Tal. You can't be serious. I'm starting to think you may be a newbe to this case. I'm not going to type ALL of Mike's testimony where he explains this, but I will type the relevant parts. Then I will link you to his trial testimony where you can read his entire testimony. IN SHORT, with some skipping of lines, this is what he testifies to in 2012:
[McQueary: "I see in the mirror Coach Sandusky standing behind a boy who is propped up against the shower. The showers are running, and he is right up against his back with his front. The boy's hands are up on the wall.
I thought maybe I wasn't seeing what I was seeing and looked directly into the shower at that angle and again saw what I explained, Coach Sandusky standing right up against the back of the young boy with the boy's hands up on the shower wall, coach Sandusky's arms wrapped around the boy's midsection in the very, very, very -- the closest proximity that I think you could be in, extremely alarmed, extremely flustered, extremely shocked, all those things.
Q: Was there any --
A: Subtle movement.
Q: -- any movement?
A: I would say very subtle movement, but yes.
Q: Okay. Well, on whose part, the little boy's or the defendant's or both?
A: The defendant's.
Q: What part of his body is moving?
A: The midsection. ]
If you don't think this isn't a 180 degree difference from what he told Dranov he saw ten years earlier, the very night of the incident, then you're crazy. What he told Dranov he saw wouldn't raise any pedophile flags back in 2001. At least not to me.
We all knew he worked with kids back then, and I have taken many late night showers in the locker rooms myself after games and workouts. Taking a late night shower after a workout or game was never a big deal. McQueary told Dranov the kid was not upset or frightened. Check. All he saw of Sandusky was his arm when he pulled the kid back into the shower, and then Sandusky walk out of the shower. OK. Again. No big deal. Knowing that Sandusky's job involved fostering children with the Second Mile, I just have you tell Joe in the morning.
Now, if you tell me what you testified to ten years later, in 2012, we are talking about an ENTIRELY different ballgame. Then we call the cops. I call that a 180 degree change of story.
Here is the link. You will find the relevant testimony embedded in testimony between pages 193 to 197 I believe.
http://co.centre.pa.us/centreco/media/upload/sandusky_061212_ JT.pdf