Michigan St: Nassar deserved criminal penalties, but we can't be held liable for his sexual assaults

Not only did/does Mich. State not have an icon the level of Paterno to drag into this specific mess, they also did not have their version of Surma and Suhey who had an unhealthy level of hatred toward the icon and wanted their vengeance.

Surma because Joe did not raise his nephew the way Vic Surma expected him to (!!!), and Suhey because Joe did not give his son the playing time he had not merited based on the practice field (also !!!). In other words, no matter how bad the MSU BOT may have been or still is, their level of pettiness does not reach down to the level of pettiness ours did!

Yet another proud moment in the lives of the Nov. 2011 PSU OGBOT. Hubris then, hubris now that prevents them from making the statements that could potentially go a long way in resolving this chasm between PSU and so many of her alumni and fans.
Not only did/does Mich. State not have an icon the level of Paterno to drag into this specific mess, they also did not have their version of Surma and Suhey who had an unhealthy level of hatred toward the icon and wanted their vengeance.

Surma because Joe did not raise his nephew the way Vic Surma expected him to (!!!), and Suhey because Joe did not give his son the playing time he had not merited based on the practice field (also !!!). In other words, no matter how bad the MSU BOT may have been or still is, their level of pettiness does not reach down to the level of pettiness ours did!

Yet another proud moment in the lives of the Nov. 2011 PSU OGBOT. Hubris then, hubris now that prevents them from making the statements that could potentially go a long way in resolving this chasm between PSU and so many of her alumni and fans.
I was just looking at the 2004/2005 rosters and saw Surma's name. May he RIP. I was thinking he must not have been all that good to not crack the 2004 lineup at receiver. I feel bad for the kid having a father/uncle like that.
I think it's due to a combination of Penn State's reputation and we were basically the first scandal like this.
Now there's a playbook on how to handle these cases.

with the field I work in I whole hardheartedly disagree. a gun to my head with a hairpin trigger would not change it. Do what you say have effects. Yes they do.

But the words "force-able anal rape of a boy" go further with american minds than "doctor digitally penetrating gymnasts" because a large portion hear/see gymnast and their mind goes to good looking female.

Michigan State is literally victim blaming in the 2019 cancel culture. Think about that and receiving essentially no backlash. They can't handle it worst but really people don't care.
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with the field I work in I whole hardheartedly disagree. a gun to my head with a hairpin trigger would not change it. Do what you say have effects. Yes they do.

But the words "force-able anal rape of a boy" go further with american minds than "doctor digitally penetrating gymnasts" because a large portion hear/see gymnast and their mind goes to good looking female.

Michigan State is literally victim blaming in the 2019 cancel culture. Think about that and receiving essentially no backlash. They can't handle it worst but really people don't care.
Eight years ago was a long time ago.
with the field I work in I whole hardheartedly disagree. a gun to my head with a hairpin trigger would not change it. Do what you say have effects. Yes they do.

But the words "force-able anal rape of a boy" go further with american minds than "doctor digitally penetrating gymnasts" because a large portion hear/see gymnast and their mind goes to good looking female.

Michigan State is literally victim blaming in the 2019 cancel culture. Think about that and receiving essentially no backlash. They can't handle it worst but really people don't care.

You are right about the “anal rape” lie being responsible for much of the moral panic. If the allegations were simply inappropriate touching, which was reported in March of that year, I bet things turn out way different.
with the field I work in I whole hardheartedly disagree. a gun to my head with a hairpin trigger would not change it. Do what you say have effects. Yes they do.

But the words "force-able anal rape of a boy" go further with american minds than "doctor digitally penetrating gymnasts" because a large portion hear/see gymnast and their mind goes to good looking female.

Michigan State is literally victim blaming in the 2019 cancel culture. Think about that and receiving essentially no backlash. They can't handle it worst but really people don't care.
Actually I believe this assertion is crap. If I heard forcible anal rape to my son or digitally penetrate my daughter , my response would be to gut both like a deer.
You are right about the “anal rape” lie being responsible for much of the moral panic. If the allegations were simply inappropriate touching, which was reported in March of that year, I bet things turn out way different.
Bullshit, I hear you inappropriately touch my kid I'd do the same as anal rape.
Gut you like a deer.
Bullshit, I hear you inappropriately touch my kid I'd do the same as anal rape.
Gut you like a deer.

You’re missing the point. Consider the two scenarios. One is the truth, one is what was reported. Are you saying the fan and media reaction would be the same regardless?

1) Jerry Sandusky anally raped a 10 year old boy and it was witnessed by Mike McQueary. There were 7 other victims (so far) as well.

2) A handful of young men, mostly struggling financially and mostly with criminal records, accused Jerry Sandusky of molesting them as teenagers after meeting with lawyers and/or receiving rather suspicious psychological therapy. This is despite the fact that almost all of these masculine, heterosexual men were friends with Jerry as adults not long before.
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MSU: Nassar deserved criminal penalties, but we can't be held liable for his sexual assaults
David Jesse, Detroit Free Press
Aug. 27, 2019

Among the arguments made by MSU's lawyers:

  • Because none of the Nassar survivors who are suing made reports to the right person at MSU, MSU can't be held liable for anything that happened because MSU didn't know about Nassar enough to stop anything from happening.
  • Nobody at MSU knew of a “'widespread pattern of constitutional violations by Nassar such that their action or inaction could amount to tacit authorization or deliberate indifference to sexual abuse."
  • Because more than a dozen of the survivors were claiming to be assaulted away from MSU's campus, MSU can't be held responsible for Nassar's actions in those circumstances. "Title IX imposes liability on a school only when the school exercises substantial control over both the harasser and the context in which the known harassment occurs. These failures (in the surivivors' legal arguments) are particularly stark to the extent Plaintiffs’ claims are based on a purported failure to supervise Nassar at non-MSU locations or his personal residence."
  • MSU can't be held liable for anything Nassar did when he was working for USA Gymnastics or Twistars, a local gymnastics club.
  • "Plaintiffs also have not alleged that MSU did anything to create or increase the danger, other than allowing Nassar continued contact with patients and opportunities for abuse. Thus, allegations that the state failed to act and left children in the same perilous position they had always been in — no more or no less vulnerable than they had always been — still do not establish a state-created danger."

Full story is worth the read in the Detroit Free Press:

Big Ten should return our money.
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My point is there’s absolutely no evidence that any Sandusky accusers were being paid off to not come forward. I don’t know why you are arguing otherwise. If it turns out there really was a BOT or TSM cover up, it’s not going to make Joe Paterno and PSU look better, it will actually make him look even worse.

you lost me on that one - how the heck could anything make Joe look worse than they made him look now?!

unfortunately for everyone, Joe should be the one person that was lifted up in this debacle - but that wouldn’t fit the predetermined narrative