers and coaches and I’m thrilled that we should dominate, it does take the mystery out of the team title.

In 2014 when Minnesota already had their t-shirts printed for their 2014 championship or when Bo pinned Myles back in 2018 the chase for the team title was tooth and nail until the very end. It made each match that sthe contending teams had of utmost importance and significance. It was tense but so exciting as things played out!

I can see why other teams fans may be thinking what’s the point- the team title is already a given. I’m happy to enjoy every second of this season and the ones to come for at least the next few years. It’s been a great run with no end in sight.

We are indeed privileged and I’m very grateful! Let the bonus point wins never end!
I think penn st has some backups that probably should wrestle at other D1 programs. Not talking about future starters ,just guys who are good enough to wrestle and start for many programs.
The funny thing is, articles like this are just flat out stupidly and ignorantly wrong on their basic premise. Take any sport and you will find it was the great dynasties that in fact built the sport and create most of its enduring traditions.

Baseball - Yankees.
Football - bears.
Hockey - canadiens
Hoops - Celtics.

Hell, even wresting - ok state.
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I think penn st has some backups that probably should wrestle at other D1 programs. Not talking about future starters ,just guys who are good enough to wrestle and start for many programs.
For sure, guys like Evans, Barraclough, and McHenry could contend for NCAAs on another roster but have little to no chance to ever start for PSU. Even a potential AA in Facundo was forced into an unnecessary ORS this year because he had no spot and has guys like Haines, Mesenbrink, Barr, Sealey, Ryder, and Duke who will make it tricky for him to to get a spot back in the future.
Here is some quality hate from The Lehigh newspaper, I copied and pasted since it's behind a paywall...

Thought No. 1: Penn State’s dominance is bad for collegiate wrestling.

Really bad, actually.

OK, OK, OK, before we go any further, let me be clear: I am not anti-Penn State. Cael Sanderson might be the best college coach in any sport in our lifetime. The Nittany Lions conduct themselves with class, and what they do on the mat can take the breath away. It’s easy to see why so many top prospects want to go to State College.

But it would be better if many of them didn’t.

When one team is so dominant, it takes all the juice out of a sport.

Notice no one is talking about who will win the NCAA Division I championship this year – why bother? We all know who it will be. Instead, we’re talking about whether Penn State can set the all-time scoring record (answer: you bet).

This is, of course, great for Penn State fans, and we don’t begrudge them a bit for reveling in their team’s absolute ownership of the sport.

But, it’s absolutely no fun when we all know what’s going to happen in advance.

On Sunday, Lehigh is going to Penn State. The Mountain Hawks are one of the most distinguished programs in the country tradition-wise and are a top-20 team.

However, barring a meteor hitting the Nittany Lions training room between now and then, Lehigh has absolutely no chance to win. Instead, the talk is whether Lehigh will get shut out.

That’s not to pick on the Mountain Hawks – almost any team would be in the same spot. Even against ranked teams Penn State can name the score.

In football, say, in such a matchup, an upset is entirely plausible. In basketball, even more so.

In wrestling? Not. A. Chance.

Wrestling folks hate any comparison to basketball, but let’s look at last year’s championships. In men’s basketball, a crazy, wide-open tournament sent teams like San Diego State
Then look at wrestling. No doubt whatsoever, no hope for an upset, just another Penn State march to a trophy. No sizzle, no juice. Boring.

That’s not happening anytime soon. The Penn State Death Star rules the land.

I always like to distinguish between discrimination and unjust discrimination. Same deal with competition. Just competition vs unjust competition. I see utter domination from PSU wrestling, but, I don’t see anything unjust about it. No cheating! Scholy limits prevent shelving. Fact is that PSU is doing it the right way (would we expect any less from Cael) and it’s up to the others to compete. Wrestling …. It’s about competing!
As far as our domination being bad for wrestling >>> I’m still seeing plenty of excitement in the ACC (in addition to being a long time PSU ticket holder, I also have season tix for VT). As long as a program puts a few exciting wrestlers out …. you gonna have fans piling into arenas on cold winter nights.
I didn't think that it was a bad article and I didn't see any hatred displayed towards PSU, although I do think that the Death Star analogy was kind of weird. What the writer misses though is the fact that college football and basketball already have millions of fans that intend to watch the championship game even if they don't know anything about the teams or the players involved. That's simply not true with wrestling, where there's only a small group of devoted fans who really know anything about the teams or the individual athletes and who intend to watch every year. I think story lines like Penn State potentially breaking the all-time scoring record or individual wrestlers that have an opportunity to win their fourth individual titles actually attract casual or non-wrestling fans. People who tune in to see if "those PSU guys" can win a fourth title. I'm convinced that because wrestling is still a bit of a niche sport that PSU's dynasty is in fact good for the sport and does attract fans.
Fans of all sports love to tune in to see the unbeatable possibly be beaten. The smart ones bring an extra pair of glasses.
Not sure about many of you but I’ve never watch the NCAA’s for the team race. I watch for the individual competition and championships. Wrestling is different. It’s more individual than it is team. Saturday night is one of the best competitions of the year. Drama is embedded in the 10 weight classes at NCAA’s. Never disappoints!
Remember: Midwest dominance = good; Penn State dominance = bad.

