Jesus, this is sick stuff. The equivalent of "wear swim trunks". Continued to be employed by UM for the next 14 years.
ANN ARBOR, MI - A University of Michigan doctor has lost his medical license and his job as the state investigates claims he was intimate with a patient while at work, according to an administrative complaint filed by the state.
Attorney General Bill Schuette filed the complaint in late December against Dr. Mark F. Hoeltzel, who had worked in UM's Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic in Ann Arbor.
The complaint also alleges that in 2004,
Hoeltzel exchanged emails and online messages with an 11-year-old patient he met at a UM Arthritis Camp where he was serving as a doctor.
The two exchanged messages from 2004 to 2006.
Some of Hoeltzel's messages were "flirtatious and suggestive," the complaint states. The girl's mother reported the messages to the Arthritis Foundation that was responsible for the camp, leading to a meeting between UM and the foundation in which the conduct was addressed with Hoeltzel, the complaint states.
Hoeltzel admitted some of the messages were flirtatious and constituted "a major lapse in professional judgment," the complaint states. As a result, UM required Hoeltzel to undergo a "boundaries course."
Hoeltzel graduated from UM Medical School in 2001.