"Massive" Explosion in China

Wow, this is scary. This city has ~ 8 million people in it. The shockwave from this far away is incredible.

Wow --- that is insane.

I remember there was a large explosion at a propane farm in Toronto, Canada almost exactly 7 years ago, but the scale with today's incident looked like it was several times larger.

Oh my goodness, Felli was right!
It's all starting to make sense - too much sense! Felli is a true prophet. Bushwood misunderstands his obvious soothsaying abilities and refers to him as "idiot-boy." Most of us agree. A few are wise enough to detect his spark of genius. Felli is the misunderstood archetypical seer who is scorned and ridiculed by the mob. In in this case, we are the guilty, vulgar rabble. He's sort of like our Laocoön. This is awesome. We're witnessing greatness!
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It's all starting to make sense - too much sense! Felli is a true prophet. Bushwood misunderstands his obvious soothsaying abilities and refers to him as "idiot-boy." Most of us agree. A few are wise enough to detect his spark of genius. Felli is the misunderstood archetypical seer who is scorned and ridiculed by the mob, in this case we are the guilty vulgar rabble. He's sort of like our Laocoön. This is awesome. We're witnessing greatness!
I'm speechless.
IT had to be sometype of fuel or hazmat. Even a truck tanker explosion would not be that big.
It was petrol storage that exploded.

Did they have the gas under pressure or something? Even I also see where they are claiming 15 people are injured. I find that 15 count hard to believe and I think it was something other than gasoline.
Did they have the gas under pressure or something? Even I also see where they are claiming 15 people are injured. I find that 15 count hard to believe and I think it was something other than gasoline.

there were 15 people in the ER video at the end of that clip alone. That's not even close for an explosion that big. probably much closer to 1,500 or 15,000.
It's all starting to make sense - too much sense! Felli is a true prophet. Bushwood misunderstands his obvious soothsaying abilities and refers to him as "idiot-boy." Most of us agree. A few are wise enough to detect his spark of genius. Felli is the misunderstood archetypical seer who is scorned and ridiculed by the mob, in this case we are the guilty vulgar rabble. He's sort of like our Laocoön. This is awesome. We're witnessing greatness!
If its all the same to you I will wait for Nittany America to weigh in.
Seems like they are now reporting it was 'explosives', not fuel storage. Hmmmmmmm.

That is jaw-dropping. No other words necessary.

Rumors are of course rumors at this point .... but reading elsewhere (a conspiracy website that begins with a g, 16 letters, then .com) that a full 2 square miles may have been leveled by this explosion.

If that is true --- big if, of course --- this is a 2011 Japan EQ/tsunami-like event on the local level.

That video makes a rumor like that at least believable.
Wow, I have never heard God say anything. The next time he (she, it) speaks to you let me know what they say.

If there is a God, it likely speaks through the mysteries of the universe....Theory of Relativity, entangled particles and worm holes (e.g., hyper-speed that exceeds to speed of light - how's that possible, a "worm hole" is one possibility).....string theory (e.g., virtually anything is possible, it's just a question of probabilities, but there are so many "alternate universes" that no matter what the unlikely outcome it is happening here or in one of the infinite alternate universes).....the notion of "infinity".......or a "limit approaching zero", etc... In other words, these are rules, theories and concepts that the human mind is just not well-equipped to conceptualize or fathom largely because we don't have the base of knowledge to do so or understand the rules which stand behind them.

God may well speak to us everyday through the wondrous universe, but we may no hear "God", whatever that power is because we are to ignorant to understand, not because it is not happening right in front of our eyes. The problem with anti-God/Creator demagogues like yourself is that you insist upon "anthropomorphizing" God, but that is silly because if there is a God, he is no human and would relegate any mere human to insignificance to the power of infinity -- IOW, your arrogance in believing that you would be able to understand God if that powerful force existed is amusing in its arrogance and hubris.
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If there is a God, it likely speaks through the mysteries of the universe....Theory of Relativity, entangled particles and worm holes (e.g., hyper-speed that exceeds to speed of light - how's that possible, a "worm hole" is one possibility).....string theory (e.g., virtually anything is possible, it's just a question of probabilities, but there are so many "alternate universes" that no matter what the unlikely outcome it is happening here or in one of the infinite alternate universes).....the notion of "infinity".......or a "limit approaching zero", etc... In other words, these are rules, theories and concepts that the human mind is just not well-equipped to conceptualize or fathom largely because we don't have the base of knowledge to do so or understand the rules which stand behind them.