I know this is a Lehigh writer, but my point largely stands.

You know it’s driving Gable crazy. He’s on his recliner staring out at those bare farm fields cursing Cael as we speak
What is crazy is that if Penn State went to any other conference. Whatever conference it went to would then be the best wrestling conference.
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Not sure about many of you but I’ve never watch the NCAA’s for the team race. I watch for the individual competition and championships. Wrestling is different. It’s more individual than it is team. Saturday night is one of the best competitions of the year. Drama is embedded in the 10 weight classes at NCAA’s. Never disappoints!
Well, to be fair, a tooth and nail team race can be super exciting, too, but you’re right, even when there’s not, there are still 10 individual competitions with their own excitement and storylines, too, so it’s much less important in wrestling to have a close team race than other sports.
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I think penn st has some backups that probably should wrestle at other D1 programs. Not talking about future starters ,just guys who are good enough to wrestle and start for many programs.
I understand what you are saying, but the decision of which school to attend is a LOT bigger than where you might start and only the student-athlete (perhaps in consultation with their family) knows what’s best for them.
I just posted on the ticket board too. Something unfortunately came up this morning and I can not make it to the match today. I have 2 season tickets (Good seats behind Lehigh's bench) Section S5L Row 6. Face value is $29 each. Text me if interested (610-751-5603).
Here is some quality hate from The Lehigh newspaper, I copied and pasted since it's behind a paywall...

Thought No. 1: Penn State’s dominance is bad for collegiate wrestling.

Really bad, actually.

OK, OK, OK, before we go any further, let me be clear: I am not anti-Penn State. Cael Sanderson might be the best college coach in any sport in our lifetime. The Nittany Lions conduct themselves with class, and what they do on the mat can take the breath away. It’s easy to see why so many top prospects want to go to State College.

But it would be better if many of them didn’t.

When one team is so dominant, it takes all the juice out of a sport.

Notice no one is talking about who will win the NCAA Division I championship this year – why bother? We all know who it will be. Instead, we’re talking about whether Penn State can set the all-time scoring record (answer: you bet).

This is, of course, great for Penn State fans, and we don’t begrudge them a bit for reveling in their team’s absolute ownership of the sport.

But, it’s absolutely no fun when we all know what’s going to happen in advance.

On Sunday, Lehigh is going to Penn State. The Mountain Hawks are one of the most distinguished programs in the country tradition-wise and are a top-20 team.

However, barring a meteor hitting the Nittany Lions training room between now and then, Lehigh has absolutely no chance to win. Instead, the talk is whether Lehigh will get shut out.

That’s not to pick on the Mountain Hawks – almost any team would be in the same spot. Even against ranked teams Penn State can name the score.

In football, say, in such a matchup, an upset is entirely plausible. In basketball, even more so.

In wrestling? Not. A. Chance.

Wrestling folks hate any comparison to basketball, but let’s look at last year’s championships. In men’s basketball, a crazy, wide-open tournament sent teams like San Diego State and Florida Atlantic to the Final Four. It attracted all kinds of interest and raised hope among every team in the country that they could compete for a championship.

That’s what sports are all about.

Then look at wrestling. No doubt whatsoever, no hope for an upset, just another Penn State march to a trophy. No sizzle, no juice. Boring.

What Penn State does is awfully impressive. But it would be better for the sport if there were four or five teams – or more – in the mix. It would be better if, at nationals, five or six teams’ fans entered the arena with realistic championship hopes.

That’s not happening anytime soon. The Penn State Death Star rules the land.

Actually, the writer is the beat writer for Lehigh Valley area for the Allentown Call-Chronicle (or at least was) and other publications and was awarded Amateur Wrestling News top wrestling writer award back in 2020, so he's not a hack or a hater, at least imo.

