MSU: Nassar deserved criminal penalties, but we can't be held liable for his sexual assaults
David Jesse, Detroit Free Press
Aug. 27, 2019
Among the arguments made by MSU's lawyers:
Full story is worth the read in the Detroit Free Press:
David Jesse, Detroit Free Press
Aug. 27, 2019
Among the arguments made by MSU's lawyers:
- Because none of the Nassar survivors who are suing made reports to the right person at MSU, MSU can't be held liable for anything that happened because MSU didn't know about Nassar enough to stop anything from happening.
- Nobody at MSU knew of a “'widespread pattern of constitutional violations by Nassar such that their action or inaction could amount to tacit authorization or deliberate indifference to sexual abuse."
- Because more than a dozen of the survivors were claiming to be assaulted away from MSU's campus, MSU can't be held responsible for Nassar's actions in those circumstances. "Title IX imposes liability on a school only when the school exercises substantial control over both the harasser and the context in which the known harassment occurs. These failures (in the surivivors' legal arguments) are particularly stark to the extent Plaintiffs’ claims are based on a purported failure to supervise Nassar at non-MSU locations or his personal residence."
- MSU can't be held liable for anything Nassar did when he was working for USA Gymnastics or Twistars, a local gymnastics club.
- "Plaintiffs also have not alleged that MSU did anything to create or increase the danger, other than allowing Nassar continued contact with patients and opportunities for abuse. Thus, allegations that the state failed to act and left children in the same perilous position they had always been in — no more or no less vulnerable than they had always been — still do not establish a state-created danger."
Full story is worth the read in the Detroit Free Press: