Masanosuke Ono

Shake hands. Poke your opponent in the eye, forcing him to take injury time. Select top when he returns from injury time. Easy!
This reminds me of a hypothetical strategy a former teammate and I used to joke around about:
(1) Go 0-25 during the regular season with all losses by illegal-hold or slam DQ, being sure to inflict major injury;
(2) Cakewalk through states to become champion (because you’re the only guy in the bracket).

We had been imbibing for a while when this ingenious idea was hatched.
And Penn State has comparatively high in-state tuition. Out of state tuition is silly high compared to other publics. (Yes, I know, "quasi-public"...)

The Pennsylvania State University is most definitely a "Public University" via it's Founding Charter and clearly stated "Mission" - it really is not debatable. PSU is among the 30 Universities listed in the well-known and seminal Book/Guide on the topic "The Public Ivies America's Flagship Public Universities" published by Greene's Guides.
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The Pennsylvania State University is most definitely a "Public University" via it's Founding Charter and clearly stated "Mission" - it really is not debatable. PSU is among the 30 Universities listed in the well-known and seminal Book/Guide on the topic "The Public Ivies America's Flagship Public Universities" published by Greene's Guides.

Right you are.

Here is a letter from the GC to Neeli Bendapudi six weeks ago. Tax exempt as an "essential government function".

Apparently it gets repeated ever year,