Michigan fans, feel free to chime in

What was that the Fla players were doing? Was that directed at hairball?

Proving they can somehow show less class than Harbaugh.

I get heat of the moment celebrations, trash talk during games, even pregame theatrics even though I hate all that stuff. But purposely mocking a coach to his face, after a game that's been out of reach for a long time, during a postgame handshake is just a different level of straight up trash and bad sportsmanship,

I despise Harbaugh but that was a new low. I'd hope UF addresses it, publicly. It appears the UF fan base thinks it's wonderful.
I saw their defense doing that same routine during the game so I don’t think it was directed at Harbaugh. Probably some SEC nonsense.
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UM is a sinking ship. Nordin just got booted from the team because he called Harbaugh a mother f’er to his face. Allegations of racism by an assistant coach, Harbaugh lying to star recruits about playing time. Is wolve72 a troll account? OSU isnt going anywhere and certainly doesnt fear a team that beat it 1x in the last 15 years.
UM is a sinking ship. Nordin just got booted from the team because he called Harbaugh a mother f’er to his face. Allegations of racism by an assistant coach, Harbaugh lying to star recruits about playing time. Is wolve72 a troll account? OSU isnt going anywhere and certainly doesnt fear a team that beat it 1x in the last 15 years.
Is that true about nordin?

Gregg Henson is a grade A douchebag, an awful human being with a proven history of being unable to hold a job. God only knows what market he is working in these days. It certainly isn't Detroit, he's burned all his bridges there.

But he definitely has his sources. He's had inside stories on U-M over the years that have been right, scoops he has had before others.

If I had to bet $500, I'd bet that he is spot on correct on the Quinn Nordin story.
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