117 page document. I have no idea but the size of it tells me that it may be a ruse to try and wear Spanier and his team out.
117 page document. I have no idea but the size of it tells me that it may be a ruse to try and wear Spanier and his team out.
I have no idea but the size of it tells me that it may be a ruse to try and wear Spanier and his team out.
I fixed your typo.None of their strategies seem to work, eh?
Isn't the university paying the lawyer's fees for SS&C? If the university is, Spanky & gang don't need to default.If your guess is correct, PSU's lawyers/administrators are rather naive.
Well, Tom, their handling of the Sandusky victim settlements, the University's reimbursement claim against its insurer, and the McQueary case do not exactly inspire confidence.If your guess is correct, PSU's lawyers/administrators are rather naive.
Isn't the university paying the lawyer's fees for SS&C? If the university is, Spanky & gang don't need to default.
Thanks WeRI thought the same but in one of Spaniers arguments I could have sworn he said psu has refused to pay his legal bills at least to the extent he was promised in his contract
Isn't the university paying the lawyer's fees for SS&C? If the university is, Spanky & gang don't need to default.
Well, Tom, their handling of the Sandysky victim settlements, the University's reimbursement claim against its insurer, and the McQueary case do not exactly inspire confidence.
With regards to McQueary, I'm pretty sure that it was PSU's insurance company that called the shots, so I would separate that situation when condemning PSU's administration, general counsel, and outside counsel.
Agreed. But a costly and time consuming one.What's their end game with that strategy? It's a loser's proposition.
I think the reason Penn State wants a jury trial is that they saw the award the jury gave Mike McQueary and realize how polluted the jury pool is. Their rationale is that if they get a jury similar to what McQueary had there is no way they rule in favor of Spanier. I suspect they hope this case get adjudicated before the criminal case. I still believe the criminal case against Spanier, Curley, and Schultz will result in exoneration for all 3.
What's their end game with that strategy? It's a loser's proposition.
Their rationale is that if they get a jury similar to what McQueary had there is no way they rule in favor of Spanier.
I wish I was as comfortable about that possibility as you are. I hope you are right but juries have a way of surprising everyone.
117 page document. I have no idea but the size of it tells me that it may be a ruse to try and wear Spanier and his team out.
That would make sense. I am sure that Spanier's contract calls for some kind of morals clause. Looks to me like they are claming SpanierI thought the same but in one of Spaniers arguments I could have sworn he said psu has refused to pay his legal bills at least to the extent he was promised in his contract
After seeing what happened in McQueary's whistleblower lawsuit, I wouldn't be surprised if a jury found Spanier, Curley, and Schultz all guilty. That being said, there is zero evidence of a cover-up and tons of evidence that McQueary did not witness anything sexual in 2001 and did not report anything sexual in 2001. In addition, it seems like Spanier, Curley, and Schultz all have competent lawyers. I believe all 3 will be exonerated, hopefully sooner rather than later. It would be nice if the case was resolved in 2017, but it is far from clear that it will be.
Will these people never cease embarrassing themselves and Penn State?
They are just going to continue to pound home the message to the masses that CSS and Paterno were guilty, period. And nobody else.
That's the key point. Nobody else.
Well they have been wrong at every turn...what could possibly go wrong here.
What I don't get re: what PSU just filed and claimed: why is it on Spanier to provide briefings to PSU re: the JS investigation when all he knew is what he testified to in the GJ re: what C/S said to him in passing 10 years prior. Wasn't it Baldwin's job to keep the BOT apprised of what was going on with the investigation, etc.? If not then what the hell is a general council supposed to do? Spanier wasn't a lawyer and he shouldn't have been giving ANY legal briefings to the BOT IMO.
Plus we know from meeting minutes that Spanier/Baldwin DID meet with and brief the bot I think in may of 2011 so it's beyond me how they could claim they were left in the dark. That fact alone should get PSU's counter suit tossed immediately.
Wasn't it Baldwin who was telling people that the Sandusky investigation was a "fishing expedition"?What I don't get re: what PSU just filed and claimed: why is it on Spanier to provide briefings to PSU re: the JS investigation when all he knew is what he testified to in the GJ re: what C/S said to him in passing 10 years prior. Wasn't it Baldwin's job to keep the BOT apprised of what was going on with the investigation, etc.? If not then what the hell is a general council supposed to do? Spanier wasn't a lawyer and he shouldn't have been giving ANY legal briefings to the BOT IMO.
Plus we know from meeting minutes that Spanier/Baldwin DID meet with and brief the bot I think in may of 2011 so it's beyond me how they could claim they were left in the dark. That fact alone should get PSU's counter suit tossed immediately.
When the folks who built the dam continue to work - unfettered and unopposed - to strengthen the dam...........the chances of the dam breaking become smaller and smaller every day.This strategy may have worked for 5 years, but it can't last forever. The dam is going to break, hopefully sooner rather than later.
When the folks who built the dam continue to work - unfettered and unopposed - to strengthen the dam...........the chances of the dam breaking become smaller and smaller every day.
Unless and until there is SOMEONE.....ANYONE.....who will actually at least TRY to counter their efforts - - - - and chip away at the integrity of the dam - - - - its a pretty dismal outlook.