But if he was "Released Without Charges", there wouldn't have been anything for the press to report, no? He was "Released Without Charges" either at the scene or from the police station (I'm not sure which - it is another poster who said he was arrested and taken to Station), but again, definitely "Released Without Charges" that night as a warrant and Formal Charges were not processed until yesterday.
Seems crazy that he was "Released Without Charges" the night of the incident - do you think that's unusual?
Extremely unusual since the article states that he was Arrested, taken to the police station and processed which generally refers to fingerprints/photograph, etc. That technically is an Arrest. Who knows, maybe they contacted the DA at 2:00AM - 3:00AM and was told to ROR him until the case is reviewed.
Why would a 6-3, 337 lb individual need a gun out late at night. Where was he going which made him think he needed a firearm?
Remember the Bama players a few years back sitting in a park in Louisiana smoking dope and each had a hand gun on them, one of which was stolen? The DA dropped the charges because he felt the players "were sweating in the heat of a football field while he was sitting in his A/C Office." That's justice for some who are connected. You try it and see what happens.