God may well speak to us everyday through the wondrous universe, but we may no hear "God", whatever that power is because we are to ignorant to understand, not because it is not happening right in front of our eyes. The problem with anti-God/Creator demagogues like yourself is that you insist upon "anthropomorphizing" God, but that is silly because if there is a God, he is no human and would relegate any mere human to insignificance to the power of infinity -- IOW, your arrogance in believing that you would be able to understand God if that powerful force existed is amusing in its arrogance and hubris.

God speaks through the bible.
God speaks through the bible.
Which version? I take my Red letter KJV (given to me in 1972 while in Sunday school) with me every Sunday to church but my preacher uses the Revised Standard Edition. Both translate quite a bit differently. I have a friend that passed away 10 years ago, and 6 months before he passed (cancer), he jumped into the New Testament in the Original Greek and told me it was again different. Not trying to stir up trouble, but just trying to find out the correct word
Which version? I take my Red letter KJV (given to me in 1972 while in Sunday school) with me every Sunday to church but my preacher uses the Revised Standard Edition. Both translate quite a bit differently. I have a friend that passed away 10 years ago, and 6 months before he passed (cancer), he jumped into the New Testament in the Original Greek and told me it was again different. Not trying to stir up trouble, but just trying to find out the correct word

Whichever version Paul Washer uses is likely the correct version. But I've never searched this out.
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photos are incredible.

If there is a God, it likely speaks through the mysteries of the universe....Theory of Relativity, entangled particles and worm holes (e.g., hyper-speed that exceeds to speed of light - how's that possible, a "worm hole" is one possibility).....string theory (e.g., virtually anything is possible, it's just a question of probabilities, but there are so many "alternate universes" that no matter what the unlikely outcome it is happening here or in one of the infinite alternate universes).....the notion of "infinity".......or a "limit approaching zero", etc... In other words, these are rules, theories and concepts that the human mind is just not well-equipped to conceptualize or fathom largely because we don't have the base of knowledge to do so or understand the rules which stand behind them.

God may well speak to us everyday through the wondrous universe, but we may no hear "God", whatever that power is because we are to ignorant to understand, not because it is not happening right in front of our eyes. The problem with anti-God/Creator demagogues like yourself is that you insist upon "anthropomorphizing" God, but that is silly because if there is a God, he is no human and would relegate any mere human to insignificance to the power of infinity -- IOW, your arrogance in believing that you would be able to understand God if that powerful force existed is amusing in its arrogance and hubris.

Just another part of the problem, people like you are. Changing things up as you go. Neil deGrasse Tyson was correct about your type and your God Of The Gaps: Whatever we still don't know, it must be a God.

And, of course, you're correct. He is, after all YOUR God
Just another part of the problem, people like you are. Changing things up as you go. Neil deGrasse Tyson was correct about your type and your God Of The Gaps: Whatever we still don't know, it must be a God.

And, of course, you're correct. He is, after all YOUR God
You two guys should get a room - a debating room that is. I'd attend. Maybe we can set something up at UP on one of the home game weekends.:D
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God speaks through the bible.

The God who insisted breaking one commandment to enforce another? You know, stoning an adulterer to death (Thou shall not kill) to enforce Adultery (Thou shall not commit Adultery).

Some God you gOT there pal

Now, I want you to write a 10 page paper, APA, on what makes MORE sense. God took a day off and commanded his people to do the same OR people fought and argued what exactly is a work week (like we STILL do today). Did God really want people to work 6 days a week OR did the powers that be decide that workers deserve ONE day off and enforced their rule by tieing it into religion. Lest we forget, there werent any police or courts of law to enforce their rules. Not to mention, people had a 3rd graders understanding of the world and couldn't read or write.

Submit your paper to BWI and I will grade it.
I've been to Tianjin for work in the late 90's early 2000's. I wonder if my old company still sources castings/forgings from there...
Wow, this is scary. This city has ~ 8 million people in it. The shockwave from this far away is incredible.
Spent some time in some ways it's a Chinese "back-in-the-day" Detroit...major industrial area, many warehouses throughout the city, etc. Not surprising a blast like this would occur there.