"Letter to My Younger Self" by Tim Shaw

We often say "Thanks for posting" when someone shares a link we will enjoy reading. In this case, I say "Thank you ... but wow was that tough to read". I'm so impressed by Tim's positive attitude and his willingness to share the perspective that comes from facing these huge challenges. We can all learn something from him.
I was just going to post this letter, but was sure probably someone else has gotten to it first. What a moving letter. I had one friend who was a national level powerlifter and another who is an anesthesiologist pass away from ALS. They both showed similar strength and insight as Tim. I pray I will never be challenged in this matter, but at least I am insightful enough to learn from their journeys. God Bless.
WOW. What a painful, rewarding read. It's also a reminder about life and what's really important in our day-to-day first-world problems.
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He's a courageous young man. Very moved after reading this. Good attitude in dealing with this and strong faith God probably is what is helping him deal with ALS in such a positive way.
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Really sad stuff for sure.

2008: Researchers found no significant link between ALS and exposure to most chemicals, including pesticides and herbicides. People who reported that they had regular exposure to formaldehyde, however, were 34 percent more likely to develop ALS than those with no exposure to formaldehyde.

"Although this finding could well be a chance observation, it merits further investigation, particularly because people with longer exposure to formaldehyde had a greater risk of developing ALS than those with shorter exposures," said study author Marc Weisskopf, PhD, of Harvard University in Boston. "People who reported 10 or more years of exposure were almost four times as likely to develop ALS as those with no exposure."

Weisskopf said the results are preliminary and more research needs to be done to test the results. "This finding was somewhat surprising because formaldehyde has not been raised as an issue in ALS before," he said.

Link: and

2016 Link:

"We are identifying these toxic, persistent, environmental pollutants in higher amounts in ALS patients compared to those who do not have ALS,"
said study co-author Dr. Stephen Goutman. He is an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Michigan and director of its ALS Clinic.

This new study doesn't prove pesticides cause ALS, but it does build on an association suggested in previous research, Goutman said. Scientists already suspect pesticides may contribute to Parkinson's disease, another neurodegenerative disorder.

Military service was also linked to a greater risk for developing ALS, but the investigators can't explain why.

2016 Link: 2016 Link:

There have been some other studies that link exposure to pesticides and herbicides as a possible cause of ALS however more studies and research are needed to confirm this. Don't take risks with your health. Eat USDA Organic if you can afford to (it will lessen daily exposure to these nasties but not eliminate them entirely). What good is money if you get this or Parkinsons, etc.? Eff that (unneeded) new car purchase, spend the $$$ on quality food instead!
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Wow, that is a heavy, but MUST read for all PSU fans! A good friend of mine died from ALS 5 years ago. I think of him and the horrible disease that took him every day.
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Thanks for sharing. Tim is much too young to suffer like this. I pray for healing, but also for peace. What a powerful message and inspiration for others. I sent this to my family members and all my Penn State family.
Damn. I wish I were as strong as Tim.
Cincy, you may be. I guess we don't know until such time as we're tested. I will say, though, after reading this as well as seeing others struggle with health issues, that I'm going to try to be a stronger person than I currently envision myself.