And he acknowledged it's not a popular opinion (nor very astute in my mind - the solution is for other programs to get better. And there's nothing wrong with inducing other programs to get better).
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Actually, the writer is the beat writer for Lehigh Valley area for the Allentown Call-Chronicle (or at least was) and other publications and was awarded Amateur Wrestling News top wrestling writer award back in 2020, so he's not a hack or a hater, at least imo.

And he acknowledged it's not a popular opinion (nor very astute in my mind - the solution is for other programs to get better. And there's nothing wrong with inducing other programs to get better).
You are correct that Brad is certainly no hack. He is certainly one of the top wrestling writers in the country.

His disdain for the dynasties, however, is no secret. I'm sure he is reveling a bit in BECA maybe coming back to the pack this year, he probably giggled a bit at FCA getting waxed by Sem the other night and I'm sure he's rooting for whoever is wrestling Notre Dame GP next week. He may have a little bit of the hater in him.
The funny thing is, articles like this are just flat out stupidly and ignorantly wrong on their basic premise. Take any sport and you will find it was the great dynasties that in fact built the sport and create most of its enduring traditions.

Baseball - Yankees.
Football - bears.
Hockey - canadiens
Hoops - Celtics.

Hell, even wresting - ok state.


(The Bears only enduring tradition is having terrible QBs.)
You are correct that Brad is certainly no hack. He is certainly one of the top wrestling writers in the country.

His disdain for the dynasties, however, is no secret. I'm sure he is reveling a bit in BECA maybe coming back to the pack this year, he probably giggled a bit at FCA getting waxed by Sem the other night and I'm sure he's rooting for whoever is wrestling Notre Dame GP next week. He may have a little bit of the hater in him.
The guy comes across as a crybaby whining about PSU being too good? PSU’s run should be celebrated for how amazing it is what they are doing and not criticized.
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Actually, the writer is the beat writer for Lehigh Valley area for the Allentown Call-Chronicle (or at least was) and other publications and was awarded Amateur Wrestling News top wrestling writer award back in 2020, so he's not a hack or a hater, at least imo.

And he acknowledged it's not a popular opinion (nor very astute in my mind - the solution is for other programs to get better. And there's nothing wrong with inducing other programs to get better).
So it wasn't the "Lehigh newspaper"? What a shock.
Steen at 125
Kasak at 149
Cochran at 197.

All other weights the regular starters.
I kind of like the idea of Steen at 125 today. Let's give him a shot to see if he has moved up a level or two. Good to give Kasak and Cochran a shot too. No need to pile it on Lehigh and I like seeing guys who practice every day get a chance to wrestle in Rec Hall.
Actually, the writer is the beat writer for Lehigh Valley area for the Allentown Call-Chronicle (or at least was) and other publications and was awarded Amateur Wrestling News top wrestling writer award back in 2020, so he's not a hack or a hater, at least imo.

And he acknowledged it's not a popular opinion (nor very astute in my mind - the solution is for other programs to get better. And there's nothing wrong with inducing other programs to get better).
Wilson is a great wrestling writer and not afraid to speak his mind. He's similar to David Jones writing about Franklin and football team. Wilson has been devastated by health issues. The idea that he still goes to the gyms and cover wrestling speaks volumes of his passion for the sport.
Actually, the writer is the beat writer for Lehigh Valley area for the Allentown Call-Chronicle (or at least was) and other publications and was awarded Amateur Wrestling News top wrestling writer award back in 2020, so he's not a hack or a hater, at least imo.

And he acknowledged it's not a popular opinion (nor very astute in my mind - the solution is for other programs to get better. And there's nothing wrong with inducing other programs to get better).
I’ve seen him on social media. Let’s just say he’s not a fan of Penn State
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I liked the article. He calls Cael the best coach of our lifetimes, notes that the PSU wrestlers conduct themselves with class and that our wrestler's abilities take your breath away. He is certainly not bashing the program. He simply offers an opinion that he would like to see a more level playing field. That's his opinion, even if we disagree. It is good to have dialogue with differing opinions. The [Lehigh] writer certainly was more fair than a Lehigh woman who sat next to me at the Southern Scuffle around 4 or 5 years ago. She opposed EVERY PSU wrestler with criticisms and verbal barbs. There were several PSU fans in the area and it seemed she wanted all of us to know how much she hated the PSU program. When she departed for concessions or the bathroom, several of the people turned around and asked me what set her off. It certainly wasn't me. I rooted for all of the Lehigh wrestlers not pitted against PSU.